A question was asked to me which is as follow:

There is a class Fruitlist which has a sub class apple
and there is a class Fruit which has a sub class orange

FruitList uses Fruit (* not sub classed, only uses it)
Apple uses Orange

Is there something wrong in above scenario?
writing a java code for above scenario can be possible?


"There is a class Fruitlist which has a sub class apple"
public class Fruitlist(){...}
public class Apple() extends Fruitlist{....}

"There is a class Fruit which has a sub class orange"
public class Fruit() {...}
public class Orange() extends Fruit {...}

"FruitList uses Fruit"
import Fruit;
public class FruitlList(){...}

"Apple uses Orange"
import Orange;
public class Apple(){...}

That's what I'm making out of it?

yes,you got it correct
but here is another approach:

the person who asked this question might mean "object creation" by term "uses it"

public clasd FruitList
Fruit fr = new Fruit();

what is the answer in both cases?

I don't understand?
The above code is also correct. Just have to include the import statement.. Like:

import Fruit;
public class FruitList
    Fruit fr = new Fruit();

let me explain more deeply


public class Fruit {
    public void name(){
    System.out.println("add a fruit");
    public void color(){}



public class Orange extends Fruit{
      public void name(){
    System.out.println("Hello Im Orange");
    public void color(){
    System.out.println(" im orange in color");



import ams.applet.Fruit;

public class FruitList {

    public void add(){
    System.out.println("Add a new fruit");
    Fruit fr = new Fruit();


import Orange;
public class Apple extends FruitList {
    public void add(){
    System.out.println("I am apple");
   Orange o = new ams.applet.Orange();


is anything wrong with/in the above code?the scenario is possible to implement?

I don't understand?
The above code is also correct. Just have to include the import statement.. Like:

import Fruit;
public class FruitList
    Fruit fr = new Fruit();

What if the Fruit class is given default access. It won't be accessible outside its package.

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