32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for ahmed3415

Hi there, I need help with my assignment it has to do with Client-server programming and the following is what i have been asked to do for this assignment. So far i have the server reading from the file and the client is able to read the contents of the …

Member Avatar for neemo6

Wondering how one goes about testing which button was clicked in an actionperformed method. For example if I have 2 buttons named button1 and button2, and create an if statement what is the proper syntax, ive tried this but get errors. Where am i going wrong? [CODE] //declaring buttons Panel …

Member Avatar for neemo6
Member Avatar for goyofoyo

so I am creating a program that has a human bicycle car and truck and they all run on a street but they can collide. so I am confused on how I should write it, the car should be able to collide with the other three objects. I have more …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Tellalca

Hey; I'm getting into Java. I'm coming from C++ base and I wonder how can we use "const" parameters in Java? For example if I don't want the function to be able to change the value of a parameter, what do I do? [CODE]void modify(RefObject parameter) { parameter.set(new RefObject); //should …

Member Avatar for Tellalca
Member Avatar for lookuta2011

hi guys am new to java and i have to display rotating images on a gui and use multithreading to alternate the four images. and i managed to create the gui but the images are not visible. the rotating images must be in the center of the frame. help..

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for javacle

I'm looking for a compact and small database engine to use, because i want to design an application that will store, record and get data from a database, i'm thinking of using VB or java as the programming language, the database that will work best for which programming please i …

Member Avatar for kinger29
Member Avatar for dresposure

Hello every body............ I am about to do a project on chatting application. Can any1 plzzz tell me how to create a .bak file using Java.:)

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Hockeyfreak889

i need to make a program that implements a heapsort using a binary tree. i understand the algorithm for how to do the sort, and i understand how it would be done using an array, but for my class i have to use a binary tree. The problem i am …

Member Avatar for ggyyree

Hi there, I am considering develop something use a Access database, which has been formed earlier by other my colleagues. However, I am trying to develop a cross-platform application, and I believe Access is MS related and is not friendly to Linux. There are many options of the database like …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for lynnajoe

Hi, I am confused as to all the posts by newbies. If they are new (which I am) how do they know all this code they post? I have a question and it is very basic. All I want to do is to get one JButton to pull up an …

Member Avatar for yancouto
Member Avatar for yosi501r

Hi everybody, I want to get the HTML source code of a page like: [url]http://morfix.mako.co.il/default.aspx?q=connection&source=milon[/url] (the page is in hebrew) But, after entering a hebrew page the characters I get are like � ׳�׳ ׳’׳�׳™ ׳¢׳‘׳¨׳™ ׳¢׳™׳‘׳¨׳™, ׳�׳™׳�׳•׳� ׳�׳ ׳’׳�׳™ I want to see the Hebrew as it is. The current code: …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for nard23

[CODE]public class Tokenizer{ public static void main(String args[]){ String Arr[] = new String[20]; Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter a String: "); String st = scan.nextLine(); Tokenizer tk = new Tokenizer(); tk.makeToken(st, Arr); } public void makeToken(String st, String Arr[]){ int i=0; StringTokenizer Tokens = new StringTokenizer(st); while(Tokens.hasMoreTokens()){ Arr[i]=Tokens.nextToken(); i++; …

Member Avatar for nard23
Member Avatar for stupid guy

hi all, i m trying to insert a textfield's value in a table through applet.The table name is samp and it has only one column named 'name'.I did following control panel->admin tools->data source->and then i have added a 'bike2' as new data source. I have 4 files created. 1.Entry.java 2.Bikinfa.java …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for tracydo

I have this problem with given answer but don't understand why. May someone help explain? Thanx if (x>5) y=1; else if (x<5) { if (x<3) y=2; else y=3; } else y=4; ----------------- what is the value y if x=3? answer was: y=3

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for unkn0wnStu

Hi, I'm trying to create a highscore database for my game, and would like to start off with a view high score frame. When the user clicks this frame will pop up, but for some reason I can't set the player and score information to my JLabels. I'm not sure …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tinachan

I was surfing net for updates and I found Mobile Hands-on Lab v1.5. It has modules that cover Qt, Web Development and Java Me. It give an outline to the module contents, explains the Development Environment, describes the key aspects of the programming language, also provides with an optional brief …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for kako13

Hi, I am trying to copy the selected jTree elements on the left to the jTree on the right. However, I had been unable to acomplish it even when I had been looking at some books, google, forums... I had attached a screenshot. Thanks.

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Jessurider

can anyone tell me what's the error in this rmi calculator program....... especially the clint.java......... here when i run the rmi calculator.........i gets an applet calculator.....but for all the mathematical addition,sub,div,mul......i'm getting the null value.......i also doubt at whether the try catch is placed wrongly............

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for scarletfire

System Specification A local football club wishes to store information on its current squad of players: Each Player’s personal information (first name, last name, age, height and weight) should be recorded in a class Person. Each Player’s record for the season should be stored in a class Player. The information …

Member Avatar for scarletfire
Member Avatar for deviliq

Hello there! :) How should i solve for x in this equation: p*e^-x + q*sin(x) + r*cos(x) + s*tan(x) + t*x^2 + u = 0 with the user to input the values of p,q,r,s,t and u. i'm thinking of looping from 0.0001 until i-dont-know-what and then testing each value of …

Member Avatar for deviliq
Member Avatar for deviliq

hi there [B]how do i determine the average Number of Queue Items that leave the queue (example: processes leaving the ready queue in order to be Running in the CPU) per second?[/B] i need this value to calculate for the average waiting time. the formula is: w = n/X where …

Member Avatar for deviliq
Member Avatar for ea25

Hi all, my first post here :) I'm new to java so please bare with me. I'm writing a very simple applet to get my skills going in Java. Practically my applet fetches an image from an external URL (using java.net.URL) and paints it in my applet. So far so …

Member Avatar for sj5536

hi i want to create swing application that has google map i searched on net but i hanot got any useful resource

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sumprit

Hi..., i have a problem. if anyone can please give me some suggestion then i could able to proceed further. My problem is that i need to show database values in JTable. i have two database table and i query to display data in a JTable. I am just sending …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for bhattpratik

Hello Everyone !!!! [COLOR="Red"][B]Is It Possible To Create JSP at A runtime ?[/B][/COLOR] It Means Can we Get The Data From One JSP And then Show it on another JSP which is Generated [B]By Coding [/B]Through Runtime ? Please Help......:S

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Chitru

i was coding GUI in Java. i'm just a beginner and i can't figure out on what program is mistaken please help me on this: [B]Compilation error is:[/B] helloworld\FourthApp.java:38: class, interface, or enum expected public static void main(String[] args) { ^ helloworld\FourthApp.java:40: class, interface, or enum expected } ^ 2 …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for bharathisankhya

Hello everyone, Can anybody tell me how to call javascript in Reasonable Servlet Faces(RSF).

Member Avatar for sumprit

hello everyone, i am using OSM in a swing application. Now what i needed is that when i clicked the mouse then it must perform Zoom in/out on the OSM. i could not able to perform the actionClick action for the mouse. How can i able to do it. If …

Member Avatar for sumprit
Member Avatar for gekkoswave

Hi in this program i want it to run for 720 loops but it keeps stoping short for some reason. There is no compilation error or runtime error. [CODE]import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; public class Simulation { private LinkedList<Customer> customerList; private int minutesThatHavePast; private int customerNumber; private int customerProcessTime; private int …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hi all, i'm developing a web-base system.user enter the data in mysql.my main system retrieve the data using jdbc.my problem is, i dont know how to make the system keep on checking the new data in database.i want it always check the mysql for any new data. i need your …

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The End.