32,205 Topics
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I am having some issues with my Inventory Program and could use some help. I had the program working last night where my GUI would display the correct categories but today when I tried to get the restocking fee to add in to the value, I seemed to have messed … | |
Hello Members, I am looking into using Java to be able to model/simulate (MODSIM) discrete and continuous systems in the areas of traffic modeling, birth/death process, spread of disease etc. I have a working knowledge of Java. I have a good grasp of calculus and differential equations. I am looking … | |
Hi, I am trying to create a Client/Server application...when client is initialized it reads a file line by line and sends each line to the server which does some sort of action to the line (in my code it capitalizes the line) and writes it to a file. I have … | |
Can someone please help me for providing value from asp in to javascript function? I want to use "$('#countdown').countdown({until:$.countdown.UTCDate(+12, 2011, 9 -1, 5), format: 'DHMS', layout: " and where you can see the numbers, i want use value which i have retrieved from database. | |
Hi all I've tried to find out which object is behind the JLabel that caused the MouseEvent. I have a code like this. [CODE]for(int i = 0; i < annetutKäsikortit.size(); i++) { URL _kuva = this.getClass().getResource("/kortit/" + annetutKäsikortit.get(i).haeNumero() + "_pieni.png"); käsikortitJLabel.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(_kuva))); käsikortitJLabel.get(i).addMouseListener(hiirenkuuntelija); omatKortit.add(käsikortitJLabel.get(i)); }[/CODE] Sorry about that strange … | |
hi i want to create a batch file that will execute the diffrent java file i have as one single application. where do i start? | |
I develop a chat (server and client) using [I]Sockets[/I]. It's working on [B]LAN[/B] but when I try to connect the client to the server using my public IP address it says it cannot connect to that address. My address is public - a friend pinged my address successfully. You find … | |
Please Download This [url]http://www.mediafire.com/file/xikt4zotccrkrv4/GPA_Arid.jar[/url] I am facing Reset Problem. It Reset but when I Change Credit Hours it restore previous entered Value. Reset Button [CODE]private void Reset(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { _M1.setEditable(false); _M2.setEditable(false); _M3.setEditable(false); _M4.setEditable(false); _M5.setEditable(false); _M6.setEditable(false); _M1.setText(""); _M2.setText(""); _M3.setText(""); _M4.setText(""); _M5.setText(""); _M6.setText(""); _C1.setSelectedIndex(0); _C2.setSelectedIndex(0); _C3.setSelectedIndex(0); _C4.setSelectedIndex(0); _C5.setSelectedIndex(0); _C6.setSelectedIndex(0); Master.setSelectedIndex(0); _C1.requestFocus(); } … | |
I have written this following code to check the garbage collection and expecting that garbage collection will not occur since I'm maintaining the reference of objects. [code]import java.util.ArrayList; public class HeapConsumer { public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int i = 0; while(true) { list.add(new … | |
Hi friends If we will override nonstatic methods or if we will overload non static methods means shall we say it is the run time polymorphism? If i will override static method means, friends are saying it is not compile time polymorphism, It is method hiding. I need some examples … | |
Write down all the shapes you can think of–both two-dimensional and three-dimensional– and form those shapes into a shape hierarchy. Your hierarchy should have superclass Shape, from which class TwoDimensionalShape and class ThreeDimensionalShape are derived. Once you have developed the hierarchy, define each of the classes in the hierarchy. We … | |
using a free memory spac available in a machine create 4 memory segments of 1/4K each and create storage units containing (Name,age,sex address) for each segment and then link them! HELP NEEDED! | |
I don't exactly know how to explain this, but I'm trying to get 6 sentences from a webpage, to my java control panel thing. I've tried to use a snippet I found for twitter updates, and it works, except for the fact that I can't seperate them into new lines. … | |
i need to search for a pattern match in an array of strings, where each string is a list of symbols and a given string in the array may match to only one symbol in the pattern. So suppose we have a pattern as A+B*C and we have the string … | |
I am getting this error that I can't quite wrap my head around. The code segment calls a mysql stored function that basically assigns an available id number. This is the code: [CODE]try { CallableStatement call_proc = conn.prepareCall( "{ ? = call getAvailableId(?, ?) }" ); call_proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); call_proc.setString(2, tableName); … | |
i wrote a code to create a csv file in java and it works fine for english characters but not for chinese characters. How can i Solve this. i tried modifying it but then it does not show comma separated values when opened in text file. please reply. [CODE] package … | |
Hi - I am a newbie - so I hate to ask for help, but your site has been so useful even before I joined, so I hope you will have pity on me. I am doing a java program using 2D arrays. It covers 4 quarters of sales across … | |
Hi, Has anyone ported CLIPS rules engine (which is written in C) to java ? Is there any better alternative available than that of porting CLIPS to java ? How big is the CLIPS source code base ? | |
Hi. I get an (identifier) expected error when I try to write my code. The error message is: "PathFinder.java:25: (identifier) expected TList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE.SELECTION); "PathFinder.java:25: (identifier) expected TList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE.SELECTION); My code looks like this: [CODE]import... class PathFinder extends JFrame { Karta karta; JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser("."); int RitNR; JButton NP; ListGraph g … | |
I'm trying to create my own JTable, with every row containing 5 check boxes meaning that I have 5 columns and I want them all to have check boxes When I try that the table goes blank and nothing appears at all, so I can only put 1 per row. … | |
In anyone's opinion, what would be the best way to learn Java from a book. ( Any book recommendations) | |
I have this servlet code for retrieving contents from database and displaying it on the browser.But when I am running this code it is giving "ClassNotFound Exception" at Class.forname().I have built the path with db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license.jar file but still this exception is thrown.Please help me [CODE] import java.io.IOException; import … | |
Like a slot machine how can I see the movement of numbers and will stop 1 by 1..anyone know how to do it? [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.lang.*; public class Lotto1 extends Applet { public int n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6; void button1_Clicked(Event event) { n1=(int)(53*Math.random()+1); n2=(int)(53*Math.random()+1); n3=(int)(53*Math.random()+1); n4=(int)(53*Math.random()+1); n5=(int)(53*Math.random()+1); n6=(int)(53*Math.random()+1); textField1.setText(Integer.toString(n1)); … | |
I am over my head in my current class and could use help or pointers changing the program I have written. It is a mortgage calculator and I have to modify it. My class texts seem over my head and I have to drive 20 minutes and use public internet … | |
i have to impliment a chained hash table. in this prog i am using java.util.LinkedList. in one node of linklise i have to store two object-- 1)key value 2)value but java.util.LinkedList. provide add(object) method. that means i can not add two elements in one node of linked list. then how … | |
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has any example of reading data from a file and storing it into an uneven 2D array. For example: the file contains [a,b,c] [a,b,c,d] [a,b,] etc I am able to do this with a complete "square" or matrix but when the columns aren't even I'm … | |
Hi Guys, I was going through a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/374765"]thread[/URL] in this forum and there is one very good reply to this thread. In the past Ive never used such techniques to idetntify how many classes would I create in my program, thus my programs used to be complex. Can you suggest … | |
hi, to all i was thinking how i can create a class that the connection string will be stored there. now i have 4 files the teamSystem.java, login.java, and main.java, and connect.java. the connection string should be written on the connection.java, now i want that other 3 files should communicate … |
The End.