32,205 Topics
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hey i have a little problem, how do i make this two triangle: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O i have to get input from user, that part i have done. but the problem is loops … | |
Hello, so my question is this..lets say you have a file like this. Computer Science 01 //course number 30 //number of students that can enroll 4 //number of students currently enrolled Math 02 //course number 20 //number of students that can enroll 12 //number of students currently enrolled And i … | |
I have a string, which is read from a database. The string can be just "null". I need to decide whether it is null or not? Among the following ones, what is the appropriate way to do it? [CODE]String a = …; If (a == null) If ( a.length == … | |
Hi, I am trying to make a timer applet when I click stop button to stop counting, disappear stop and appears continue button and when I click continue to continue the counting. My code is : [CODE] import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Timer extends Applet implements Runnable … | |
class Foo { public static void classMethod() { System.out.println("classMethod() in Foo"); } public void instanceMethod() { System.out.println("instanceMethod() in Foo"); } } class Bar extends Foo { public static void classMethod() { System.out.println("classMethod() in Bar"); } public void instanceMethod() { System.out.println("instanceMethod() in Bar"); } } class Test { public static void … | |
Hi, I'm currently studying SWT Tree examples but I want it to be dynamic. since the data will come from a Database, I'd like to know how to do it? how to Insert new Leafs in a Tree? Please, make the EASIEST (DUMMY EXAMPLES). I'm really new here. if you … | |
For the computation involving multiple types of variables, such as integer and double, is the following approach the correct way in terms of not causing any hidden error or information lost? [CODE] int a = 2; double b = 3.0; double c; c = (double)(a+b); c = (double)(a/b); [/CODE] | |
Good morning all, Hopefully a quick solution, I've done some reading up on taking command line arguments and I almost have it licked, but I'm running into some trouble trying to send into a method.. I'll give you an example of what I mean Let's say I want to send … | |
Hey, I am writing this program in which I get x and y coordinates on stdout from a C program.....something like 23 34 45 56 21 56 .. . and so on.... now I need to pipe these values into a Java program and display a cube at the corresponding … | |
I'm trying to use Java to echo a command to another shell, but I have had no luck doing so so far. [CODE]echo xcommand | /usr/bin/tshell[/CODE] In the linux shell this is processed as echo xcommand to the tshell shell and works properly. In java all it does is echo … | |
[CODE]RpcProxy<PagingLoadResult<BaseModel>>[/CODE] Hye guys. I would like to know what is the meaning of [B]<>[/B] in the statement above? What I mean is something like <BaseModel>. What is this? When is it going to be used? Thanks | |
hi is there any difference between servlet and HTTP server. I want to develop client server model (two tier) please help. how to do it? | |
hey there.. i m a begineer in this java.. i m developing a simple database program to keep records of patients for a small organization in netbeans 7.0 beta. i havn't developed the whole software.. when i test, it doesn't gives errors at first.. when i press the add record … | |
Hi all, I'm just finishing the code part of an assignment I think I have everything working as intended with the exception that After either the prime number or stamp duty methods complete (A & B options) they don't "flush" the char choice (under the getChoice method ) The vowel … | |
guys please help me ./.... what is the meaning of scanner and what is the uses of import java.util.scanner? need some help...... | |
Hi!I'm new in java so I really need your help. The problem is how do I return a value if I made another choices again and again.. here's the expected output: Enter size of class: Choose Action: [1]Enter a Student [2]Enter list of student [3]Exit Enter choice[1-3] I created some … | |
[COLOR="Green"]Can you spot what is wrong with the java code that I am doing. Here is the java code that I have been working on...[/COLOR] [CODE]import java.io.*; public class Konata { public static void main (String args []) { BufferedReader br=newInputStreamReader(System.in); int grade,answer=0; do { System.out.print ("\n Enter grade"); grade=Integer.parseInt(br.readline()); … | |
In the code, I have [CODE]int a = 62; int b = 132; double c; c = a/b; [/CODE] This will generate the c value in the double format as 0.469696968793869 In fact, I only need to an approximation representation of c like 0.4697 Can you let me know how … | |
[COLOR="Green"]can anyone teach me how to make a java code out of this situation?[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"][B]here is the situation...[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B]Write a program that accepts 3 integers and display the highest and lowest input. N1=100,N2=200,N3=50.[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE][COLOR="Green"][U]Thank you![/U][/COLOR][/QUOTE] | |
Hello, Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me!! My assignment is to write a dice game in java using the Die.java class.The object of the game is to reach a total of 41 or more by rolling a pair of dice no more than 6 times. … | |
Hi Everyone, I just need a little bit of help figuring out what i'm doing wrong in my code that the salary keeps output as zero. I'm writing a code that is suppose to determine whether the employee is a staff or faculty and then calculate and output the salary. … | |
Hey guys, Okay, tough one. How exactly would we go about integrating Biometric scanners (e.g. fingerprint scanners) with our software? The way I see it, the scanner scans a finger print, and then saves that data in a database, but what data is this? What file type? This is probably … | |
I have recently started jdbc nd now i am confused that what is the real purpose of Class.forname() method?? Also what is the diff. between Class.forname() and DriverManager.registerDriver()?? plz reply soon | |
i don't know what happened, but i was running an applet that i made on a webpage and it works fine. i have the latest JRE and i am running firefox 4. then i've made some changes to the applet, tested it, it works, and copy and paste the class … | |
Just a heads-up guys. I had JRE update 26 pushed onto client machines yesterday and it broke an important client-server app. This point release changes the serialVersionUID for ImageIcon. The app in question sends images from the server to the cients via a simple writeObject/readObject, which fails at the client … | |
i have this dataset: [CODE]String[][] trainData= { //featIdx////////classInfo {"s", "y", "r"},//0 {"s", "n", "r"},//1 {"w", "y", "r"},//0 {"r", "y", "p"},//0 {"r", "n", "r"},//2 {"r", "y", "p"},//0 {"w", "n", "p"},//0 {"w", "n", "r"},//3 {"w", "y", "r"},//0 {"s", "n", "r"}};//1 int[] trainClassInfo = {0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, … | |
Hi , I'm new to servlets and I'm trying out the Date function in servlets. Instead of printing todays date it is giving something like "Date@fbb7cb" this . Could you please point of my mistake .... Following is the code snippet [code] PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); Date today = new … | |
Hello DaniWeb community! I am writing code for problem 10 of Project Euler. I have decided that the Sieve of Eratosthenes was the best option for creating a list of primes less than two million. Here is my code (yes, I mis-spelled Sieve and Eratosthenes): [CODE]package projecteulerjava; class ProblemTen { … | |
Hey Im writing a platform game "Mario style" for mobiles in Java but I seem kinda stuck. Any recommendations on some points I should do? Ill view them and post code Ive done related to them. To recap some of the things done: Map loads I can "move" (what actually … | |
Im to develop a payroll calculating system using abstract classes and implementing polymorphism, With respect to inheritance of super class Employee by sub classes. i dont know how to start implementing it on GUI, bt its okay on cmd. Any help either with sample code is highly appreciated. cretaros. |
The End.