32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for niitin

hi, I m new to this forum. i wwnted to send sms from mobile to microcontroller wheather it is possible if yes plz help me

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for musikluver4

Whenever I try to load a java applet from an html file, with the .class and .java files in the same directory, I load the html applet file and the only thing that gets displayed is NOT the applet, but the html code.....how do I enable java applets in my …

Member Avatar for DeadSoul
Member Avatar for cik ain

how to Write a program that prompts the user to enter a point (x,y) and checks whether the point is within the circle centered at (0,0) with radius 10

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Bladtman242

The code executes as expected, but I am not sure it is considered good code:) I am thinking especially of the two streams on the socket, if the first one is successfully opened and the next one for some reason throws an exception, the finally block will never run. If …

Member Avatar for Bladtman242
Member Avatar for Megha SR

hello. i have just started learning functions in java. i have done the below program to find area of rectangle,triangle and square. it is a private class. class calcu { void rectangle(int l,int b) { int area1; area1=l*b; System.out.println("area of rectangle = "+area1); } void triangle(double base,double h) { double …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for sumeetdesaeee

Hello Friends... This question was asked to me in an interview.. Can a class be static in java? If yes, then what is it's use and how it can be used?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Me Awesome

Hi every body, I am a masters student in computer science and i am looking for a project that is working good. I need the code for it. If anybody has it, please send it to me...or atleast suggest me where i could find one. The project shlould be at …

Member Avatar for monu952
Member Avatar for TahoeSands

I am working on an application in Java and for part of my plan I would like to have an object (eventually an array of these objects) where I could store two or three (I am not sure yet) varied types of data, for instance... A BufferedImage and a string …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for 47pirates

Can any one explain me why there is a error in my home.jsp when i try to use commandLink for a link to open messages from the data base.After i use this link all my program crashed now not any component on the page is working.

Member Avatar for bunifrog

First thanks for the help last time I posted it set me on the right track thanks. Now what I need is to clean up a bit. (this is for the 30 year loan only want to get that to do what I need before creating the same with the …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Megha SR

i have got a program to convert a double value to a string. eg==INPUT= 3.65 OUTPUT=three point six five. can anyone give the solution.

Member Avatar for Megha SR
Member Avatar for TahoeSands

Hello Everyone, This is my first post, so be gentle with me. I am working on an application and I have a need to store about 5 or 6, X and Y coordinate pairs. The values for X and Y are reasonably small integer values (less than 5000). Essentially all …

Member Avatar for TahoeSands
Member Avatar for raghujosh

I am trying to connect from Eclipse to a database in SQL server 2008. However, i am unable to and the following error message is thrown(see attached image). Can somebody help?

Member Avatar for raghujosh
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello I am just learning Java. I have some elmentary questions. In my code below there are 3 errors that occur: - How do I declare a string array of size 5 in Java correctly? - How do I cin :p, take in a string array element. Ie, in C++ …

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for sportinguista

Hi! I´m working with multiband TIF files and some of them have double data type. I need to modify some pixels from int (0-255) values to double values; problem is that my original image has int values, so it always rounds new values to int. That´s why I want to …

Member Avatar for sportinguista
Member Avatar for developer@india
Member Avatar for emcyroyale

Hello everyone I am making a code to take a binary code and then embed it within the first row of a picture. Then with that another function takes it out of the picture and converts it into decimal. The problem is that I am pretty sure I did it …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Melow

i made a binary calculator... it calculates two numbers in binary code i'm new in programming so this is what i came up with, it's not the best implementation, but it might help someone known bugs: when u try to make more calculations in one "session" it doesn't clear the …

Member Avatar for uraion

please can anyone help my with my project I can't do it in one day the lecturer just asked us to do in this week so if anyone do it for me I will not forget this favor in my entire life . the link of the project [url]http://uploading.com/files/fc1abaa1/ICS%2B102%2B-%2BLab%2BProject.doc/[/url] this …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for nagajyothi

Hi, I am facing an error in Internet Explorer.. ('eNew' is null or not an object)..and my project UI was not getting displayed correctly.. I don't know where the problem is..?? whether with the browser or what...?? Please someone help me..:( Thanks in advance.. Jyothi

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi to all, I have downloaded the j2eesdk-1_4_03-linux.bin and installed in my system.It works good .I can able to start the server .It starts fine. By Using the below command: asadmin start-domain But when i do no how to execute the JMS program. Can any one tell me how to …

Member Avatar for emcyroyale

Hello everyone I am making a code to create a fractal using the turtle class in java. The problem is that the fractal string doesn't seem to be registering through the if and else if statements. What I would like to know is if that is the problem...or something else...Thanks …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for cac186

I'm taking on a new project and was hoping to get some help. I recently helped complete a Java application in which the user enters various inputs (of the type double or string)into text fields. The application then saves these inputs into a text document which is then used for …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for gavalipm

want a mega project in java for Final Year of Engineering in Computer science

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for P00dle

Okay, this puzzle the hell out of me. I've got 2 different sets of code, one which works, one which doesn't. They are both very similar, and I can't see what is causing the problem. Code that works: [CODE] public static void main(String[] args) { PropertyConfigurator.configure("log4j.properties"); new Settings().globalSettings(args[0]); logger.info("Read settings …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for tedtdu

Dear all. Thanks for you kind and generous supporting. From the String s="<hell <world </world </hell"; I wanted push the elements "<hello, <world" into stack, and pop off if current element equal to peek element in stack. Question: Even stack.peek().equals(CURRENT ELEMENT), why can not pop off, but occurs error?? Please …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for neil.abbott1

Hi, I am trying to open a url by clicking over the link of JLabel in Windows 7 (32 -bit) but unable to do so. After clicking on the link, it doesn't do anything. Although, it is opening the file successfully.It used to work in XP. The code is as …

Member Avatar for neil.abbott1
Member Avatar for tedtdu

From following string (without white space) as; String s= "<a><b>e</b></a>"; How can I get the following tokens; <a>,<b>,e,</b>,</a> Thanks for attention!

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ursiguy

Hi i am beginner to java, My requirement is i need to scan the database changes every second and need to show the changesin the jsp, I have started to write progrmme as below......My major problem was the data was not appending to the jsp but after exiting the while …

Member Avatar for srinu.thatee

HI!!!! Recently i got a job... plz suggest me a mini project in java on hibernate, Spring n Struts..


The End.