32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for sureshksk

I am using spring with hibernate in my project. I am new to springs. I am getting this exception in browser when i send request to a action class. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryException: unexpected AST node: diet near line 1, column 94 [select productCatNo from ds.ORM.ProductCatSubcat pcs where pcs.productSubcatName=kitchen and diet]; nested exception …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for shyla

Hello, i need help on how to create a JLabel as a status bar that display count representing the number of each shape display in addition i need to create a class called MyShape and make it a superclass this my code for for al shapes : [CODE]package Lab8; import …

Member Avatar for shyla
Member Avatar for rapture

I get the error test cannot be resolved to a type here [code] test[] arrayOftest = new test[ 3 ]; [/code] - ideas or help? [code] public class Test { public static void main( String args[] ) { Point point = new Point( 3, 3 ); Square square = new …

Member Avatar for AztecShaman
Member Avatar for ksj

Ok, I read other posts on the same topic, but i didn't get what i exactly wanted.. 1- i want to add JCheckboxes in one of the JTable columns 2- i want to handle events for it.. e.g adding new row when checkbox is clicked etc I referred the java …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for jonpadre

I am currently attempting to write a single [B]recursive[/B] method (per instruction) whereas the items in a binary tree are displayed in a horizontal hierarchical manner (level order traversal). The UML describes the method as: levelOrderTraversal(TreeNode<T> tree, Integer indent) - tree: a node in the binary tree - indent: describes …

Member Avatar for jonpadre
Member Avatar for sj5536

hi i have to make tool which is similar to google search editor right know i only needed graphical help that is hot create that component according to me it is an drop down list with editable facility is there any way for that in java description when name enter …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for virus.exe

Hey I was just wondering what them definitions were for the following errors: runtime compile time execution error logic error Thanks Dave

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Desi Boy

Hello Can someone please assist with the following question; static int add( int a, int b ) { return a + b; } ... int result = add( 2, 3 ); 1) int a, int b is the _________ 2) 2, 3 is the____________ a) parameters b) arguments c) method …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dedeltek

Hi there, I am creating a cinema booking system for my assignment, I have used filewriter to create my file called Movie.txt, i have 3 string one (title, director, info) i would like that my file display in a JtextArea, any help how to do. i have my menu bar …

Member Avatar for dedeltek
Member Avatar for sj5536

i amconfused that which layout do i used for placing noumber of panel in Frame in following ways 1) first variable lenght(heigth) with is fixed to width of frame 2) second panel in similar fassion 3) third panel in similar pasion and so on

Member Avatar for sj5536
Member Avatar for vishalbhavsar

Hi all, i am writing a program which displays the data from the file on the applet. but i m not able to do it. I think we cannot access files through applet due to security reasons. is there any alternative to do this?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for TinyBelly

Help me guys..im trying to make event handling for button "Report" to display Value and Result on another window... i dont know what the problem...~ help me guys.. and can someone teach me how to do the meter to kilometer if i press "Convert" button.. p/s : sry for my …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Chitru

i googled for awt learnings then found a thread that awt is not necessary, you can directly go to swing. then i started swing, but i can't underdtand it that easily. now i know the very basic in swing, will you please help me to increase my accuracy by giving …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kayba

Ok I'm stuck on my school work. No I don't want someone to do the work for me but I need a good tutorial or pointers on how to get this assignment done. Write an Java Server Faces application using a MySQL database driver that connects to the registrar database …

Member Avatar for dononelson
Member Avatar for blackhook

im having hard time to get the output of the the ff. data: name of smallest pet, name of largest pet, name of the oldest pet, name of the youngest pet, average weight of five pets and average age of the five pets? this is what i did import java.util.Scanner; …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for thedalek

Hello, I've written a fairly simple program to print a string in a window...But my Java compiler (JGrasp) will not compile it. It says: JDemoGraphics.java:7: cannot find symbol symbol : method String(java.lang.String) location: class JDemoGraphics String companyName = String("Event Handlers Incorporated"); ^ I've checked my capitalization, run a debugging program, …

Member Avatar for yancouto
Member Avatar for itsmeisuru

Hi, I have a value in a string variable in java, and I want that string to get print using a printer. Please help me..

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Dean_Grobler

Hey guys, I've taken on a project where I have to code an applet that gathers information and sends it to a database. The thing is though, that the client's website is being hosted by some other unknown company. I have the impression that in order for this to work, …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for JPramod

Hi, I am running Ubuntu in my machine and I tried this code: [CODE] import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class execute extends Applet{ String output=""; public void init(){ try { // Execute command String command = "ls"; Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); // Get the input stream …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for sumprit

Hi, everyone i am still could able to use Nested sub-header though i have found a link. Will anyone please come come forward and provide me some valuable suggestion. I have found the link but i could not able to use database values. http://www.swebb99.f2s.com/GroupableHeader/ How to include database values here.... …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Ukiya006

Hi, I am pretty new to Java, only started learning bits here and there last Sept. Recently, I have been trying to implement a SMS sender with the help of RXTXcomm.jar What I didn't realise was that the RXTXcomm.jar that I have only works for 32bit Windows. I only realise …

Member Avatar for sciprog1

Hello Members, How do you color a range of cells in a WritableWorkBook (in Jxl)? Thank you!

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Member Avatar for gingerfish

hello programmers is it possible to extract some part of 2D array and make a new 1D array? for example from this array String[][] twoDarray= { {"s", "y", "r"}, {"s", "n", "r"}, {"w", "y", "r"}, {"r", "y", "p"}}; take first column of twoDarray[0] and make this `arrayString[] newArray = {"s","s","w","r"};` …

Member Avatar for gingerfish
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi everyone, I'm working on a small project and have run into some problems. Briefly described, what I'm attempting to do is: I've a rather large text file with a different sentence and I need to find all the words in each sentence and add them to some sort of …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for jitsux

So I tried to write a program that creates 15 random strings then allows the user whether he wants these strings sorted in descending or ascending order. the original strings and the sorted one to be displayed accordingly as well. Here is my attempt: [CODE]class Sorted strings{ final static int …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Taimoor Rana

Hello lovely people, I created an application in which I use pictures to create background and other things. But when i send my application to someone so they can have a look at it, the image are not displayed. I know why they are not displaying(the image directory isn't the …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for nickliutw

I'm working on a manage friend list program which allow you to add friends, remove friend from list, and display friend list. I have not finish this program yet. But I keep getting compile error at line 42 which I'm trying to create a method allow user to enter name …

Member Avatar for nickliutw
Member Avatar for Amoryethel

Hi, I'm in the midst of creating a BrickBreaker game, and I'm having a bit of trouble repainting the Ball back to where it originally started at the beginning of the game. Which only happens when the ball hits the bottom of the screen (initY == bottomBound || initX == …

Member Avatar for MrHardRock

Hey everyone, I have my code written I just have one error I am stuck on, any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. My one error is on line 80 saying "illegal start of expression" pointing at the 'p' of public [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import BreezySwing.*; public class binary …

Member Avatar for cretaros
Member Avatar for cretaros

Can someone help me in implementing a JDate picker without using packages, whereby will click the calender icon and the calender will appear.

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The End.