32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Gekke11

Hi, can anyone help me? I am having trouble with an application I have to make, but I recently started with Java, so I am not very good at it. For your information, it is an application, made with JCreator. At lines: 21, 26 ,31 and 36 it states that …

Member Avatar for tha_ratl
Member Avatar for anna030208

please help me to make a simple payroll application using java programs..please. tnx..in advance..God bless...

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for fox07

Convert Number to Words Kindly Help me Explain this Line of Codes. Line by Line if possible. It was given to me by my friend. Hoping for Some Help. Thank you very much. [CODE] import java.util.Scanner; public class WordNumber{ public static void main(String[]args){ for(int i = 0; i < 20; …

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for sbhavan

I have developed an applicatio using RMI to broad cast some messages to the clients from the server. When we send message from the server it will be displayed in the clients in a message box. But the displayed message box is behind all other active windows, and the client …

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for ZER09

i am a newbe in java can you help about this thig. How to create a class inside a class in net beans? pls help me

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for bkvijay

I want to know how can we read the texts that are in a webpage and store it in a file in our local disk. i want to read the text line by line and store it in the text file in my local disk. can anyone help me???

Member Avatar for muthu_tek
Member Avatar for srinivasaprasad

please can any one help and give some porcedure in develping of an messenger. i what to develop an integrated messenger so i have to staus of different messenges users login status is their any apis for this .if please give me some information

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for jrosh
Member Avatar for demi88

Hi to all! i need help for my program i need to read and write csv file this will be the input in my csv file folder assigned letter depth \a m 0 \b n 0 \b\c n 1 \b\c\d o 2 \b\c\d\e p 3 \b\c\d\e\f n 4 \b\g n …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for carsein

Hello...I have question about thread. Why we have to dispose our thread? What happened if we don't do it? Can I only dispose() method to dispose my thread? Thanx:)

Member Avatar for carsein
Member Avatar for DeepaKannan

Hi, I want to generate Jasper Report.I'm using the following jar as 1)classes12 2)commons-beanutils-1.5 3)commons-collections-2.1 4)commons-digester-1.7 5)commons-logging-1.0.2 6)jasperreports-1.2.1 I used JDK1.5 ..I successfully Generate the Report but while client side they faces the following exception as java.io.FileNotFoundException: F:\MBSWorkspace\JasperReport\Sample_1252478220359_232342.class (The system cannot find the file specified) at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown …

Member Avatar for sbhavan

Hi, Everybody, I have to write program to validate the form fields in java to validate in server side. For that I have a form base validater and in that validater is will use the generic validators like StringValidator, NumericValidator, etc. to validate the values retrieved from the form. And …

Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, I am getting this error:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun:jdbc:odbc:JdbcOdbcDriver . when i run my jsp code [code=java] <html> <head><title>registration page</title></head> <body> <%@ page import="javax.sql.*,java.sql.*,javax.servlet.*,javax.servlet.http.*"%> <%! String firstname1;String lastname1;String email1;String address1; String state1; String password1; int phno1;String cpassword1;%> <% String firstname1 = request.getParameter("fname"); %> <% String lastname1 = request.getParameter("lname"); %> <% String …

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Member Avatar for dmonopoly10

I don't understand what this code does. I really just want an explanation for the part between the /**********************************/ /**********************************/ It was predominantly found at the following site: [url]http://www.ch-werner.de/javasqlite/[/url] (the actually code is in the 'test program' link at this site). You'll notice parts are different because I edited/added parts. …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Whilliam

Hello. I'm trying to make a calculator with JFrame. I'm only gonna make the appearance of the calculator (not functioning). The numbers and operators are supposed to be arranged this way: 7 8 9 + 4 5 6 - 1 2 3 x # 0 * / however, I only …

Member Avatar for Whilliam
Member Avatar for rainny

I wish to develop a program which used to play the sound file. The problem I face now is I wish can play the sound file when select the userID from mysql database. For example, when I select one of the userID from combobox, then the sound file can automatically …

Member Avatar for rainny
Member Avatar for Moirae

Hello everyone! I'm working on a project in C# and I have program already written in Java some time ago. I've worked with JToggleButton and have this setSelected method that can be set to true/false. Can someone explain me what this function does because I'm affraid that I will have …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for dhriti22

I wanna make a block of jsp page as a public . I have a local ip for the server and people inside the local group can access this. All I need is I want to access some information publicly. I can give public ip to the website and do …

Member Avatar for msi_333
Member Avatar for Pro01

Hey not sure if your still active on this forum but i was wondering if you could help me out i am currently in development of my own puyo puyo game and i could use some help if you can please reply back thanks.

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Member Avatar for b89smith

I tried compiling my java program and it gave me the following error: Note: DnldURL.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. What does this mean?

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for Majestics

I am giving this title so most of you attract towards this thread. I actually want to know is there any way to link mfc created programe with java . As all the programmers know that mfc contain a lot of files some time static linkage and some time dynamic …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for gunjannigam

I want to add a splash screen to my application. The problem is that whatever splashscreen I have seen on net are basically extending JWindow/JFrame and My application extends JPanel. Now Due to this I am not able to display my application after SplacshScreen is complete.

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for rp_prasanna

I wanted to validate some values using Javscript. My senario is like this: i have a variable something like this "$[LANGCOD] $[PHONENO] $[CARDNO] " In the text box i may give like this $[sdfssf] now i sholud check if the text box value sequence is present in the above string. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for bonaviam
Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for jrosh

How to add scrolbars to a panel... i dnt wanna use a scroll pane....jst add scrol bars to the Jpanel.....Is it possible...? IF NOT let me knw how to some text with scrol bars..

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jrosh

i added Jcheckboxes to a jpanel. They can't be aligned vertically. They always appear horizontaly or vertically with very large spaces between them. How can i allign them as i want....(with out using netbeans)

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for aru211285

Hi everyone, I wrote the below small code to run one command line argument in my program but somehow couldnt understand how to store or retrieve the output generated by that command line.So i would be very thankful if someone helps me with this. Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pr …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for SSagar

Hi, I have a table with JButton for browse and a JTextField to display the selected file. How can I set the selected file to the text field in JTable? when one more button "Add"(not part of table) is clicked, a new row should be added to that table and …

Member Avatar for treyd

I have an assignment that I dont know where to begin. If someone could guide me along I would much appreciate it! Thanks alot. Write a method public static int[] avgRows(int[][] a) {} This method takes a 2-dimensional array as input and returns an array containing the averages of each …

Member Avatar for treyd
Member Avatar for rrspen316

What I would like to do is to add a dropdown menu instead of having the buttons for the three loans. I tried a few different things but just cannot figure out how to do this and get it to work. Please can someone help? Here is my code with …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

The End.