32,205 Topics
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So I have 2 files: M.java, and construct.java. In construct .java, I have 5 instance variables, and made a constructor to initialize the variables. I have also created an getters, adn setters for each instance variable. In Main. java, I created an array: construct[] c= {new construct(int1, string1, string2, string3, … | |
Hi All, Good Day I need some clarification , When serializing the inner class alone(implements Serializable only for inner class) I am getting java.io.NotSerializableException: SerializeinnerClass. At the same time when I am serializing static inner class I am not getting that exception. can any one explain me. Thanks in advance … | |
I'm given a code that asks us to have the user input a set of integers(they can be positive or negative). Then the code goes through the list and counts the occurence of each number. Once it reaches the end, the code displays ONLY the number with the most occurrences, … | |
- - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - * * * - - - - - - * * * * - - - - - * * * * * … | |
Hi there, I am having a problem using this scanner. I would like to find a specific value in the text file inside of my textfile is: 1 iamSamantha 143iluvu Samantha Jones 23 Female 2 AdamLambert ilove8 Adam Lambert 25 Male 3 saharaDoneth doneth123 Doneth Sahara 28 Female heres my … | |
I am using javascript, Html, css, Bootstrap,than i want to implement customise product like upload photo on mug, t-shirt and other products. Than suggest me, how to implement this fearture. | |
I want to use geoFence by kitLocate in android but i am facing unkonwn errors, my MainActivity.java package com.nabia.geofence; import com.kl.kitlocate.class_interface.KLGeofence; import com.kl.kitlocate.interfaces.KLApplication; import com.kl.kitlocate.interfaces.KLLocation; import com.kl.kitlocate.interfaces.KitLocate; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import nabia.kigeofence.R; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); … | |
Hi, i would like to know what are the technologies used as user interface in spring MVC. example like JSP,Thymeleaf. Please let me know if anything else if used apart from this. | |
Hi everyone. Ive finally figured out how to get my JOptionPane always on top no matter what but i cant figure out how to get the results of what button the user has clicked? and how to disable the x on the top left corner? This is what I have. … | |
I am trying to work on a code for extra credit in my Programming class. The question asks for the user to input a text file, and display all the words in that file(including duplicates) in ascending order. After writing the code several different times over the course of four … | |
Hello, I was hoping to get some input from anyone in the Java section. My professor gave us a practice problem about two weeks ago and I have been running into an out of bounds error. The program seemed simple enough, take in two arrays of binary numbers from a … | |
Hello, I have a question about ascending order sorting using the Comparabe interface: When I add the keys of my Hash Map to a TreeSet object and implement the compareTo as below, I get descending order of sorting of names: public int compareTo (Accounts a) { return a.name.compareTo(this.name); } // … | |
where we set FileCaching in weblogic server off | |
Project Decription: The user gives from and to destination from which he needs to get all the trains availabe at that route in all timings. I dont know where im wrong. Pls help me | |
I am attempting to use generics that will sort an ArrayList in ascending order as extra practice for my upcoming mid-term exam. I am given the main method body, and the method header for the sorting method, and am asked to write the method body for the sort method. However, … | |
Hi, i have a string that i want to match to a regular expression. The string is methodName(paraT1 para1, paraT2.name2 para2, paraT3.name3 para3) Inside the () there can be multiple of "aaa.bbb ccc" and "ddd eee" patterns The regular expression i wrote was : (\w*)(\s*)\((((\w*\.\w*)\s*(\w*))|((\w*)\s*(\w*)))(\s*\,\s*(((\w*\.\w*)\s*(\w*))|((\w*)\s*(\w*))))*\) and the I get the … | |
Here I have this error java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) if I execute this thing GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'root' WITH GRANT OPTION; then I have this error. ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) | |
so i have 2 tables here CREATE TABLE tblAcctPrd ( strAPCode VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, datAPStartDate DATE NOT NULL, datAPEndDate DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (strAPCode) )Engine=InnoDB; which is the parent table and CREATE TABLE tblEntry ( <----the child table strEntCode VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, datEntDate DATE NOT NULL, strEntType VARCHAR(50) NOT … | |
I have 1 table in database TableRoom - NoRoom - Status and i have noroom 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205 My problem is how to call a database and specify the colors for the buttons. if the status of the room was filled with the … | |
Hello.. i want to read a microsoft word file and i did search for this subject but i did not find a response. can any one help me, and thank you. | |
My Question was Write a program to collect and store all the cards to assist the users in finding all the cards in a given symbol. This cards game consist of N number of cards. Get N number of cards details from the user and store the values in Card … | |
Hi there, I am having a problem in running my frame at Java Eclipse. It always says unkown source when clicking the button. I would like to insert the dat to the Jtable but it always display like this ` ## This is the error: ## Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" … | |
Hello, Thank you for your time! I have a Hashmap that has keys of of type Account (custom class) and the values are strings. The Account class has the following private variables: 1) name (String type) 2) account number (String type) 3) balance (type double). Following are the files: public … | |
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); InputStream inputStream = null; // input stream of the upload file // obtains the upload file part in this multipart request Part filePart = request.getPart("audio"); if (filePart != null) { // prints out some information … | |
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Hello all, I have a J2EE application that displays a dropdown of items, in Arabic text. This data is stored in a table in underlying MySQL server. The DB character set is set to utf8 and I have in my JSP the carset encoding as utf8 as well. This works … | |
hello,does anyone have asource code for an incremental game.One like the popular 'Cookie Clicker'. This simple games increase the number of points gained by clicks,or give some 'passive'points generation. | |
public class adding { public static void main(string[] args); int a=1; int b=2; sum c=a+b; system.out.println c(sum c); } help cant find symbol - method string | |
public class adding public class adding { public static void main(string[] args){ { int a=1; int b=2; sum c=a+b; system.out.println c;(sum c)-> } } help illegal start of expressions | |
i need help ! instead of ouputting password : admin i want to input asterisk password : ******* thanks in advance |
The End.