32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for aguele

Can anyone help me out i want to learn to become a software developer, i need to know how to get started.

Member Avatar for sirlink99
Member Avatar for juan92

so i am trying to learn java on my own as a hobby, because well i didn't see my self doing this for a living, and i did terrible in the class, so i am going over the text book again, and starting from scratch. i am not sure if …

Member Avatar for juan92
Member Avatar for hemaaaa

Hi there, I have this long Q and I must solve it to get bouns or i will fail :( Develop a statistical program to compute the famous statistics. First, create a text file, data.txt, contains several observations. Then write a java program that displays the following menu: Main Menu …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for winecoding

I have a java project, which runs fine on eclipse. Right now, I need to run it from command prompt, like java classpath ... How to setup this classpath based on the stored ones using in Eclipse.

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for n3red

Hi, I am using eclipse and Netbeans 7 whit Java JDK 1.6 i am wondering how do i add java extensions. I want to add Appache libary : org.commons.apache.2.4.jar to my java because their libary offers a lot of good extensions such as coutnMatches method.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for JSS540

Hi, I have a jFrame with a couple of jLabels, designed in Netbeans so most of the code is generated. If I want to change the text of the label, I use .setText() inside my jFrame and it works great. Now here's the problem. If I just make a String …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for C:\>

I need to run a javascript page from my app and receive the page that results from the script on a String. This is my code: [code=java] try { URL testurl = new URL("http://www.site.com/page.html"); try { String s=testurl.getContent().toString(); System.out.println(s); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(App.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for C:\>

I have URL like this: [code]http://www.site.com/app/index.html#secret_code=gagh362%%23atg._f46&other=5449[/code] I need to pass gagh362%%23atg._f46 part to a string. All the examples i find are for simple PHP parameter parsing and i'm having difficulties to adapt them to this case. Can someone help?

Member Avatar for C:\>
Member Avatar for tirambad

i am developing a BE final year project on Video Conferencing from Java with both unicasting and multicasting. I found there are some protocols such as SIP to implement it. are there any better and efficient way to implement it?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

The result for the code below is "ex [6, 7, b, d] [6, 7, b]". Therefore I am wondering how did the exception take place and why is the value 3 missing? [CODE] import java.util.*; public class Exam6 { public static void main(String[] args){ TreeSet<String> t1 = new TreeSet<String>(); TreeSet<String> …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Crono

Could someone explain to me what it returns? int result2 = negative(-3); System.out.println("The final answer is " + result2); [B]public[/B] [B]int[/B] negative(int num){ [B]if[/B](num >= 20){ [B]return[/B] -5; }[B]else[/B]{ [B]return[/B] negative(num + 4) + 2 * num; } }

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello guys, I am pretty new at (good) programming, so I had some pretty bad code I was using until I ran across some code and decided to model my code after it. I have the code so it has no errors, but when I run it (NetBeans) it doesn't …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello all, I have a window with a JList inside it. I would like each line in the JList to show up in a certain font. But when I try the 'setFont(font)' method where 'font' has already been defined it say that it cannot find the symbol 'setFont(java.awt.Font)'. Here is …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for lynnajoe

Hi, Can anyone tell me why this program is skipping line 63? Thank you, lynnajoe [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; //Imported Scanner for input import java.util.Locale; //Imported Locale and NumberFormat import java.text.NumberFormat; /**Simple Payroll Program titled PayrollPartI & modified for PayrollPart II * * @author Lynn Ortiz *///May 22, 2011 //Description of program: …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bibiki

I have this file that contains an instance of some Machine object. When I compile the file I have, it says that the class uses a deprecated API, meaning the Machine object. I tried looking for it in [URL="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/"]this[/URL] link, but I find nothing. I was wondering if anyone who …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for sam023

i just to know how can we implement the feature of live streaming in my blackberry aplication.. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for lovelyrose26

i need help please i cant input the name of pet in 2nd to the 5th it wont me input the name and skip into age. i dont get any error i just dont get it why it skp the name. public class PetRecordTESTER { public static void main(String [] …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Kprosser1029

I need to create a gui application.. When the user clicks the start button use a JFileChooser to allow them to pick a directory from the system and then run the recursive search of the file system from that directory and display the directory and each file in the JTextArea. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dywlkr365

I've tried searching my problem with no success...Can anyone help me fetch a password from the jpasswordField, encrypt it , store it to the database then decrypt back for login validation

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Japus

Hello I'm wondering when it is best to use reflection to call a method instead of defining and using an interface. I guess using the interface will be faster but what are the advantages of using reflection? The program I'm creating is a GUI which should support mutliple views ([URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model–view–controller"]Model …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for manish250

hi all I am new to web services.I want to know how to extract the java file from the given WSDL in which i have https based URI. please suggest

Member Avatar for monsterbb1

I WAS WONDERING IF SOMEONE COULD HELP ME MOVE THE JTextField above all my buttons like a normal calculator. Also, after this I don't know how to connect the basic calculations to operation buttons. When the user clicks a button the text appears in the textfield but I don't know …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for cannadawoot

Got some problem... This code populates an 2d array and then adds it to an arraylist (all) It runs 3 times and each time the array place gets different values. But if you look in arraylist all, the arrays got same value because they point to each other. If I …

Member Avatar for cannadawoot
Member Avatar for tasu

i have a button and when it is clicked i want it to open a new form in netbeans. how do i do this...???

Member Avatar for StormHawk
Member Avatar for becool007

Hey guys, I am making a Java program where it runs on a library. This library classifies my program as a script. So basically, I am scripting. Now I want to make various scripts, but I want them all to have the same layout so that I can have the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for aloyssia

hey guys i have just started to learn java programming language ...i was wondering if i will be able run big java programs from command prompt...what the the advantages and disadvantages of using command prompt for running java programs...is using IDE like eclipse better than using command prompt?...if so in …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for winecoding

I have an existing Eclipse java project, and need to export it to the war file for deployment. By googling, it turns out that I need to covert it to a dynamic web project at first. But the menu item for this conversion is disabled. I would like to know …

Member Avatar for winecoding

My current work needs to do the development based on open soure software. There is a class defined as DirLocator.java The code is as follows [CODE]public final class DirLocator implements IResourceLocator { /** The folder relative to which resources are resolved. */ private File dir; /** * Initializes the locator …

Member Avatar for winecoding
Member Avatar for kwins

[CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; public class Absolute extends JFrame implements ActionListener //Error: Absolute is not abstract method actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) in java.awt.event.ActionListener { public JTextField textField1,textField2,textField3; public JLabel label1; String Operatn[] = {"Add","Mult","Divide","Sub"}; //Constructor public Absolute() { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setLayout(null); JLabel label1 = new JLabel …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Hello, After completing my application, my teacher told me I can't use serialization. I currently send objects using the writeObject / readObject methods. What's the easiest way of transitioning from this to something else? I'm thinking: [code=java] in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( socket.getOutputStream())),true); …

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The End.