32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for lgbagabuyo

[code] public class Book { String title; boolean borrowed; public Book(String bookTitle) { } public void borrowed() { } public void returned() { } public boolean isBorrowed() { } public String getTitle() { } public static void main(String[] arguments) { Book myBook = new Book("Da Vinci"); myBook.name = "The Da …

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Member Avatar for regogo

Hi guys ive been working on this mini pokedex program. unfortunately im having a little problem. Im so sleepy right now and I think i need help. [CODE]/* Program Description: a mini pokedex */ import java.util.Scanner; public class Pokedex { public static void printOptions () { System.out.println(" POKEDEX ver 1.0 …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for Pancakeprogram

for a gridworld program. i basically need to check a random grid cell, see if anything is there, then transport an actor to that location. I think the method i have to use is get(location) to check or something. But I dont know how to use it.

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for hadeelh30

[CODE]package ch07_auxiliaryclasses.taxcalculator; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class UPApp extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JButton displayadvice = new JButton("Displayadvice"); JSpinner ucasPointSp = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(0,0,180,10)); JRadioButton Degree = new JRadioButton("Degree", true); JRadioButton FoundationDegree = new JRadioButton("Foundation Degree", false); ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); JButton doneBtn = new JButton("DisplayAdvice"); …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

I am working on j2se bluetooth program which acceps connection from clients or (bluetooth devices). I encountered an runtime exception in my application which says UnsatisfiedLinkError. I googled about it but thought posting here might get an detailed explanation & solution.. The error goes like this.. [CODE]Exception in thread "main" …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Prisms

Whats up everyone I have a question, but first of all I know how to read a file, write to it and all that good stuff I was wondering how do I manipulate data from one. I want to take this .txt file and compute the gpa by taking the …

Member Avatar for Prisms
Member Avatar for DJSAN10

I am working with Java RMI. I have created my client in netbeans. After failing to use rmic in netbeans i created stub file using rmic on command prompt and placed the file in my project folder's build\classes directory.Now when i run the server from command prompt, binding takes place …

Member Avatar for rayden150

I cant seem to save these data correctly I have mainly doubles and strings, I am saving these in a .txt file called "autosAudi.txt", I get these weird codes and boxes and sometimes for whatever reason Chinese in my textfields? Here is a example of what appears: [url]http://www.flickr.com/photos/63259070@N06/6449175293[/url] as you …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for David321

I'm supposed to be making an inventory program with a logo. I can get the inventory part working fine in a jframe, and I can get the logo working fine in jpanel, but if I combine them it starts acting really weird. Every time I click a button, it generates …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Unsated

Hi everyone i have this simple banking program here and i was hoping someone could help me jazz it up.. Something simple like making it easier to use or making it look better. Just trying to go beyond what was asked for.. [CODE] import javax.swing.JOptionPane; class MiniLab5z { public static …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for oldezwe

I do not know how to do this and can not find how on google. I want to add code to my action listener to disable a jButton after it is clicked an then enable it again after x amount of time. anyone know how to do this?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for persianprez

So here is what I'm trying to do: I have a file with a list of ip addresses eg.( I have two arrays; ip and port, what I want to do is break the address and place the parts into the arrays. so would go into the ip array …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Joey_Brown

Hello; Is there a way in java to create a flip card effect. I have two pictures, that are to form a double sided card. Ive come with a way to snapshot them in different angles and finally iterate through them in a loop. Its not very good :) Is …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for efronefron

Server Code [CODE]import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; /** * * @author efron */ public class Server { public static void main(String[] args) { try { ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Integer.parseInt("49999")); System.out.println(serverSocket.getLocalPort()); while (true) { System.out.println("Waiting for Client...(port = " + 49999 + ")"); Socket acceptSocket = serverSocket.accept(); …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for pbracing33b

Hello Dani-Web participants, I have an problem, I currently have simulation that runs fine in console, and now our teacher wants us to put it into a GUI type format. The problem that I am having is that the cancel button and close (X) button does not work what so …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for km2011

Dear all sir, i'm a begining of java and i have a problem to write the equation in java code , i want to make it in for loop and i also want to count it by column.how do i do? please me!!! example: f[1][1]=5.4; f[2][1]=5.0; f[3][1]=1.5; k[1][1]=|f[1][1]-f[2][1]|+|f[1][1]-f[3][1]-|; k[2][1]=|f[2][1]-f[1][1]|+|f[2][1]-f[3][1]-|; k[3][1]=|f[3][1]-f[1][1]|+|f[3][1]-f[2][1]-|;

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for hadeelh30

Hi can you help me please to Write a java class which prompts the user for an hourly rate (a double). The program should then calculate the wages for a 40 hour week using a while loop to count the hours and adding the hourly rate each time to the …

Member Avatar for pro_learner
Member Avatar for oldezwe

i am using java, how do i get the database to tell me how many elements are in it and save that as an integer

Member Avatar for techsheaven
Member Avatar for mhariharasudan

Hi, I am a new Java Programmer.could you help me in resolving this. I am trying to created a JPanel withing a main JPanel. For the nested one, i have included Grid Layout and i am trying to add components to it dynamically. i.e i have added a combo box …

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Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Before you read this, please don't say how I could make this better, I've thought of it, or because of the circumstances, it's not possible. I'm having a problem where when I input a command into the Runtime class's exec function, it doesn't run. When I try the exact same …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for umsungun

import javax.swing.*; class ch9reverse{ public static void main (String [] args){ int Character, count = 0; char letter; String Str; Str = "The gate to Java nirvana is near"; [COLOR="Green"]For this must print out the "ehT etag ot avaJ anavrin si raen[/COLOR] Character = Str.length(); System.out.print(reverseString(Str));

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for Prisms

Hey guys I have this code snippet and I want to read from this file and print the contents of my text file (Transcript.txt) to the screen. I don't have any errors but when I run the program it prints "Display it to the standard output" instead of whats on …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for hfx642

[B][I]This it only for people who are running a DUAL Monitor system.[/I][/B] I wrote a sample program to display what occurs. No matter which button I click on (Primary Display OR Secondary Display), the JOptionPane will pop up on the Primary Display. What I would like to happen is... If …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for Danielhuo

I am writing a program that has a few requirements. Here is what it looks like the picture that I attached. [B][COLOR="red"]The first button is used to add (append) a record to a text file containing MP3 records.[/COLOR][/B] When an MP3 is added to the file, all text fields should …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for ilovejava

my objective is to implement an Java to HTML syntax highlighter. The program should works like this 1) It reads in any .java source code file 2) It parses the file for keywords, strings, numbers, etc. 3) It outputs HTML markup of the source code 4) When you open the …

Member Avatar for ilovejava
Member Avatar for sleepybug

I'm trying to do some socket programming in java. what i have is, i've written this program to create a server and client on my local machine and make separate two threads for socket input and out put in [B]Se.java[/B] file. Similarly two separate threads for socket input and output …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for asif49

I have to complete a project about employees and their jobs. The requirements include: Setting multiple jobs for an employee etc. etc. Two of the obvious classes I have for this are the Employee and Job class which hold individual employees and work like this: [CODE] private Employee[] e = …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nickliutw

I'm currently working on a program which is pig Latin. It allows a user enter a sentence. The program would take the user input and change every word in to pig latin which it takes the first character of a word and add it to end of word with "ay". …

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Member Avatar for manugm_1987

Hello everyone, I am very new to asp.net and asp.net mvc as well. I am stuck with the following problem please help. I have the following javascript [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var allMarks = []; google.load("maps", "2"); var geocoder; var lat; function initialize() { var map = new google.maps.Map2(document.getElementById("map")); map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), …

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Member Avatar for xDancinPoptartx

I am making an webpage where you get two random photos and you click using the arrow keys which one you like best and that one stays and goes on the versus the next random photo. I got it so far when you start the page it sets two random …

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The End.