32,205 Topics
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ive been looking up, and their seems to be many way to read from a file. my question is, how do you read from a file. the file setup is like this.... the first line is a number(830) representing number of words, next lines are words.. the file looks like … | |
I have this problem, that whenever I set the frame size using the setSize () method the size inside the frame is actually smaller, because the frame size is included in this dimension. My question is how would I make it so that the inside of the frame is the … | |
is there any open source project for custom menu for java desktop app? | |
Guys I ask if any one can help me . i have to write application which take images from web cam can anyone help me , by providing where i must read , as i googled it , and the results weren't good . | |
I m developing a java app that will have a GUI to draw the graph and implements the graph coloring algorithm to colour the nodes. I started with JFrame and Canvas and could draw lines and circles with paint() and repaint methods.. The problem is repaint method erases the previous … | |
can anyone help me correct and make my payslip work......how can I correct line 303,306 and 309.................. [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class payslip3 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private static int width=600; private static int height=300; private JLabel[] labelJL = new JLabel[18]; private JTextField[] textJT = new … | |
[CODE]public void readArguments(String[]args ) { String [] readArray = new String[ 10 ]; Scanner readscanner=new Scanner(System.in); // read values from keyboard into array System.out.println("Enter your arguments or type Exit to exit the loop"); for ( int i = 0 ; i < readArray.length ; i ++) { if(readArray[i] =="Exit" ) … | |
So, I've created a game. I want it to connect to a database to get some information. This is the problem I'm getting the console. [code] com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to under lying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.net.ConnectException MESSAGE: Connection refused: connect STACKTRACE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect … | |
Dear All, i have been tugging my hair out for 3 days and i cant find the problem !!! im writing a code in Aglets, i have to classes, Master and SayItAglet [B][U][COLOR="Green"]Master.Java[/COLOR][/U][/B] [CODE]package simple; import com.ibm.aglet.*; import java.net.*; public class Master extends Aglet { private AgletContext thisContext = null; … | |
[CODE]public int countArguments( String args[] ) { logger.debug( "In countArguments(..)" ); String [] readArray= new String [10]; for ( int i=0; i<readArray.length; i++ ) { for(int count: readArray){ count=count+i; System.out.println( "Number of arguments = " + count ); } } }[/CODE] | |
Hello Guys I ask if any one can help me i have to write application which record video from webcam , but I don't know where I must search ? can you help ? just suggest where I should read . Thanks. | |
Hi, could someone give me some idea of [B]how I can be more EFFICIENT.[/B] Basically, it is some[B] kind of a Knapsack problem[/B]. But the number of items can be in the 100000s, and my solution caters to only around 5, I think. ------- [U]The story / circumstance:[/U] A thief … | |
could anybody help me.I got error java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException when i press edit button.. this is my code: [CODE] String stredit=""; System.out.println(foodselected.size()); for(int m=0;m<foodselected.size();m++) { if(foodselected.isSelected(m)) { foodselected.delete(m); stredit=foodselected.getString(m); break; } } int qtyint=Integer.parseInt(stredit.substring(0,3)); String namestr=stredit.substring(5,stredit.length()-12); System.out.println(qtyint); System.out.println(namestr); namecust.setString(custname.getString()); tableno.setString(txtno.getString()); fooddrinkname.setString(namestr); txtqty.setString(Integer.toString(qtyint)); frmedit.append(namecust); frmedit.append(tableno); frmedit.append(fooddrinkname); frmedit.append(quantity); frmedit.append(type); frmedit.addCommand(ok3); display.setCurrent(frmedit); display.setCurrentItem(custname); [/CODE] | |
i wanted to create a gui java program that reads info from MySql then output it in a JTable. but i first tried to use the JTable because it was my first time to use it. It worked perfectly but when i tried to read from the database it doesn't … | |
Hey all just wondering of someone can give me an explanation of what a Raw Type is in generics. I've been looking all over and can't find a good explanation of what it is. Thanks | |
Hey guys! I need help... I have a text field and table that I made on NetBeans. I'm working on GUI. Anyway, in this text field, the user inputs his/her name. And the user's name is displayed on the "User 1" heading of the table: [code] jTable1.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel( new Object … | |
hi! i am trying to build an application which will recognize speech and convert into text.For that i have installed jdk 1.6, Apache ant 1.8, sphinx4-1.0beta3-src and also set the paths etc. i am able to run the demos like given in C:\Program Files\Java\sphinx4-1.0beta3-src\sphinx4-1.0beta3\bin\HelloWorld.jar using java -mx256m -jar bin/HelloWorld.jar which … | |
Hi guys, I need some help in this exercises here are the given problems. A. Create a program using arithmetic operators. Use JOptionPane for input of any four variables. B. Create a program using relational operators. Use java.util scanner for input of any three variables. C.Create a program using Logical … | |
I was just wandering if someone could help me how to redo a case statement. After executing the program, there would be a line asking : Try Again? YES / NO If yes, then the program re-executes without hitting F5 again. (using JCreator pro 5). All i have is this: … | |
I want some projet title in java for mca... Pls help me,,, | |
Hi guys, what im trying to do is have a transfer function so that say for example i can transfer $100 from Johns account to Jacks account. Below is the code for the AtmDataFile Class and the ATMTransfer class.I would greatly appreciate some help on this project =). [CODE]import java.io.*; … | |
Someone here knows how to make a java programming to make other computer turn on or off??with a scheduled time in database?? anyone show me how please | |
hi i am working in project in java i have data that i want to display in jtable but only the data is appered but the column names do not apper | |
I HAVE TRYING SPLASH SCREEN IN MY APP, BUT CANT GET THE BASICS YET.. SPLSAH SCREEN ISNT WORKING, CAN ANYONE GIVE ME A SIMPLE EXAMPLE hERE is my code. [CODE] import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import javax.swing.JWindow; public class introduction extends JWindow { private Image img; introduction() { setSize(128,128); … | |
Hello! I am trying to create a simple register/log in menu which allows users to enter the system using that username and password. I have already created the 'Register' section but I have difficulty linking it with the Username and Password in the 'Log in' section. Do I have to … | |
[CODE]/* * @author BChepkwony * Created on 10 August 2011 */ package com.jjpeople.mainmethod; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Arrays; /** * MainMethodExercise demonstrates how you can pass in arguments into the * application. * * @author BChepkwony * Created on 10 August 2011 */ public class MainMethodExercise { … | |
The Java code I am writing is required to have the first, next, previous, and last buttons, and my program still needs to sort. I believe there is something wrong in my codes for each button. I currently have this (of course with each "" for each button. Any ideas … | |
I'm currently working on a project for my JAVA class. The user picks, from a two dropdown boxes, the times he is busy (military time). And at the bottom of the form, there is a table which displays the times he is busy, and the tables arranges the times from … | |
hey guys, i've been designing and coding a pokemon-clone game in java for roughly 3 months and i've a huge problem in my hands. how the hell am i supposed to design a "map" in sprites? for example, i've been reading "developing games in java" and it just gives me … |
The End.