32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for churva_churva

Please help me to create a program that will demonstrate the following using an array...... 1.Adding of objects 2.Deleting of objects 3.Updating of objects 4.Displaying of objects.. An interactive program using console/gui... thanks...hope you can help me...just send the code, please help me....

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Member Avatar for rebellion346

Hey guys. I just signed up and was hoping someone could help me out here. So for this program that's an assignment for my CS 1410 class.There's 2 dices and im suppose to do 1 million rolls. The program is suppose to calculate percentage of how many times the following …

Member Avatar for rebellion346
Member Avatar for laughnan

I am working on a java applet that sends information from the applet to a gmail using JavaMail. I downloaded the JavaMail package and using the mail.jar file it [B]does[/B] send to the email from my Eclipse workspace. However, when I ftp the files (ContactForm.java, ContactForm.class, mail.jar, and test.html) to …

Member Avatar for laughnan
Member Avatar for signum89

I already have an infix to postfix converter, now I want to get the answer from the postfix notation. Here is my code to evaluate a given postfix notation and (hopefully) get the answer: [CODE=java] public class testEVAL { private StackArray SA; private String input; private int postfixEVAL; //start constructor …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for lisa.wells7

Hi I am new to Java and need some help with a call to a private helper method. The helper method has a arraylist and char in the argument. Helper Method signature: [ private List<aClass1> getDancers(List<aClass1> aList, char c) ] Here is the call to the above helper method within …

Member Avatar for lisa.wells7
Member Avatar for idontknow19

:)PLEASE RESPECT MY THREAD..Thank you for sharing your time and effort..thanks to the code Java Experts can you share to me some codes or program that will determine VALID or INVALID using the parenthesis symbol() inputs. The code must use Stack and it also tell what is the cause why …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for glenak

Hi, for any of you who have done some java programming in cryptography I need your help. I'm trying to right and blinding and unblinding procedure, however at the final stage I should get a true, but I'm getting a false. If you know what's wrong, can you point it …

Member Avatar for glenak
Member Avatar for deep.bwn
Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for raul8

I have an HTML/JSP page on which I have to display all the images stored in a folder. For this I have to use Java. Please tell me how this can be done. Will appreciate if it is possible to provide code for explanation. Thank You

Member Avatar for tn2130

Hey everyone. Im new to java and having some problems. The main idea is to connect to a website and collect information off it and store it in an array. What I want the program to do is to search the website find a key word, and store what comes …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for slamdunk

I dont have much experience with javascript. Please provide javascript to create something like the image below: [url]http://www.coolmicroscope.com/java.jpg[/url] "data:text/html,<html>¶ <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function blinkIt() { if (!document.all) return; else { for(i=0;i<document.all.tags('blink').length;i++){ s=document.all.tags('blink')[i]; s.style.visibility=(s.style.visibility=='visible')?'hidden':'visible'; } } } </script> <style> html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; } body { margin : …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for jemz

hello, hi can you help me what method to use to count how many words in a sentence... hoping for your positive responds thank you in advance...

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for kennyvas

hi i want to know the role of a manifest file in the development of a javabean component

Member Avatar for miraj0072004

Hello friends , I am new to ant tasks.in this custom ant tasks I have tried to implement, there are two classes HelloWorld.java and CmdCompile.java. this is the build.xml I use, [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project name="Antcompile" default="main" basedir="."> <!--<description>Builds, tests, and runs the project Antcompile.</description>--> <import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/> <taskdef name="hello" classname="just.inside.HelloWorld"/> …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sameeraict

Hi, i'm trying store an image in my sql database . i 'm using java to manipulate it .i 'm able to manage the image store in the database,but i don't know how to retrieve it back to my user interface. can some one help me to do this. [code]//sample …

Member Avatar for snehalata86

Hello, I am trying to make a report which provides drill down facility for each slice inside the pie chart.If the slice refers to USA then another report should be opened which will provide detailed information about orders placed in USA.But it is not working. I have created two reports.In …

Member Avatar for satheeshsv
Member Avatar for mmnewbee

Pliz if there's anyone out there who has used or knows how to use the java speech api ,pliz can you tell me what i need to write a simple voice activated program i.e packages and/or additional software that I need to install n a tinsy little code snipet that …

Member Avatar for P00dle

Hi Daniweb. I'm using a file mask (eg '*.txt') to filter filenames in a program that I'm writing. It gets the file mask from an .xml settings file. Currently the mask is '*.xml', and the code I'm using to filter this is like this: [CODE]Pattern.matches(fileMask, fileName);[/CODE] The exception that is …

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Member Avatar for twistedphrame

Hi everyone, I'm looking to write a server/client negotiation which involves both the server and client choosing a random number, sending it to one another, then generating a string using the two random numbers and some other previously found information. Using the hash of this string the client and server …

Member Avatar for DeIntegro

Say 3 integers are giving: 3, 4, 16 how does one go about writing a program to find the least common denominator? greatest common divisor? etc.. I was wondering if there is a way to use the multiples and then select the number that matches up, in this case 48 …

Member Avatar for coil
Member Avatar for Lolecule

Hey, I'm currently writing a SUVAT calculator in Java, my program needs to know when the user enters a dash as an argument, my problem is essentially this code fragment: [code=java]if(args[x] != "-") { valuesYouHave[x] = true; values[x] = Double.parseDouble(args[x]); }[/code] From my own testing I have deduced that the …

Member Avatar for wildplace
Member Avatar for BboyRodimus

So my instructor told us to submit our assignment which I've done. She has an online java compiler that checks if the answer is right. I looked at the report and it has the right outputs and everything and below is this that makes my answers wrong: Exception in thread …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for mahdi68
Member Avatar for DeIntegro

I understand that y = n ^ 4 will be pow(n,4)...but what about drawing the curve y = 1 - x ^ 4 y = (1 - x) ^ 4 y = 1-(1 - x) ^ 4 I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for DeIntegro
Member Avatar for glenak

Hi, I want to code a client/server app such that there will be one server and multiple clients interacting with the server. The clients will send messages, like "Hello, server," and the server will send messages back. I know how to write a simple client/server app, however im confused as …

Member Avatar for glenak
Member Avatar for Katana24

Hi - what im trying to do is to create a way of centering an image on a frame no matter what the size of the frame. I have two classes: one called "Picture_Frame.java"; the other "MyImage.java" In the latter I get the image and paint it then call on …

Member Avatar for Katana24
Member Avatar for ashwinpdy

Hi..I'm Ashwin here...i need urgent help in implementing PaaS in cloud computing for my final year project...Is there anyway u can help me with this?? even a little push to get started wud be highly helpful....

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for cac186

Hi there. I'm a newbie and am having what I'm sure is an easily corrected issue. I am using JFileChooser in one class to select a file that I would like to to have passed onto another class for file reading. [CODE] private String selectFileOpen(String title) { JFileChooser fileopen = …

Member Avatar for cac186
Member Avatar for hlonihloks

Hi, please assist; I'm trying to read a text file located on a url, and that file information is separatedby tabs, and some cases the results on it are null values, depending on the systems performance. now, I can't read it if all values are tabs, especially the last values, …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for monu952

:ooh:[B]HI..I m student of 3rd year Btech. I hv learnt Core JAVA in mah summer vacations. But I m not b able to decide what project should i prepare. I m thinkinf of "Notepad" and "English Dictionary for mobile phone devices". I have just 5 days to prepare mah project. …

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The End.