32,205 Topics
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hello I want too choose among c++ + qt + php and java for my programming language and platform please help me too choose best platform I want to choose a platform that has this features : speed, portable I am c++ programmer and familiar with java programming language i … | |
Hi again. I just wrote here to ask for a little help yesterday, so I got the help and worked that out, and I'm just curious about something I am going to do in the following couple of days, as soon as I work the network part of this project. … | |
Hy...My name in Alin , and I'm new using Java language/code . I'm trying make a little / simple JAva desktop aplication . Sometthing like phone book , but very very simple . I using Neatbeans 6.8 and mysql-essential-5.1 .I maked interface of that project using Java swing , I … | |
Hi all this my first thread to me here ,and i wish u help me I wanna start learning java ee and i don't know from where could i start. i am waiting your advise . thanx in advance. | |
Hi guys! I have a problem with adding a row filter to the JTable component. Below is a code that I'm using: [CODE] public class FilterClass extends JPanel { TableRowSorter rowSorter; private DefaultTableModel tableModel; public FilterClass() { //super(new GridLayout(1,0)); initComponents(); rowSorter=new TableRowSorter(); tableModel = (DefaultTableModel) tableDetails.getModel(); rowSorter.setModel(tableModel); tableDetails.setRowSorter(rowSorter); } private … | |
I would like to write some Java code that will make the mouse "click" somewhere within a 25 by 50 pixel region on the screen. Additionally, I would like the majority of this "clicking" to occur nearer the center of that region (and less around the outside edges of the … | |
Normally, I post all the information and code snippets that I can muster when asking a question, but this time I will throw "caution to the wind" and just pose the scenario/question... Right now there is an application running and displayed on my screen, the Firefox Web Browser. I want … | |
Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a java GUI that enables a user to search words from a file. It also needs to use two binary searches. Kind of like how Google and Facebook has their searches displaying recommendations after every prefix is typed. I need help on how to … | |
Hello I'm developing a website using Google Web Toolkit GWT and I want to use the Model View Presenter design pattern. I've read that the relation between view and presenter is a one to one relation.. My main page of the website consists of three main parts, or maybe 3 … | |
can you please tell me how a video file can be shown in a table on a frame using java(using netbean software).please reply soon. | |
Hi all, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, please let me know if I should put it somewhere else. From my program, I call the following command: [CODE]cmd.exe /C "C:\jboss\server\default\deploy\xPression.ear\BatchRunner.bat" -j "FC" -q "C:\MultiThreader\override\FC Investment.XML.xml"[/CODE] However, I get the following error: [CODE]The filename, directory … | |
I have a simple class called DateTime because I'm doing some interface with a C# web service. I wanted to override the Date class' toString method as shown below in order to serialize it in a way C# understands, so I wrote a simple little wrapper class. The problem comes … | |
Quick query here guys - I have a program that reads from a file and counts the number of lines in the code. This works fine but when I go to print the contents of the file to the screen or to a Dialog box the number of lines that … | |
hi, this is my hash function, could anyone explain to me why the lines in red are experiencing an "int cannot be deferenced"? Thank you. [CODE]public static int hashFunc3(int key) { int hashVal = 0; [COLOR="Red"]for (int j=0; j<key.length(); j++)[/COLOR] //left to right { [COLOR="Red"]int letter = key.charAt(j) - 96;[/COLOR] … | |
hello friends, how do I simulate an "enter" key press in java? this is to avoid the continuous key pressing during runtime whereas there are so many popups which require an "enter" key press to continue execution | |
Hi, I'd like to ask for a little help. I have this program that handles basic voting,but it should be done client-server,i.e. the server offers questions and multiple clients connect to vote,the server stores the answers etc... I haven't even come to that point of storing etc.,cause I'm stuck here … | |
when i am executing cmd commands through java ,even though we are having tns name its throwing the following error [COLOR="Red"]ERROR: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name Plz help!!! | |
Hi guys, im new, just joined. i have a serious problem with Java3D... I have just recently completed a large project i have been working on for a long time, a NVE. The problem i am having is when i run in through NetBeans 6.8 i have no issues, but … | |
Hi how can i get lis of phone JSR support on application ? is it possible ? for example it`s support JSR-82 or not ? thanks | |
Hello, I'm trying to call a Python module in Java application using JEPP. I'm able to invoke the python modules from java Appl, but i'm not able to call the modules in python class from java appl. Python Code Code: [code] class SampleClass: def [b]callPythonModule[/b](self): print 'The Python Class module … | |
Hi all, I want to know how to give an .exe file for my java prg. pla help me. | |
Hello Daniweb, I have a program due this evening and am ready to give up. I can't figure out my compile problems: C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\My Java Programs\Chris_Y_Week_5_IA.java:85: call to super must be first statement in constructor super("mortgagecalcsr7"); ^ C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\My Java Programs\Chris_Y_Week_5_IA.java:573: inner classes cannot have static declarations public static void main(String[] args) … | |
How do I calculate my RMSD(root mean square deviation) score for my PDB protein structures, atom by atom. I wish to calculate it line by line. But I do not know how to go about it? I was thinking of using a for loop but as you can see, I've … | |
Help me.....i'm tryin to figure out how to link to another java class using a button but i falied to do so...kindly assist me....thanks [CODE] public Login() { setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(400,400); java.awt.Container contents = getContentPane(); contents.setLayout(null); setTitle("Air-Malaysia"); contents.setLayout(null ); contents.setBackground(Color.black); contents.setForeground(Color.orange); am.setFont(f1); usrnm.setFont(f2); clk.setFont(f2); clk.setBackground(Color.black); clk.setForeground(Color.orange); btnOk.setBackground(Color.black); btnOk.setForeground(Color.orange); btnCancel.setBackground(Color.black); btnCancel.setForeground(Color.orange); usrnm.setForeground(Color.orange); … | |
Hi All. Wondering if someone can assist me with this code im trying to write. I have to make a small calculation with random variables but the problem i run into is that i have to pass the calculated variable back to the main method and display it that way. … | |
[CODE] package testt; import java.awt.*; import java.lang.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Login extends JFrame implements ActionListener { //JFrame logframe = new JFrame(); JLabel am=new JLabel("Air-Malaysia...."); JLabel usrnm=new JLabel("Username : "); JLabel nwm=new JLabel("Not yet a member? "); JButton clk=new JButton("Click Here"); JLabel pswrd=new JLabel("Password : "); … | |
I am learning java, in i know in C, when we use: float and double ... the format is : %f for float %lf for double. in java i don't understand why we use double rather than float?? and the format for double is %f !!! [LIST=1] [*]Can some1 explain … | |
Please explain? | |
[CODE] import java.util.*; public class PhoneDirec{ private int MAX=10; private String [] validNames={"Gary","Sam","John","Jude","Alyssa","Matt","Eric","Susie","Alics","Sara"}; PhoneDirec(){ //allocate memory to names validNames=new String[MAX]; }// accept 10 names //I suppose to enter 10 names public void accept(){ Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); for(int n = 0;n< names.length;n++) names[n] = console.nextLine(); } /*I also to … |
The End.