32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for leiger

I am attempting to access an XML-RPC API method using a Java client. I'm fairly certain that the server is written in Python. The API is part of the wiki farm Wikidot.com API info: [url]http://www.wikidot.com/doc:api[/url] API method info: [url]http://www.wikidot.com/doc:api-methods[/url] Does anyone here know what the equivalent of this statement is …

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Member Avatar for student.09

Hi, I need help getting started on this program: Write a sort method that uses the bubble- sort algorithm. The bub-ble- sort algorithm makes several passes through the array. On each pass, suc-cessive neighboring pairs are compared. If a pair is in decreasing order, its values are swapped; otherwise, the …

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Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there, I have two pieces of code that I expected would behave the same. However, what I noticed is that one of them works fine, the other does not at all. I need help from someone experienced to explain what's going on under the hood. the code that does …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for mikaelaillanes

Hi! I have a problem with a binary tree programing (AVL)where I have to check if it is or if it isn't balanced.... I have made a start but I know it isn't right... [CODE] public boolean isBalanced() { boolean balanced = true; isBalanced(root, balanced); return balanced; } private void …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for shingo99

hi im a beginner in Java i have make a simple program using the JCreator LE but when i execute file the error below is shown in the command prompt Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main may i know what is the matter? thank you in advance

Member Avatar for Cort3z
Member Avatar for Cort3z

Hi. I got a noobish question: Is it possible to return an array "directly", so, something like this. [CODE] public int[] getArray(){ return int[]{this.intA, this.intB}; } [/CODE] I know I can just make the array first. But does this not use unnecessary cpu time and memory? This is going to …

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Member Avatar for Member 784291

how to make a program run when an external device is plugged in???(program run from the computer not an autorun from the flash)

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for pmedic

im trying to write a program to make the # someone puts in the prompt multiply this # by 7 how do i make this code ? i have result=Math.pow(number,7); but it does not give me the right answer... m

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello I am new to Java & I have made a simple mortgage interest calculator. [b]I am looking for advice on my program such as:[/b] [i]- Proper java structure - Better more efficient ways of doing what I am doing below - Proper java format(variable names, function names) - Are …

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Member Avatar for johnnydarten

Hello Everyone! I have a question about Java ME SDK 3.0 It is that I was running a project which connects my mobile with a bluetooth module(mobile is server) then mobile sends data to another mobile in an SMS.I run the code then building is successful then I donot know …

Member Avatar for fullgl

This code is SkipList sort Min to Max. How to convert this SkipList to sort Max to Min.?? [B]File : SkipList.java[/B] [code]/** Skip List Using integer key */ import static java.lang.Math.*; public class SkipList { private static final double PROB = 0.5D; private static final int MAX_VALUE = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private …

Member Avatar for Cort3z
Member Avatar for donhazem

Hi I'm new to Java. I always knew that it is possible to generate multiple text files out from an Excel sheet using Java but never knew the tool and how is it used. Im working on Cisco equipments and Im demanded to generate 100s of configuration templates for the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for makan007

I want to write a java program to read in two integers and then output a random integer number generated between these two integers. Is there any tips? Is there a random Java API (libraries) that I could use? Tks.

Member Avatar for hermann87
Member Avatar for vani vadivel

i am vani doing 3rd year. i need to do a mini project. so i need a topic for suggestion. please do help me.

Member Avatar for fresidue
Member Avatar for Hunter2379

Ok so i'm writing a chat program. My problem is that let's say i write something in the client or server, you only see it once you write something again. How do i make my program refresh it's self? (so it prints things in real time.) Thank You Client Code: …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hi all, i want to ask opinion,advice or mayb solution to my problem. i want to add data from this object to an ArrayList<string>.this is my code: [CODE] class Main { static ArrayList<String> test_case_list=new ArrayList<String> (); public static void main(String[] args) { //do argument.... TestCaseGenerator(s,count,test_suite_list); display_list("Final Result",test_suite_list); } private final …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi there, I am currently doing a bioinformatics project on dynamic programming. I need to read a text file, and extract the information in it and use the information in it for my dynamic programming java codes(both java codes must be together). May I know how to extract the information? …

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Member Avatar for software2down
Member Avatar for student.09

Hi I had a few quick questions about this program that I'm just about to write. The program itself looks fairly easy, for the calculation I'm not so sure. Problem Statement: We have been hired to write a program to determine the number of cases required to store boxes of …

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Member Avatar for mundvawala

hey guys ...i m making a project of "CHESS GAME"..... in which to identify any pieces of chess board ,i had used described mechanism....(see code of array) ... but it actually not working...it takes garbage value...it is working only for the "Rook"... i can't understand this behavior...so plz help me …

Member Avatar for Krefie
Member Avatar for hazeeel

How do I integrate a visualizer(Jmol) with my java(JCreator)? Can anybody give me the codes or explain it to me as I'm very new to the world of java. Thanks~!

Member Avatar for hazeeel

What is BioJava? Is it an application? Can it work with Jcreator to create my own program?

Member Avatar for Mathukutty

In the code below, I don't understand why the diference in elapsed time calculated with System.currentTimeMillis() is different tm.getCurrentThreadUserTime() The elapsed time in millisecond is always a value like 23 or 14 while time calculated with tm.getCurrentThreadUserTime() is always 0 . I know one is milli and the other is …

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Member Avatar for man.getName()

Hi everybody, I would like to use a XYBlockchart with the following features: 1. Highlight square when mouse is over it 2. Show tooltip (which is simple, as far as I know - just setting a flag == true) 3. Open an additional frame with a graph by double-clicking on …

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Member Avatar for amit.hak50

When i clicked on JMenuitem ..it opens a new window ..but when i close this window the parent window also closes... is there any method to resolve ..i don't want to close the parent window only the new window..

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Member Avatar for daudiam

Static fields and methods are allocated memory once only, when they are first referenced, irrespective of the no. of objects u later create. But, memory is allocated for its data members each time an object is created. But what about the non-static methods, they don't change for each object. So …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SHARKASI

I'm having trouble finding a problem in this program that supposedly converts currencies, is it possible to find some help from specialists in the Java programming language ...? the codes here: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.io.* ; public class CurrencyConvertor extends JFrame { …

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Member Avatar for rkj2ban

Need some help regarding this program. I NEED a similar program for odd number words in + format D as mean, horizontal & verticle, having output as:- I N I N D I A I A

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

Hi My problem is that , The Jframe window does not remember it's position after minimizing ....suppose I minimize at co'ordiates (45,89)..but after maximizing it again open at (37,28)..means at different co-ordinates ..i want that jframe should open at the same position...after maximizing..like remeber it's position.. please help

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The End.