32,205 Topics
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hello all i am now about ready to pull my hair out and/or possibly worse! i have to read a .csv file, split the 3 elements into variables and then put two of the variables into a map. i can read the file fine, i can display the variables in … | |
Hi guys I want to take an image and cut it into blocks, then store each block in an array of bufferedimages. I have tried many things [CODE]public void splitImage(int cols, int rows) { int w = thePic.getWidth()/cols; int h = thePic.getHeight()/rows; int num = 0; tileset = new BufferedImage[w*h]; … | |
Dear All, Passing condition as string to XSLT using Javascript as a parameter is not giving any results. Below is the code snippet:- [ICODE]script: var processor = new XSLTProcessor(); processor.importStylesheet(xslt); processor.setParameter(null, "query","not($projectId = 9820) and not($projectId = 9164)"); xsl code: <xsl:if test="$query"> I verified by priting xsl:value-of and string is … | |
Hello All, I really hope that you can help me. I am working on a program that will read a randomaccess file's contents and store the contents into an array. It will then update the array and write it back into the randomaccess file. I have the following two methods … | |
hey all i need someones help. I know im asking for alot here but does someone have a jave a code for the game " the price is right" if so could you please post it through thanks for you help! | |
i know i'm now loosing the plot over this so any rapid help will be appreciated! i have to write a method which calculates the average from numbers contained in a list, when i try and run the code i get the error message: Semantic error: Cannot reach instance method: … | |
Hai Friends. I want to download jar file from IIS serve(.Net) from to mobile device. in apache tomcat server i used mime as AddType text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor jad AddType application/java-archive jar in wordpad, with jar and jad. its working fine. i doknow how to use this mime in IIS, please help me … | |
i want java code which find a day of a given date...eg......13 feb 1984(given date).........answer is monday... | |
Hai Friends, Iam using socketconnection in my project for server communications, its working fine in emulator , other nokia mobiles, but it does not working in Nokia 6600 mobile. but Datagram and httpconnection is working fine. | |
How would I make a program that can insert text into a text field in another program? Or click a button in another program? | |
Hello, I am trying to do something very simple but my dial up connection is making it hard to research so I'd like some help! I'm trying to store instances of classes I created in a file. Something along these lines: [CODE] class apple { int flavor; String color; apple(int … | |
Here's a question i got in my assignment... [QUOTE]Create a method with signature public String testWindDirection() that creates a local object of type WeatherReport using the constructor with no parameters, and returns its initial wind direction, e.g "ESE"[/QUOTE] I createrd it here... [CODE]public class Reporter { private WeatherStation ws; private … | |
I keep on getting the following error, I've tried modifying the constructor, but I can't get it to work. "C:\Users\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Assignment-1\src\Bank.java:34: cannot find symbol symbol : constructor Customer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) location: class Customer Customer customer = new Customer(last, first, street, city, state, z, acctNum); 1 error BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds) " … | |
Hello, I need to find the code in netbeans where the name is stored as shown in the Title bar of the program and the taskbar of windows. Any ideas where to find that? ive been looking and searching for days now. I want to edit "Openbravo POS - 2.30beta" … | |
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (File g : f.listFiles()) if (g.isFile()) { arrayList.add(g); } I hope from the code above you can understand what Im trying to do. If a file is a file then add it to an arraylist. I dont know if this is the best one, … | |
I'm doing a project on Bus Information System, [B]using JAVA[/B], which takes source and destination station from user and displays bus numbers between those two stations. Here two cases arises:- 1) Direct bus connectivity - in which case it displays the list of direct bus numbers between those stations. 2) … | |
i'm trying to call a method from a different class and i just cant get it to work.... code from method displayTutorGroup(): [code] /** * Displays the names and marks for the students * in the tutor group in the Display Pane */ public void displayTutorGroup() { for (String name: … | |
Hi, I need help, to get the get working directory of the class file on a Windows system. I'm opening up a txt file to read from in the same folder as the class file, when I just enter the location of the txt file, it says: [CODE]java.security.AccessControlException: access denied … | |
When you click save in this program , it is saved nicely but the txt file being saved is all in one line. How can i overcome this matter? Just FYI, when anyone try to save, dun forget the file extension (*.txt) [CODE=java] import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import … | |
hi, i have the attached xml file and i wish to perform some xpath expressions in java which i have declared as follows. [CODE]final String xPathexp1 = "sbml_ns:sbml/sbml_ns:model/sbml_ns:annotation/rdf_ns:RDF/rdf_ns:Description/bqmodel_ns:is/rdf_ns:Bag/rdf_ns:li/@rdf_ns:resource"; final String xPathexp2 = "/sbml_ns:sbml/sbml_ns:model/sbml_ns:listOfSpecies/sbml_ns:species/sbml_ns:annotation/rdf_ns:RDF/rdf_ns:Description/bqmodel_ns:is/rdf_ns:Bag/rdf_ns:li/@rdf_ns:resource[starts-with(.,"urn:miriam:uniprot:")]";[/CODE] I have set the namespaces as follows: [ICODE]try { NamespaceContext ctx = new NamespaceContext() { @Override public … | |
Hello friends, As usual .. when i have a problem ... daniweb.com is here ;). So I need some information from you. Ok, let me explain ... I am currently developing a chat application ! Ok ... everything works fine till now but I have doubts. My application uses 3 … | |
I'm was wondering if someone can check if this method produce the right result? [CODE] public int fileSize (String name) throws IOException { int charLength = 0; File file = new File("name"); Scanner input = new Scanner(file); while (input.hasNext()) { charLength++; } return charLength; }[/CODE] What this is supposed to … | |
Hi, I have been trying to get the Jsapi (Java Speech API) embeded into my web applet but have had quite a few troubles. The script for the Jsapi from what I can see was designed for .Jav files where as I am trying to make a .class file. So … | |
for those of you not familiar with the rules they can be found [URL="en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life"]here[/URL]: i am sort of new to java and i am trying to write the game of life, i have got the board made and how to randomly assign each cell a true or false (living or … | |
Hi, I have a JTable with a tablecellrenderer I have extended from the defaultTableCellrenderer. In my Table model on which the table is based, I have an algorithm that searches each cell making comparisons, when it finds rows with similar values, it adds colour A to an arrayindex and continues … | |
hi all,how are u? ..i have an encryption project.. i have to implement some of the encryption algorithme in java but i have a problem ..it's the same in all the ciphers ..when i type the key and press encrypt the encrypted text is not right ..i make my calculus … | |
Hi Guys Im having a problem. Im very new to Java and am using blueJ. I would like to displya a picture on a label when I click a button. At the moment all I can get it to do is to print a message when a button is clicked. … | |
Hello All, First thanks for taking time to read my thread. My problem is I have created a Gui Class that contains multiple JPanels inside another JPanel or ContentPane. I have just now created another Gui2 Class in the same java project and I would like this new Gui2 Class … | |
Hello im quite new to java and have been writing this game for my computer science class. ive been getting this illegal start of expression error on line 215 which is my 2nd public class dice extends applet and can not figure out how to fix it. ive tried moving … | |
hello, i have a java game but i have a problem with healing i get the error client.java:2791: orphaned case case 315: ^ 1 error files compiled successfully! this is the code: [ICODE]public boolean healing() { boolean eat = false; int heal = 0; case 315: Message("You eat the shrimps."); … |
The End.