i want the array to run from one place in diagnol to another place in the array.
i set the arguments. here they are
int rowStart=3;
int rowEnd=5;
int columnStart=3;
int columnEnd=5;
int columnX=columnEnd-columnStart;
int rowY=rowEnd-rowStart;
here is the single loop that i prepared:
if (rowY>0 && columnX>0){
while(pieces[rowStart+a][columnStart+a]==null && columnStart+a>columnEnd && rowStart+a>rowEnd){
System.out.println("BishopSouthEast This is a "+a);
if(a<rowY && a<columnX){
System.out.println("BishopSouthEast This is a "+a+" and this is the square places disparity "+ rowY);
System.out.println("BishopSouthEast This is a "+a+" and this is the square places disparity "+ columnX);
System.out.println("BishopSouthEast This is a This value is false");
System.out.println("BishopSouthEast This is a "+a+" and this is the square places disparity "+ columnX);
System.out.println("BishopSouthEast This is a "+a+" and this is the square places disparity "+ rowY);
System.out.println("BishopSouthEast This is a This value is true");
why the a is returned always as 0 and not being counted even once?
(i tested, there are nulls only from point to point)