32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for jlover2010

Hi all I am aware of possibility to have an array of objects (usually Strings) as the parameter options, so we can have buttons with custom labels. Is there any easier way to just for example change the value of OK_OPTION option button label/text from "ok" to "okAy" ? Thanks …

Member Avatar for jlover2010
Member Avatar for jlover2010

Recently i needed to override dome default values of swing properties ... I got the answer currently needed.Details are located [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1210384.html"]here[/URL] But after that i interested to find a way to have all these pairs (simply HashTable keys and values elements) to override them at the startup of applications to …

Member Avatar for david cashin

Hi, I am starting out with linkedlists and would like to know about using another class in a linkedlist. Here is what I am trying to do: [CODE]LinkedList<Student> list = new LinkedList<Student>(); list.add(new Student("Name", 92, 87, 81)); [/CODE] I have no idea what the student class would look like! Would …

Member Avatar for david cashin
Member Avatar for initialone1

hi guys, im currently working on an assignment where i have to create a secure chat room program, it works by one main chat server and then each client can log in and send messages to the server and the server will send the messages back to everyone that is …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for elmisti

We have an Eclipse RCP application and in case of server disconnection we would like that the cursor changes to HOURGLASS. It works ok for a normal frame, but if a dialog is active, then in dialog the cursor remains ARROW. Any idea?

Member Avatar for elmisti
Member Avatar for shine_jose

I wish to use a function in .js file in .net using java script which have two parameters ie one getting row value and other getting column value and function should return the table is it possible I am new to java script please help me.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for lola_fcis

i want to know how connect a microsoft access using java and i want how to call this data base thanx:)

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for tamagochi

Dear all I am currently trying to find a java source code with which either HTTP POST or GET request can be catch from my program, then the HTTP POST can be read to our user on my program,,,can some body help me ? Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for tyson.crouch

G'day, I've just been cleaning up some of my queries, and have opted to use a MySQL view for simplification of my queries, as i was using multiple queries to get the values that i wanted. However, I cannot quite figure out how to iterate through the view. My view …

Member Avatar for PCKing

I'm a real Noob to programming & am taking a class of intro to Java. I keep getting a variable not initializing error on the nightsA line calculation. I'm going to warn once again I'm a NOOB to this, so any help is appreciated. import java.util.Scanner; public class SunnyDaze { …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sharathk60

i want to display buttons like this in applet a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 when i click to any …

Member Avatar for sharathk60
Member Avatar for mtbutt

I want to make banking system which calculates all information about bank either there is Account manegment system or any other...plzzz tel me some tricks to make this program by using simple java

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for handrews3583

I'm working on the following assignment and could use some help: A teacher has five students who have taken four tests.The teacher uses the following grading scale to assign a letter grade to a student, based on the average of his or her four test scores: Test Score Letter Grade …

Member Avatar for otherdummy
Member Avatar for squigworm

Hello everyone, I am having some trouble getting replaceAll(); to work. I am trying to apply it to a String array that has 4 rows and writing the portion of the code as follows [CODE] for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ lines[i].replaceAll("this", "that"); } [/CODE] For one reason …

Member Avatar for squigworm
Member Avatar for skyz09

Let me explain the scenario I'm in. Currently my company has a desktop set up so clients can individually log in and test our data processing software. This is currently in a linux environment for ease of management. What I'm looking to do is possibly set up a web app …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for FJones

I keep getting these two errors. Timing.java:45: <identifier> expected Public void double squared(double n) ^ Timing.java:54: <identifier> expected Public void double exponential(double n) I can't for the life of me figure out what I am missing. I've been away from Java for about 2 years and I was never really …

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Member Avatar for luvthug

Hi All, First of all Here is the question and what I have done so far. A) The helper method boolean isVowel (char c) should return true if the character it recieves is an uppercase or lowercase English vowel. For Our purposes, Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o, …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for neo_philiac

I have a quick question: I have two classes. MainPanel and SubPanel I am putting SubPanel inside the MainPanel dynamically. So I have a method inside SubPanel called (toggleSection). All I am trying to do is that, in the MainPanel I am rearranging the components (all JPanels - instance of …

Member Avatar for joker400
Member Avatar for laveena

hi, I want a code for opening a particular folder on button click. I'm developing an file searching application for linux which gives result in jtable. I want to open the containing folder of selected file I able to retrive the parent folder path from jtable. I just want to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for veroniclake

hi, i am compiling a pattern like this Pattern.compile("<.*?>"); my data is like this <sra<pur>kru> when i find the group that i get is <sra<pur> how to get <sra<pur>kru> and how to get <pur>. [how to get nested groups]

Member Avatar for joker400
Member Avatar for mmasif

here is my code and i am receiving errors for my test class. //*************************************************** // // Project 6 // Assigned: 4/27/10 // Due On: 5/4/10 // // This Project Creates a Binary Tree Using the Class // BinarySearchTree, and Inserts an Array of Integers // Into the Tree, and Then …

Member Avatar for jiten_raulo

Hi Experts, I have question on the bellow program (runs perfectly), 1. As I have created an instance (object) of startup class and we dint called method [B]paint[/B] from the [B]main[/B] method using the object but [COLOR="Red"]still it is called (how?)[/COLOR]. But in case of Instantiable classes, we need to …

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Member Avatar for coldheart27

using exception try, catch and finally derive a program that accepts any 10 letter string. if the string is greater than 10, display an error message; if string has no vowel display an error message else display only all vowels. can u help me for the java code of this …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for zhrh

[B]Moderator comment:[/B]This question was originally posted in [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread184423.html[/url] and moved as original thread is old Hi there, i need help with my assignment please help me. i want to put your code to my code, which is my code is; i tried but i couldn't solve it. [code]import java.awt.event.*; import …

Member Avatar for thompsonSensibl

Hi there I'm trying to check if an array area exists, e.g. [CODE]if (array[99][99].exists){ ....}[/CODE] THis doesn't work... e.g. It gives me an arrayIndexOutOfBounds error. What I need for it to do is just ignore and carry on the code. If it finds an arrayIndexOutOfBounds, fine, carry on, just ignore. …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sharathk60

please anyone inform me step by step to build a signed jar form a jar.. ie signing a jar file which contains applet

Member Avatar for sharathk60
Member Avatar for black_berry

Hello, I have got a Java queue and i want to print out the smallest number in the queue. Right now my program prints out the first number in the queue. Here is the code: [CODE] import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; public class Assign1 { private final int MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 5; …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sharathk60

Please help to come to from this problem: i had written a sample code to display Hello and imported as jar files then created new dynamic web project and using a hello.jsp page i am calling the applet class but its not display the applect please give me the solutions: …

Member Avatar for sharathk60
Member Avatar for Bemani_lover

I need some help with classes and methods. Here is what i need to do: 1. Create a concrete class, Robin, which inherits from Bird. Robin has a single instance variable, name, of type String with private access. Robin implements the remaining required methods. Here is the code for each …

Member Avatar for Bemani_lover
Member Avatar for kibong

I am trying to compare an array user_correct[] if it has a 0 it hasnt been used if it has a 1 it has. However it is not registering my if statements. [CODE]import java.util.Random; import java.io.*; public class Lottery { public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader …

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The End.