32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nextopia

Hello, i'm looking for someone who can do a GUI, Event handling and Mouse Events. You need to have an understanding of UML as well. It's not a relatively big task but i can pay between £20 - 40 for it.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vitroblue

hello i need to send and get one char from serial port but i'm making a mess of it so i kept reading a few tutorials in the web in the end i dowloaded and tried a code i found, it works but this thing only sends one string and …

Member Avatar for vitroblue
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there. I have been struggling with separating classes in java and figuring out what methods go in what classes. when i build my apps in one file, i do them right, but when i try to separate classes, i mess up. like for example: I have these two classes: …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for progr

I am trying to make a program that determines whether a statement is true or false I have this so far:[CODE]public static void main(String[] args) { int w=2,x=3,y=4,z=5; boolean expression; expression = (w<=x)&&(z>=y); if(expression == true); System.out.println("true"); if(expression == false); System.out.println("false"); }[/CODE] ...but all it prints out is true and …

Member Avatar for progr
Member Avatar for dumb

HEy guys Have any one of u worked for an insurance company on java. I need to describe what u do in java for an insurance company. I need the description of the projects done for an insurance company in java. please make this quick,. This is emergency. Bye. thankx …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Protoroll

Okay so my loop is supposed to check if an item in the ArrayList has the MINIMUM_RATING value which is 1. It does that just fine, but the problem starts when there is more than one item with the MINIMUM_RATING value in it. I need it to stop at the …

Member Avatar for Protoroll
Member Avatar for AcidG3rm5

Hi all, I have created a UDP program, client and server. What i'm trying to do is, hash a string, save the hasded code and the message into a .txt file and send it over to the server. I have created the UDP program, MD5 hash codes and writing the …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for DGXI

ive created an array list but every time i try and print the conents, instead of giving me a list it gives me the class name followed by @e41bc3 random numbers and letter. any ideas on how to print the contents? cheers

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for progr

i need a for loop to print out the numbers 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 any help?

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for charlottetemp

I have built a class with an array of cinemas. Im trying to return the values in the array or print them out so i can see what they are called. I've tried returning, system printing and a for each loop but it doesn't seem to be working. What is …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Could someone look at my Statement stmt? is this error due to improper string creation? Thanks [code] [/code] [code] public String stmtCreateStudentTable = "CREATE TABLE student (" + "stu_uid CHAR(11)," + "stu_password CHAR(11)," + "stu_lname CHAR(20)," + "stu_mname CHAR(20)," + "stu_fname CHAR(20)," + "stu_gender CHAR(1)," + "stu_age INT(3)," + "stu_start_date …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for FriQenstein

Hello all. I've a question regarding using fractions as exponents. Not quite sure how to start this in Java. For example, let's say someone gives you an equation from an excel sheet as follows: [B](AxB)^1/3[/B] I'm assuming this means multiplying A*B then raising it to the power of 1/3 ([I]one …

Member Avatar for FriQenstein
Member Avatar for BobbieJean

Hi all, I had posted my code and updated it a few times in another thread and didn't get any response and since I have gotten some things figured out and had posted my long code a few times in the other thread, I thought I would put my last …

Member Avatar for BobbieJean
Member Avatar for pore

Hello, I'm working at a 8 puzzle ([url]http://www.permadi.com/java/puzzle8/[/url]) i want to compare two arrays. after that I want to get a true or a false and then I want to implement a algorithm. my question is: why can I not use 2 different variables and display the interger values of …

Member Avatar for pore
Member Avatar for kalyan9029

can anyone write the code for the following algorithm. my mail is <EMAIL SNIPPED> Object list = [1,2,3...n], where n- number of tuples/records m- number of attributes Phase I The steps involved in this phase are detailed below: Step 1: Construct a dissimilarity matrix ‘d’ using the measurement in definition2. …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for pankajagar2002

Hello frnds. i have little bit confusion on this topic, i try to find over the internet but not able to do this, could you please help me, i want to know that whether Calender.getInstance() method is threadsafe or not. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for ana_eht

can someone pls tell me what is the damn error here?!! [CODE] package t6q6; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in); System.out.println("Please enter your account number."); int account = input.nextInt(); System.out.println("Please enter P or R for Premium or Regular …

Member Avatar for ana_eht
Member Avatar for thedrones12

Hi all, I am doing some swing game programming and I am at a bit of a loss right now as the AWT Event 0 thread ( I have system.out.printed its name) seems to be calling the same code twice, any ideas on this? I am overriding the paintComponent() of …

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Member Avatar for sunillakhiyani
Member Avatar for rciprogrammer

Hi Looking for a way to pass back multiple data types from a method. I want to be able to pass back an array that the method fill out, and also the length of that array (I need that because the calling code will pass the byte array to the …

Member Avatar for rciprogrammer
Member Avatar for jaku78

Hi. At the moment I'm trying to get this very simple calculator to just set the label of the text in the GUI to just be the label value at the moment. I plan to make it do the math but I'm having trouble getting to that point. When I …

Member Avatar for jaku78
Member Avatar for satishynd

I have a question. I need to write a program to display a button with an image on it using Swing. the Image on the button has to change when the button is clicked. I read somewhere about the image on button But is not sure how to change the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for cherryduck

Hey, this is a continuation of my image editing program, I am trying to perform intensity thresholding with an intelligent threshold. My code thus far: [CODE] private void thresholdMenuItemActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { BufferedImage inputImage = getImage(); setUndoImage(inputImage); BufferedImage thresholdImage = new BufferedImage(inputImage.getWidth(), inputImage.getHeight(), inputImage.getType()); int threshold = 0; int tnew = …

Member Avatar for cherryduck
Member Avatar for camac

Hi people, I am new to Java but have experience programming in C/C++/C#. I wanted to learn Java SE 6 first before moving to Java EE 6. After making some research online for appropriate Java SE 6 books, I found that these are appropriate for me to get an excellent …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for joker.med

Hello everyone, After I created a JTable with: JTable MaTable =new JTable(); MaTable.setModel(new DefaultTableModel(new Object [N][1], new String [1])); I wanted to add new columns to it, so I did this: TableColumn Colonne = new TableColumn(); MaTable.addColumn(Colonne); The operation did worked, even the new columns displayed correctly, but, when I …

Member Avatar for joker.med
Member Avatar for sarkar.manab

i have button in javascript, when i click ,it calls a CGI perl script and returns a download popup to me. Prob--> When javascript calling the script it starts a new thread redirecting to perl script and end. So i m not getting any action or response inside javascript. What …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for j_kathiresan

Hi, I may get more than 1000 lines in a file. Each line ends with a new line character. Sometimes the file may have 4 lines. Other lines will have characters such as , : alone. I'm storing each line in the database if it is a valid line and …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for vishal18
Member Avatar for KPooja
Member Avatar for vmirz

I'm very new to Java, and I just have a few questions that I can't seem to clear up even with some research. What does it mean to override a method? Also what is the difference between a static and non-static method?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for bustersox

I am having problems getting my code to work properly. I cannot seem to get the results to print and get this error message "IsMemberMethod.java:59: isMember(int[]) in IsMemberMethod cannot be applied to () System.out.println(searchValue + ": " + isMember());", but I cannot seem to work around it. Also, not sure …

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The End.