32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for pateldeep454

[B]This is my code so far......[/B] [CODE] import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class HelloWorld extends Applet { Font myFont = new Font ("Times Roman", Font.BOLD, 25); public void paint (Graphics g) { g.setFont (myFont); g.setColor (Color.BLUE); g.drawString ("My Name" , 20, 30); String first; first = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null, …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for fuser

I recently wrote some code from a code snippet from my java programming textbook as a way to pass the time, and since it works fine in console, I assumed that it will work fine in a GUI application. The code: [CODE] import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.nio.*; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for PonAngel

I need help getting UI to work with my File System [CODE]import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.*; class UI extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private JButton format = new JButton("Format Disk"); private JButton mount = new JButton("Mount Volume"); private JButton createDIR = …

Member Avatar for PonAngel
Member Avatar for BobbieJean

Hi, I've gotten this program to work but I want to format it differently. I feel like I've tried everything to make the changes that I want but they just don't work. I think I may have the right idea on most of what I want to change but keep …

Member Avatar for BobbieJean
Member Avatar for jaredleo999

Basically When i click b1 in the Pincode method i want the Balance(); method to run and display a JButton "2" but i want to clear the frame and panel first, so it looks as if its a new frame... Any help is much appreciated thanks! :) [CODE]import java.awt.*; import …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for fpg5

Got a test coming up and I need some help understanding arrays....Below is the code I wrote to match the question which follows underneath that... [CODE]class Student{ String id;//this student's ID int midScore;//this student's midterm score int finalScore;//this student's final score public Student(String id){ this.id = id; } public void …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for SasseMan

Hi! I'm having some problems with gridbaglayout trying to get functionality that maybe isn't even there. The problem is the following I have 3 Jpanels with differend contents. I want panel 1 to be displayed to the left of the screen filling the y-axis, panel 2 in the middle filling …

Member Avatar for SasseMan
Member Avatar for m1dnight

Hi guys! I found a lot of my answers on this webbie, so I registered myself. I'm creating a java based quiz program. Now i'm running into a lot of problems trying to get stuff working. The problem i'm having now is the following: I have a class Question, and …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ravi-kr

Hi, I am trying to run some simple updates using java in Oracle(10g). I have a simple java program to do it. Running the code using Eclipse IDE. The strange thing about it is that the connection is fine. If I run a [B]select[/B] query, it works fine. However if …

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Member Avatar for albert1901

Hello everyone, I am developing an application which makes use of abstract classes. I am trying to create a switch statement, which I have placed in the abstract class as all the subclasses can use this. I would like to refer back to this statement in a scanner which is …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for student.09

Hi, I have just written a java program, but every time i compile it, I'm getting some errors that I am having trouble solving. This program is an object-oriented program. So if anyone could please help me, let me know and I will inbox you my work! thank you! :)

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for fozzywozzy

Hi, What's the best way to round doubles as in currency? I also have this error that says: internal error, cannot instantiate paycheck(java.lang.string, double, double) at paycheck to (). If you need to see the codes, I can post them. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Member Avatar for fozzywozzy
Member Avatar for 05026652

Hey guys, Im having some problems with an exercise that I need to complete with the use of inheritance - In the exercise I am concerned with two Classes (Cupboard and Safe). The cupboard can be opened and closed and tested to see if it is open or not. A …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

hello Is this String from my properties sheet able to become a prepared Statement. is the syntax compatable? [code][b]if the string from properties is i=0 for the array [/b] private boolean createTables(Connection conn) { for (int i = 0; i < schoolofdbTables.length; i++) { boolean bCreatedTables = false; PreparedStatement ps …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for craigaw

Hi, in a "contact us" page named contact.htm that has some input textboxes, a submit button, and a reset button. When I fill out the fields and click Submit, it posts to an asp page that sends an email. What I want to do is to clear out the input …

Member Avatar for craigaw
Member Avatar for JellyTurf
Member Avatar for supersuper

Hi there, I'm working on a small task to practice my (non-existing) java skills. I'm trying to write a program that reads a text file and replaces every character with a .wav file containing a musical note. A friend gave me some help, and with his help I made class …

Member Avatar for supersuper
Member Avatar for bahnini

hello there u said if any body need help u can help them so plz i need ur help with this i did a program in java gui (temperature converter) and i just need the program to print the result in a text file so plz plz plz help me …

Member Avatar for bahnini
Member Avatar for tones1986

Hey all - I have created an ArrayList as follows: [code]ArrayList<Object> arList = new ArrayList<Object>();[/code] The arraylist contains the following - every time it will have the same data ... either filled or considered ""; String - transaction type String - name String - ssn String - address int - …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for flyingcurry

Beginner in Java. I am trying to find the highest value and lowest value of an array. The highest value works perfectly fine, while the lowest value keeps on giving me 0, even though 0 is not part of the array. Below is the code. Thanks. [CODE] mxm = n …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for flyingcurry

Hi, I'm new to Java. Bumped into an error when doing a program. The code below will basically explain everything. This error [CODE]java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 15 at randomintegers.main(randomintegers.java:43)[/CODE]keeps on showing up and the program will not execute further. If anyone can help me soon it would be great! Here is my program …

Member Avatar for flyingcurry
Member Avatar for gymangel812

i'm having a few problem with my phone book program: 1. If the any of the buttons have empty fields, I need to display an error message. How would I do that? Some sort of try/catch statement or if/else statement? 2. I'm a bit clueless as how I would go …

Member Avatar for moutanna
Member Avatar for softdev

Hi, are there any alternatives for error handling in Java other than exceptions? i'm just reading on error handling. like in c++, i'm meeting such things as retturn codes, deferred error handling.i haven't gone into much details on these. but are they available in java?

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for gjames

How do I load an older version of 'xerces-j 1.4.3' and 'xerces-j-docs' into eclipse so I can use the api's? I've looked at the Eclipse doc, and I'm not finding a direct reference to this which makes me think I'm not grasping some important concepts conerning plugins, and features. Below …

Member Avatar for gjames
Member Avatar for Blax

Hello ive been working on this real number program for a couple of days and i still cant get it working it always prints out the same two numbers 1 2 1 2. Please help. [CODE] public class perfectnums { public static void main(String[] args) { int n = 1; …

Member Avatar for Blax
Member Avatar for suncica2222

I have button and <input type="button" onclick="test();" value="dugme"/> [B]wont call test() [/B] with alert(bla bla) directly works,but wont call my functions why???????????????? here's the complete code [CODE]<html> <head> <title>moje vezbanje</title> </head> <body onload="alert('sdfsfd')"> <script type="text/javascript"> //alert("jhgfgh"); function klasa() { var nazivLinka = document.getElementById("prvo").value; var url = document.getElementById("drugo").value; //alert(nazivLinka); //druga.createNode(input type="text" …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for aripaka

hi, can anybody please help me understand the difference between java runtime and java virtual machine?

Member Avatar for thebody
Member Avatar for sukruth

Hi Everyone, Can u please guide me how do i replace the string String a="FirstName & LAstName [abc]"; by String b="FirstName, LAstName [abc]"; String Result="<aaaa> FirstName & LAstName [abc] </bbb>" String Result=Result.replaceAll(a,b); The above two lines are not working coz of square brackets in the String. Can u please provide …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for ku95

[B]Connect4View[/B] [CODE]import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.JButton; public class Connect4View extends JFrame { DrawPanel canvas; Connect4Model model; ControlPanel myControlPanel, JRadioButton; public static void main(String[] args) { Connect4View w = new Connect4View(); w.setVisible(true); } public Connect4View() { setTitle("Connect4 solution"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(500,220); …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for AnarChYm

Hi, I am a Maltese student currently working on my dissertation which focuses on J2ME Wireless SOAP protocol. Since in my country i.e. Malta we don’t have professional mobile developers I had to turn myself to online questionnaires for my research methodology those of you who has done a thesis …

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The End.