32,205 Topics
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hi, I'm working on an exercise, i did a lot of work already and i just can't figure where I'm going wrong, this is what I'm trying to achieve Sample IO ******************************************************************************* Welcome to PeopleSoft 2 MENU: (A)dd student, (D)elete, (L)ist, (S)ort, e(X)it a Enter the student number MSXMIC001 Enter … | |
Hi, whenever I try to load any javascript link I get an error. I have reinstalled javascript and that didn't help. I don't no what else to do. Please help!!! | |
I yet did not master the skill of concurrency better say I failed on first attempt and since then did not tried, therefore I'm asking for help. Currently I working on JME application where I need to load mp3 files into Player. I'm able to do it with one file, … | |
I am programming using a Java Editor called "TextMate" on the mac and it often gives me errors that I don't get when I compile using TextPad on the Windows machines at school. Can someone check if this compiles on a Windows machine please? The errors are under the code, … | |
t can contain an Address Book, Calculator, Calendar, Dictionary, To Do List, Clock, etc. It is not necessary that it will look exactly like the Mac's Dashboard or the Windows Sidebar (especially when it comes to the look and feel; with transparent and animation effects). What's important is it contains … | |
which are the legal methods in a stateless session bean class? thanks in advance! :-) | |
import java.io.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class Proj21110 { private static int MAX_UNKNOWNS = 10; public static void main (String[] args) { headerMessage(); // print header BufferedReader in = null; if(args.length > 0) { in = getReader(args[0]); // open file System.out.println("Opened file: " + args[0]); } else { in = getReader("guess.data"); … | |
Hi, I have project where a part is to make a maven 2 plugin for files to escape HTML content and generate a new file. I did it, to do this I used apache-commons-lang 2.4 library. But there is a new requirement now. They want to use it on a … | |
I already know C and I have to learn Java. Can anybody recommend an ebook I can read? | |
I'm not quite sure what is wrong, and I am VERY new to programming but heres teh problem: Scanner scanner; scanner = new Scanner(); This is what I have, and this is the error message: cannot find symbol symbol: constructor Scanner() location: class.java.util.Scanner And also, there is a problem with … | |
hi i am new to java i have been assigned to a work where i have to take DTD file as input & i have to generate TRN file & i have been told to write the program into different classes. From DTD file i have to make a different … | |
I say urgent because I have to finish it pretty much tonight or maybe very early tomorrow morning. But I am moving along decently on the project, so it's not like nothing is getting done. Basically I have a problem with a class I am in the process of completing, … | |
Hey there! I was wondering if someone here could help me out a bit. I'm a beginner in Java and I'm struggling a bit with understanding if it is me who is doing something wrong or if something is just missing from my software to run the thing I'm trying … | |
Need some help with this script. When I run this script it works well. However, at the end of the day it freezes at evening. The following day when I run the script it starts at evening, and it should start by saying morning. Am I missing something? [code] string … | |
Ok, I'm taking a intro to programming with java class, and for the most part I've been able to keep up with the assignments. I'm in the process of writing a statement that will output the cube root of a number, I've come up with the below as what I … | |
hello, guys i have a really stupid problem about characters and string; i dont know which to use. wacko.gif iam bubble sorting for example a name::'( :?: input: [B]dreamincode[/B] output: [B]a c d d e e i m n o[/B] why does my code in error? my compiler saids the … | |
Hi, I have an aaplication which can play the .wav file. However, I want to get the timing of each word spoken by the person. For example, when the person speak the first word, the time will being recorded in the text area and also the word spoken. the process … | |
I find it difficult in this java programming language that's why I need your help to defend this code in my class. I got this code from internet with comments and explanation. but there are some codes and explanation that I don't understand. [CODE= java] /* Read me: Note: As … | |
Hello, I have to base64 encode a large quantity of data and include it in the XML response of the webservice.The WSDL define the XML element in the following way: [CODE]<xs:complexType name="MessagePart"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:base64Binary"> <xs:attribute name="contentType" type="xs:string" default="text/plain" use="optional"/> <xs:attribute name="length" type="xs:int" default="0" use="optional"/> <xs:attribute name="offset" type="xs:int" default="0" use="optional"/> … | |
I'm practicing java language.. please help me out I got this error saying.. cannot find symbol symbol: constructor compAdd() location: class compAdd [code=java] compAdd c1 = new compAdd(); ///////////////compAdd.java import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class compAdd extends JFrame { public JButton button = new JButton("Add"); public JTextField txt1, … | |
Ok, so, for school, we have to write a program that calculates the value of Pi as accurately as possible. Earlier in the year, we worked with a "Turtle" program, it drew lines and circles, ect. it started in the center of the JFrame, and moved to where you told … | |
i recently downloaded java jdk6 how do i get started to write programms | |
This is a simplified version of a larger project. I have three JPanels contained in a larger JSplitPane called [ICODE]wholePanel[/ICODE]. The top panel and left panel hold labels and buttons, which I have not included here. The lower right panel, called [ICODE]canvasPanel[/ICODE], is where I draw shapes. I'm trying to … | |
Hi, I need help on this assignment I have, the question asks to write a program that reads a non-negative integer number (4 digits maximum) and writes that number in words. it gives me: Private Instance [B]Variables: int value;[/B] The value of the integer number [B]Constructor[/B] [B]Numbers(int n)[/B] Initializes the … | |
Could some one look at this program and let me know if the Scanner object and variables are defined and defined correctly? And make suggestions on how to fix it if it is wrong. I also want to know if my validations are correct for employee, hours, and rate are … | |
Well I just started a university class in Java, I am used to PHP so this has been a confusing shift in many ways. Right now I'm struggling a bit with my first homework assignment, although more in a general understanding of java than nitty gritty details. The code is … | |
Hey all, very simple question here.. How in Java can I get a Rectangle object that represents the Desktop coordinates? In fact just the width and height of the Desktop will do.. I'm just looking for something similar to the following C code [CODE=C] HWND hDesktop; hDesktop = GetDesktopWindow(); if … | |
Hi there, I'm currently making application for my school project. I have managed to get everything working but there is still one thing left on my list. The application should be capable of listening on a specific port for a specific type of packet (the protocol is SCTP). I tried … | |
hi i have two flat file having content like this file1.txt raghu,23,1000 ragiv,66,1800 file2.txt ramya,45,2455 ragiv,66,1800 i need to compare the two file and print the content in the other file which are different among the two file i.e raghu,23,1000 ramya,45,2455 plz help thanx in advance | |
while buildin a j2me aplication using java wireless toolkit dere was a warning.. warning: as of release 1.4, 'assert' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier (use -source 1.4 or higher to use 'assert' as a keyword) assert false; ^ can nebody help in solvin d … |
The End.