32,205 Topics
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public class Sorting { public static void main(String[] args) { int j=10; int[] arr=new int[10]; for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { arr[i]=j; j+=10; } int num=Integer.parseInt(args[0]); bsearch(arr,0,10,num); } static void bsearch(int[] arr2,int first,int last,int key) { while(first<=last) { int mid=(first+last)/2; if(key==arr2[mid]) { System.out.println("Found the key"); } else if(key<arr2[mid]) { last=mid-1; } else if(key>arr2[mid]) … | |
Hello! I have constucted a code for the card game 21. The code uses inputDialogs to "talk" the the player. I thought my shool assigment was over by doing just that...I was wrong, our teacher dumped a new bomb on us. With these kind words; [I]Develop task 5 (Twenty-one card … | |
I am a student working on an inventory app. Until this current assignment I felt I half way knew what I was doing. What is required is the following: [B]~Modify the program to handle multiple items:[/B] should work with this code added - it worked on another program [CODE]//Prompt user … | |
here is one program which has 1 abstract class without abstract method. its also works fine. Then what the use of abstract class, any how it does not allow to create objects, we can use this with concrete class to implement method defined in abstract class which we have to … | |
I'm trying Euler problem 3 on [url]http://projecteuler.net/[/url] for fun. I think I have a program that works (with very small numbers), but it takes too long. Can anyone give me some hints to improve speed? [CODE] /** * The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. * … | |
Hi All, Can i Compile a java program without a single line in a main method. If s, how it works. Please explain. Help Me. | |
Hi, I am trying to load an image into an applet, however unsuccessfully. What's wrong here? [CODE]package sess31; // Import the AWT graphics package import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class myownapplet extends Applet { Image image; public void init() { // Load image //image = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "show14.gif"); } public void … | |
i created a flash screen but all i could get is a blue screen not even the picture is comin up and not even the menu is coming up.and plus there are errors from place order to change order with the variable and the equal sign. so can any one … | |
Hello everyone and thanks in advance for your help. I am having trouble with a piece of java code for class and have asked the insructor for help and he has only helped in confusing me further. The assignment was due Sunday and I have been in the hospital since … | |
Hi, I'm trying to create an applet that allows users to login with their usernames/passwords. Users will also be allowed to register a new account. Question is, how do i create this? Where do i store the username and passwords? Thanks in advance | |
What's the the difference if I were to use "this.x=y" instead of just "x=y"? All I know is that this refers to the object created from the class. Also what's the difference if I were to use "this.method()" as compared to creating a new class like so, "Class cs = … | |
please explain that how JVM works when we trying to compile a java class? Help me in understanding the concept? | |
| Hi, Yesterday I downloaded and extracted ActiveMQ and ran the consumer/producer example and it worked. Today I did the exact same thing but I get the following feedback: [CODE] C:\Java\apache-activemq-5.3.2\example>ant consumer Buildfile: C:\Java\apache-activemq-5.3.2\example\build.xml init: compile: [javac] C:\Java\apache-activemq-5.3.2\example\build.xml:146: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable … |
I'm new to java and am working my way through a textbook. I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it and so I wanted to learn of opportunities to improve myself. Are there any open-source projects or other ways for me to try my hand at something … | |
Hi , i have a a sequence of strings which goes [strings] [some numbers] [some more strings ] is there any way for me to use the pattern and matcher classes to extract "[some more strings] " from the sequence , thanks | |
Hello everyone. I am very embarrassed to post my code cause some might think it is horrible since my experience level is low. But I am having a problem. First I want to add that i have tried placing [CODE]import java.lang.String[/CODE] in the code but no go. Thanks in advance … | |
hey guys how do i change the value in a JLabel when a value in the JComboBox changes, example when i change a combo box value from airplanes to cars, the value in jlabel changes from $100k to $10k. thanks. | |
hello i would like to know how can i use these isString,isInt,isDouble functions. i really dont have a clue if these functions do exist. but i want to create a program that lets me input anything. and it would identify if it is a string an int or a double. … | |
Is there a way to create a certain number of double variables based on user input. For example a user has three cars so when asked by the software how many vehicles he has and he enters the number 3 my software will create 3 double variables named car01, car02, … | |
I want to Run a ftp server on my machine. My FTP Client will send the data to FTP Server (not a file but byte data). The FTP Server should listen to the data, store it in a file on the local hard disk. How can I wrote a code … | |
Hi everyone, I have built an application that runs on a standalone computer. however i haven't managed to package it in a way that can be distributed since i have to keep on creating databases in each computer that i have to run it on. is there a way i … | |
I have a text file in this format: AUGC U[B]1212[/B] A[B]2121[/B] G[B]3434[/B] C[B]4343[/B] I need to extract the number that I need depending on which variables (letters) I'm comparing. For example, I need the value for A and U, so the value I need to look up for or extract … | |
hi, im using webdav, httpclient api, to send email to exchange 2007 with the following code i send a message successfully: String strTempRelativeURI="https://webmail/exchange/user@email.com/Drafts/"; [code] PutMethod pm = new PutMethod ("https://webmail/exchange/user@email.com/Drafts/test5.eml/"); pm.setRequestBody(body); client.executeMethod(pm); move(strTempRelativeURI + "test5.EML", strSubRelativeURI, null); public static void move(String urlOrigem, String urlDest, HttpConnection conn) throws Exception { MoveMethod … | |
hello can you help me how can i count the element in array heres my code [CODE] int [] num = new int [10]; int i; System.out.print("Please input 10 numbers"); for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { num[i]= console.nextInt(); System.out.print(" " + num[i]); } System.out.print("\n"); System.out.print("The elements are"); for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { System.out.print("The elements are: " + … | |
hello can you help me please what is the string method to be use when searching a keyword that can be found in first, middle, end of the word... example "CH" this will search all names having this "CH"...can you help me what is the string method to use this...hoping … | |
Pleace How To Creat Chating softwere using java networking??????? | |
start Server first start Client by passing the ipaddress of the server eg; java Client if an error pops up change the port in both Client and Server programs | |
Hi... i hope there's someone who can help us think about the concept that we may use in order to create a website using java language... we are not allowed to use other language... and honestly we are not that good in that language... Hope that you can help or … | |
I was creating a chat application in Java Swing/Socket Programming. The same when I created in non GUI app. it worked [url]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet448.html [/url]. But in GUI, they can't connect now. I have tried it thru many ways but still m getting errors for connection. Can anyone can help me...... /********************* … | |
abstract class A { abstract void callme(); void callmetoo() { System.out.println("this is concrete method"); } } class B extends A { void callme() { System.out.println("implementation of callme"); } } public class abstractdemo { public static void main(String []args) { B b=new B(); b.callme(); b.callmetoo(); } } |
The End.