32,205 Topics
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Hello everyone hope all is well. So I'm learning java and been at it all night and this is my last hope. I can't figure out why a certain part of my code is not being executed after the conditions of my if statement is true. [CODE] /** * @(#)mathsoftware.java … | |
I want to print .doc ,.docx, .xls, .csv , .xlsx, .rtf documents through java. For that up till now I got following 3 approaches but I have not reached any conclusion. 1. To convert .doc ,.docx, .xls, .csv , .xlsx, .rtf to .pdf (bcoz I am able to print .pdf … | |
ola, i need help fast plz, the printing function in java .print() works i.e. [CODE] jtextarea.print(); [/CODE] the problem is, if the jtextarea is longer than 1 page it will print the extra pages on some computers and not on others. I thought it a printer setting, but when the … | |
In c programming language, When the compiler compiles a program, the obj file is created. When that object file is run, an .exe file is generated. That .exe file contains the machine language instructions that are understandable by the underlying processor. If we run that .exe file on another kind … | |
The objective is to add all the prime numbers before an arbitrary input. I am wondering what exactly this person has done through this code. I am not this advanced, and I do not how to work with particularly the int[] a variable. What is the int[] a command called? … | |
[CODE] public static void main(String[] args) { int[] out; for (i=0;i<args.length;i++) { String number_string=new String(); if(args[i].equals("-i")) { if(i+1<args.length) { i++; number_string=args[i]; } StringTokenizer number=new String Tokenizer (number_string,','); int chip_number=number_string.replaceAll("[^,]","").length(); chip_number++; int k=0; while (number.hasMoretokens()) { number_int[k]=Integer.parseInt(number.nextToken()); k++; } } } for(i=chip_number-1;i>=0;i--) { for(j=0;j<number_int[i];j++) { out[j]=j; } //should be a double … | |
I am a newb, do not go to college and am learning Java on my own time. This little project is a learning exercise so I ask that any help just points me toward a right direction. It is a character generator for a table top game, that may or … | |
I have an assignment where I have to have seven different lottery numbers ranging from 1 to 35. A separate powerball number should also be generated. The powerball number should be within the range of 1-10. I have to write a java program that gives eight sets of seven numbers … | |
I am trying to setup a simple dll that will allow me to run C++ code from Java, to start I chose to create the function HelloWorld, I can get the library to compile and load but when Java calls the native method "hello()" it throws the exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError. How … | |
Hi, im currently studying for my final test in java beginner class, so there is a problem that i couldn't solved until now, i'm totally beginner and have search the solution for almost two days :( The program is taking variabel n from other text file, then this n will … | |
Hello, I am having problems in bMethod. The program compiles but there is no output display for bMethod. I am trying obtain a set from aMethod and assign this set to a suitable local variable in bMethod. Which I think where the problem is. I want trying to display both … | |
Hello all, I am new here and fairly new to java and programming in general. I decided to make a little color chooser hoojie for fun (jar file attached), but it is tremendously slow. Partly it is my fault (code def not perfect..) but when I checked what was taking … | |
Which is the best book or site for learning JAVA perfectly? What should i install on my PC to learn programming in JAVA environment?? I dont know anything abt JAVA. I am just a beginner. please help me out thanks | |
Hi, I have written a program where i have used array of 4 Buttons as i click on any of the buttons it image changes and on re-clicking the same button it images changes back to the original image.It is working alright but the issue is that the image which … | |
Hi! I have a problem with getting an arraylist to work within a JList. I have posted 5 classes; a GUI class - GrafikInl6, a class with most of the methods - Functionality, and then an abstract baseclass Runner6 with the two subclasses EliteRunner6 and Jogger6. My problem is the … | |
hey guys, i just started working on one of the projects well its has been already finished all im doing is making a few changes and it contains two .dll files (in the root of the project) if they are removed project does not compile and stops functioning otherwise (if … | |
The ConcurrentHashMap is thread safe without locking the entire table but it doesn't remove the race conditions like if we query for a key and at that time the key is not there, so in the next instruction we add the key's entry to the map. Between the two things, … | |
Hi friends, I need to work with an application that exposes SNMP interface. I have googled to check SNMP in general but I find it difficult a bit. I know in HTTP you send request and get response and with the two you can play around. I have never done … | |
Ordinary Maps use the following test for equality (k1==null ? k2==null : k1.equals(k2)).) IdentityHashMap uses k1==k2. My question is that even Object's equals() method returns k1==k2. Only when the Object's equals method is overridden inside a class, does it perform content based equality comparison. So, IdentityHashMap could have used Object's … | |
are there any codes whereby it can read the first and last word of all the lines of a text file? I would need to read the first and last word of text files and make sure both the first and last words matches the conditions then print the lines … | |
Hi All I really need help in this. Im supposed to "extract" information from text files . the text files looks somethings like this: MODEL 1 ATOM 1 N SER A 253 -19.559 -25.512 -41.130 1.00 0.00 N ATOM 2 CA SER A 253 -18.749 -26.500 -41.895 1.00 0.00 C … | |
[code]import java.io.*; class Ex33 { public static void main(String[] args) { Console console=System.console(); System.out.println("Please enter a number"); String input; input=console.readLine(); int n1; n1=Integer.parseInt(input); double sum; int LessThanAv; for(count=0;count<100;count++) { sum=(n1+sum)/count; System.out.println("Please enter the next number"); } while(n1<sum;) { System.out.println(n1); } } }[/code] | |
[U]Okay im a desperate need of some help here im currently doing a uni java project... im creating a single player battle war game that is turn based. ill give the overview i have wrote underneath but i need some help sorting out was classes i need and putting them … | |
i want web based project topics in java.who's r not common in development means i want smthing defferent topic which is not more complex n easy 2 built....so pls give me sm topic...4 ma project.... | |
hai...... plz... tell me some miniproject topics in java.we are planning to do it in 30 days. | |
having a problem with executing this in jGRASP not acceptin user input [CODE]class salestax { public static void main (String[] args) { try { double price = Double.valueOf(args[0]).doubleValue(); double salestax = price * 0.0825; System.out.println("Sales tax is " + salestax); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Usage: java salestax price" ); … | |
Hi How can I stop a class method execution ? I have been reading and the most similar solution I found is use Threads....is there another solution ? Im working with jasperreports, In order to generate report I just call single method to start the report print and another method … | |
The problem is that it gets stuck on public static void queryChange(String string) { System.out.println("Sending Query: "+string); try{ System.err.println("queryChange 1"); Connect(); System.err.println("queryChange 2"); [COLOR="red"]conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(string);[/COLOR] System.err.println("queryChange 3"); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("Sent Query: "+string); } java doesnt error it just gets stuck. Sent Query: UPDATE `servers` SET `playersCurrent` … | |
I am new to Java, and I am working on a program that functions as a calculator. I have the code for the calculator written, but I need to make a GUI for it, because as of now the only way I can see output is by running it within … | |
Can you people please help me in this program using only nested loops? I cannot use bufferedreader or charAt function Hard coding cannot be used. [B]The dots all stand for spaces[/B] The pattern is:- abcde .bcde ..cde ...de ....e ....ed ....edc ....edcb ....edcba The spaces are mandatory. [B]The dots are … |
The End.