32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for sdragon

Hi Everyone, I'm new here and also new in using Java. I want to make an iterator without using the default methods hasNext, hasPrevious. Here is what I've already done using the default methods: [CODE]import java.util.*; public class HomeIterator{ public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 0; ArrayList …

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Member Avatar for eLu-sive

hi, please help me debug this, i am trying to add one row from one table to another at the same delete it from the table i am getting it from. (cut and paste kinda thing). Only one part works, i can only copy and not delete. [CODE] int recordAffected …

Member Avatar for eLu-sive
Member Avatar for javaNooblet

Hi all, If I write a java program inside of eclipse, how can I run that program outside of it, rather than just hitting the run button in eclipse. So, I can give others the program to run on their computers. Thanks!

Member Avatar for javaNooblet
Member Avatar for mbrcarnation

Hi everyone, I'm working on a project for my computer science class and we're supposed to make a java applet game. I'm not very far in the game quite yet, but I'm trying to make sure that the mouseListener and the rectangles work before I continue on with the game. …

Member Avatar for emmas4impact
Member Avatar for emmas4impact

Hi everyone, i'm trying to make a sound each time a ball touches the lift and right of a frame but when i use clip and try to use the sound class it sound from right then left the in middle and then stop. i Can really use some help. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for javaNooblet

Hi All, I am currently trying to figure out to finish this project. Below is my code that I have so far. There are some blank methods that I am not sure where to even begin on how to complete them. I have a description of what the methods should …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for branflake

I was working on some code to produce a 10 x 10 multiplication table with equal tabbing and spacing between rows. I can't seem to get more than one column on my table though. I did some other research but wasn't able to find a helpful answer. Any help is …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for bradyramone

Is it possible to get a user's mac address when he visits my website through a JApplet?

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for fausto1234

I have to write a program that takes the smallest number from a list of numbers and puts it on the first position. [CODE]public static void minToFront (ArrayList<Integer> minInteger) { int result = 0; int min = minInteger.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < minInteger.size(); i++) { if (minInteger.get(i)< …

Member Avatar for CSloan7597
Member Avatar for hatebin

Hi, I'm trying to write a program in Java to send AT commands to my mobile and recive information via BlueT from it. I've already got a program to search and fide blueT Devices, and thats how i receve: 1.name of device 2.blueTooth Adress How to use this two things …

Member Avatar for hatebin
Member Avatar for dennysimon

hello all when I do javac ,I often warn to use -Xlint ,and then the result has one or more warning. As example I attach the javac's result below.The question is how to eliminate warning thank you denny C:\LJava>javac -Xlint -d build src\KwitansiJava04.java warning: [path] bad path element "%classpath%": no …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for lele07060

This is saying that the sum is 0.0 but I am not sure if it is right. Can someone let me know please. Here is the code i used: [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; public class Lab424 { public static void main(String[] args) { int i; float sum; i=3; sum=0; while(i<=99) { sum=sum …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for eagles39

I am creating a simple GUI with a few buttons and a text field. I set the window size to to 500x500 and the text field fits on the South perfectly but once i resize the window the text field stays the same size is it possible to make to …

Member Avatar for harinath_2007
Member Avatar for dennysimon

Hi all in code below ,after I got the object aobj ,how can I identify which component aobj actualy is.And where is it Location ? thank you denny [CODE]CaretListener listener = new CaretListener() { public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent caretEvent) { Object aobj=caretEvent.getSource(); Component comp=aobj. System.out.println(aobj.toString()); } };[/CODE]

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Member Avatar for BurgerBob

Hi guys, I'm taking a Networking & Internet Systems module... have little experience working with java and am trying to work through an assignment... hopefully you can help! The task is to implement a basic UDP chat system. Create a simple chat system which uses the network (at least locally) …

Member Avatar for CSloan7597
Member Avatar for ghost135

SO ive searched the web for a tutorial on a simple ftp server and client made in Java and have only been able to find ones that show you how to make a ftp client for apache , however i want to make a ftp server in Java as well …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for lele07060

I'm trying to make it print out like this ***** **** *** ** * but it keeps on coming out like this: ***** **** *** ** ** here is the code i used [CODE]public class Asterisk { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i=5; i>0;i--) { System.out.println(""); for …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for lbgladson

I have a program to write an application that takes the initial balance, annual rate, and number of years and finds the balance of the account at the end of each year. I have the following code but my Annual Rate label is in the incorrect place, the calculate button …

Member Avatar for Tajinderpal

I have made a media player in java using jmf which plays mp3,midi,mpeg1,mpeg2&avi. How to play the [COLOR="green"]mpeg4[/COLOR].Also i want to make a [COLOR="Green"]playlist[/COLOR] for it which can add,delete and save the songs in the playlist.here is my code of media player..... [code]import javax.media.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class MediaPlayer …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for zainji

Write the ideal weight calculator so that height in inches is entered by using a slider. Use the approximate formula: W = H2 / 30 , for female W = H2 / 28 , for male where W is the ideal weight in pounds, H is the height in inches …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for Capn_Pipp

#1 - I'm a newb to java :( #2 Im having a problem getting getting my JTable to update when the user edits a cell. Im using a abstract model which is basically what the sun tutorial did word for word( i used a abstractmodel so i could make columns …

Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Hi members, just a simple question, how would I show a constant in an UML diagram? For example, here is a double field the class contains. - radius : double But how would the constant PI (3.14159...) be shown? - PI : constant?? Future thanks for the responses!

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for Joey_Brown

Hello :) Lets say I have a text file that looks like this : [CODE]*DataString1 info1;info2;info3 //newline delimiter *DataString2 info1;info2;info3;info4 //newline delimiter . . . //and so on [/CODE] What is the best container with which I could process and manipulate the information stored in this file? Thank you for …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Jessurider

i've created a project .....in which on executing the h.java the second window3.java appears slowly as you can see that by running the below source code.............but the problem is that the second form i.e window3.java on displaying does'nt shows the noire look and feel environment as well as no noire …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jhamill

So i made a face using several ovals, a arc, and a polyline in the graphics class. I want to be able to change the size of the face based on the number input into the JTextField. Right now the value for the textfield is the variable "size" in the …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for ibthevivin

//This program will prompt for user to enter in the Fahrenheit temperature and convert it to Celsius. import java.util.Scanner; public class Project4 { public static void main (String[]args) { double temperature; double celsius; Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in); System.out.println("Enter the current temperature in Fahrenheit: "); temperature = scan.nextDouble(); celsius …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for lbgladson

I have the following program written where Square extends Rectangle. I cannot figure out how to get the correct display for the x and y coordinates. It should display Expected: Square[x=5, y=5, width=30, height=30] but instead it displays Square[x=10,y=20,width=30,height=30]. [code] import java.awt.Rectangle; public class Square extends Rectangle { private int …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for spoyer62

public class SimplifiedMath { public double max (double first, double second) { if ( 58 > 100) { return first; } else { return second; } } public double min (double first, double second) { if (35 < 13) { return first; } else { return second; } } public …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for angeriel1

the program runs but fails to read the double word states (e.g New Jersey). am getting the error.java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Hampshire" [CODE] import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.awt.*; //import java.awt.event.*; import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class PJ5 extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for DaniwebOS

Hello everyone, I think I need a second eye on the code. I'm not sure where I went wrong but it was working at some point. Everything should run without a problem any idea what is going on? A second opinion would be highly appreciated... [ICODE]import java.util.Calender; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public …

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The End.