Hi all, i'm new so not sure if this is the right place or not. But none the less i'm hoping someone can put me somewhere in the right direction!
Basically i'm wanting to know is it possible to open ax existing exe? to create further add-ons to its existing file?
I'm playing on a certain computer game, i currently open its exe, then later on afterwards open another exe, obviously to click on the software to make me do things on the game which isn't suppose to be allowed. (Basically a program to make me get through the game alot easier, a cheat.)
Now i'm not sure which software can do this? as i'm looking at Visual C to get in to this swing of things? i've entirely no idea which way to go about this route, but wanting to learn how to desperately. So if i can open the exe and add possible add-ons to it, which software could do that? with later on which software do i use to actually place the add ons to the exe?
I know its a broad question, or atleast it is to me! any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks :)