In the following example I am trying to open a file that I have named in the command line for Read. Does anyone have any suggestions?

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace std;

#define RSIZE 1			// Buffer size

int main( int  argc,      // Number of strings in array argv
          char *argv[],   // Array of command-line argument strings
          char *envp[] )  // Array of environment variable strings
    int count;

    // Display each command-line argument.
    cout << "\nCommand-line arguments:\n";
    for( count = 0; count < argc; count++ )
         cout << "  argv[" << count << "]   "
                << argv[count] << "\n";

 String^ kpath =  ToString(argv[1]);
 // <<<<<< error C3861 "'ToString': idenifier not found"	
  FileStream^ kfs = File::OpenRead( kpath );
  long long kL = kfs->Length;

  array<Byte>^ib = gcnew array<Byte>(RSIZE); // array of 1 bytes   

		  for (int i; i < kL; i++){
			ifs->Read(kb, 0, RSIZE);
        if ( kfs )
            delete (IDisposable^)kfs;
// -eof-


Thank You in advance for any help!

how would one convert from argv[1] to 'System::String ^'?

I had to look this up so I'm not much good on further questions :) String ^ kpath = gcnew String(argv[1]); It makes sense to me but I don't have much experience with the CLI syntax.

I had to look this up so I'm not much good on further questions :) String ^ kpath = gcnew String(argv[1]); It makes sense to me but I don't have much experience with the CLI syntax.

Yes, this seems to work. Thank you *VERY* much!

At least it compiles!

I will see what I can do with it!

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