32,205 Topics
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Okay, this puzzle the hell out of me. I've got 2 different sets of code, one which works, one which doesn't. They are both very similar, and I can't see what is causing the problem. Code that works: [CODE] public static void main(String[] args) { PropertyConfigurator.configure("log4j.properties"); new Settings().globalSettings(args[0]); logger.info("Read settings … | |
Dear all. Thanks for you kind and generous supporting. From the String s="<hell <world </world </hell"; I wanted push the elements "<hello, <world" into stack, and pop off if current element equal to peek element in stack. Question: Even stack.peek().equals(CURRENT ELEMENT), why can not pop off, but occurs error?? Please … | |
Hi, I am trying to open a url by clicking over the link of JLabel in Windows 7 (32 -bit) but unable to do so. After clicking on the link, it doesn't do anything. Although, it is opening the file successfully.It used to work in XP. The code is as … | |
From following string (without white space) as; String s= "<a><b>e</b></a>"; How can I get the following tokens; <a>,<b>,e,</b>,</a> Thanks for attention! | |
Hi i am beginner to java, My requirement is i need to scan the database changes every second and need to show the changesin the jsp, I have started to write progrmme as below......My major problem was the data was not appending to the jsp but after exiting the while … | |
HI!!!! Recently i got a job... plz suggest me a mini project in java on hibernate, Spring n Struts.. | |
Hello, I am trying to override the toString() method and then output an ArrayList to a JTextArea swing component. I will output the list to a gui using an action, but for the method itself, what should the return statement be? I am using return type String on the method, … | |
I have a hyerarchy of aggregation with data from a txt file. I'll try to draw it here [B]Documento[/B] has arraylist of [U]Pagina[/U] [INDENT][B]Pagina [/B]has arraylist of [U]Parrafo[/U][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][B]Parrafo [/B]has arraylist of [U]Frase[/U][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][B]Frase [/B]has arraylist of [U]Palabra[/U][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][B]Palabra [/B]has arraylist of [U]basicElemento[/U][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] To construct [U]Documento[/U], I only have to … | |
I have writen a code for adding (math +) two arrays. Actually, I have two arrays of a class I have also designed, that has two attributess, one of wich is an integer. I would like to sum (add element by element) one array on the other by adding the … | |
Hi there, I'm a Java newbie, but have experience in JavaScript programming for over half a year. I would like to ask if there and any web site where people share their Java source code so that I can read and learn how they program. Blogs where they share tutorials … | |
I have an entire program wrote, but I'm having problems with the getMethod. I need a get method which will receive the position of the variable (1,2, or 3) and will then return the variable at that position. Here's an example of the call to the method: System.out.println(dog.getFido(2)); I've tried … | |
Hey to everyone out there. I am new to this forum and seeking assistance with a java program assignment. if anyone can help let me know. The program is completed all I have left is to produce accurate output of a students grade. Here is the code: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import javax.swing.JOptionPane; … | |
Hello, i hope all of you are fine ... i need some source about telecom billing system .... | |
Hi to all, I am new to JMS concept in java.I have downloaded a example jms program in the site. So i have mention the classpath the java path.The jms program is compiled fine and class file also gernerated. The problem is when i run the normal java program or … | |
I dont know how to connect the ms access database to the website.can anyone help me out? | |
Ok, I've never seen a while loop like this. Please can someone help explain this: [CODE]CipherInputStream cis = new CipherInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("plaintext.txt")),cipher); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("ciphertext.txt")); byte[] cipherTextBytes = new byte[8]; int i = 0; while((i=cis.read(cipherTextBytes))!= -1) { fos.write(cipherTextBytes,0,i); }[/CODE] Ignore the whole CipherInputStream object if you don't … | |
I have this code in a C# application that is automating a Web app. I want to execute the javascript function and would like to SEE the results, however when running the app I get an exception "Specified cast is not valid." on line 2 below. mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc2 = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)ie.Document; … | |
Hi, I have executed the sample package program and it executes fine in some conditions.I have a doubt in my program . My directory structure is:/javaprograms/world/HelloWorld.java A folder name :world A java filename:HelloWorld.java [code] package world; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String args[])throws IOException{ System.out.println("Package … | |
go0d day every0ne.. ..Can you please help me create a 'Picture Puzzle' using GUI.. its just like playing a picture puzzle like we d0, it just like this.. it has a pieces of scrambled pictures that you will arrange it.. it has a 0ne empty block to be able for … | |
[TEX]hey there, can you help me with something. I'm supposed to get data from a single text file and use it on 3 different jTextField. Then if I hit a save button, the data from the textfields will overwrite the existing data of the text file. Unfortunately, I can't make, … | |
hello every One.. ..can any0ne help me create a 'picture puzzle' using GUI.. OOP'. ..ur answerz r highLy apPrecited.. thankz have a nice day ahead' | |
I need to parse XML documents without parsing libraries, that is, just create one of myself. E.g. input: [CODE]<aa><bb>H</bb></aa>[/CODE] I have to get rid of tags and show, if any, errors(mismatching tag etc). Any suggestion please. Thanks in advance!! | |
Hi all, I need to do a translation using 2D arrays for my Superposition algorithm. Translation: I plan to use the CA(Alpha carbon) as my invariant point which is usually the 2nd line in the pdb.txt file. So how go about doing that? Must I use an orthogonal matrix? Or … | |
Hi what i am trying to do here is highlight a particular cell in a table using a custom cell renderer. And by the way this is my first cell renderer so i am really not sure what to do! ok now here is the renderer I have written and … | |
Hi all! I really really need your advice here! So please do reply me. Your help is greatly appreciated!! I need to do a translation here: X Y Z -3.621 15.574 14.908 (file1 - 2nd row) -3.441 15.678 14.859 (file2 - 2nd row) I need to move file 2 coordinates … | |
If there's anyone who knows a thing or two about this, your help would be much appreciated. This is a code I'm working on: [CODE] try { //ask user for short password System.out.print("Enter a password: "); //read in a character at a time, putting them into the buffer while((buf[bufPos++] = … | |
this is my code snippets to capture data from a textfile [CODE] try{ // to store the stopwords File file8 = new File("stoplist3.txt"); FileInputStream stopStream = new FileInputStream (file8); InputStreamReader reader8 = new InputStreamReader(stopStream); StreamTokenizer stopToken = new StreamTokenizer(reader8); List stopWordList = new ArrayList(); //stopwords up to here[/CODE] i don't … | |
Hi programmers I need this code to be completed with the sjf(shortest job first) to be preemptive, it means with arrival times with each process.. Here is my code so far: CpuScheduling1.java Interface: Menu [1]First- Come First-Served [2]Shortest Job First [3]Priority Enter Choice: Note: I need to have the sjf … | |
Hi all, I want to write some cryptographic operations using RSA, but its provider, bouncy castle, does not come inbuilt in java, which is why when I put in this code: [CODE]Provider bcProv = new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider();[/CODE] I went to the providers site and they said something about putting this line … | |
when the above code is executed then it is showing that m string is undefined, please tell how to modify a string ,which is taken as input [code]String m; BufferedReader x = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); try { m = x.readLine(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } a--;} … |
The End.