32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jamalelyafi23

Hi guys I need help on the code for this problem with using string. Can someone give me the answer to this problem and on how you do it with explanation but most improtantly the answer. Thank you Method unscramble returns a version of String str with each pair of …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Trevor_4

//Trevor Potter // Nov. 11,2014 import java.util.*; public class student { public static void main (String [] args) { int[] student= new int [20]; int[] exam1= new int[20]; int[] exam2= new int[20]; int[] exam3= new int[20]; int[] avg= new int[20]; int i=0; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); for(i=0; i<=19; i++){ …

Member Avatar for Trevor_4
Member Avatar for newbie14

Hi, Currently we have legacy system which is build purely using java and runs on jboss. We notice its using a lot of jms and also httpurl connectivity to pass on files. The system basically supports rossetta net framework where it allows file transfers between trading partners. We notice with …

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Member Avatar for sciprog22

Hello, Thank you for reading my message! I have an applet, where I make two instances of the custom JPanel objects and I add them into two JFrames and display them. Both of these panels have a 10 x 10 grid of buttons and an event handler is added on …

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Member Avatar for divinity02

write a algorithm in pseudocode for the procedure: input a person's age and salary. If the age is over 32, then add $1000 to the salary but otherwise subtract $500 from the salary. Finally, output the age and new salary: this is the question: here is the answer well the …

Member Avatar for divinity02
Member Avatar for redtribal23

I have a txt file with 5 integers, then from standard input if I entered 1 it will output 10 if I entered 3 it will output 30. I put mine in an array, I just want to know if its possible to not put it in an array and …

Member Avatar for redtribal23
Member Avatar for andruluchko

To tell the truth. this program isn't mine. I got this from book "Robert Lafore. Data structures and algorithms in java". There are all written in detail and comments how to implement a 2-3-4 tree, but I need to implement a 2-3 tree. It is not present in the book. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mxwarning

Hello, I am having trouble sorting my array. I have gotten it to read out just the names in ABC order, but I need it to display all of the attributes. I have read several sites trying to figure out how to do it and I keep getting errors. Here …

Member Avatar for zolymo
Member Avatar for Trevor_4

i need help trying to set a program that will have three arrays one for number of students anothe rfor 3 exams and final the average of all the grades can any one help

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Vardaan_1

Hi guys :) It's my first time posting and I need help with a program I'm supposed to write for school. I have no clue how to do it and could use any information, thank you! Here's the Information: "Ask the user to enter a word. Output the letters in …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Ralphael
Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for HyperCyber

import java.util.*; class Customers { private String name; private int accountno; private String status; private String type; private int currbal; private String Login; private int Pin; public Customers() { this.name = " "; this.accountno = accountno; this.currbal = currbal; } public Customers( String name1, int A, int Bal) { name …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for ParPau

Dear All, To be brief, have drag and drop leading into a pdf to jpg converter. It was working, now stopped. My thoughts are either; 1) something stuck in computer memory I can not erase (it is calling a pdf with more that allotted pages) 2) I may have a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Steven_10

Hello, My name is Steven and I am studying for the OCA-JP-SE7 (1Z0-803) exam and I am using Enthuware Test Studio for practice questions. I came across a question that has to do with the arraycopy method and am having some trouble understanding exactly what is happening. Here is the …

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Member Avatar for lena1990

hi all, i want to create a full duplex voice communication system that transfer voice in a LAN network i will be greatful for any help that you could provide since i do not know how java deal with voice and how it convert it from analog to digital thanxs …

Member Avatar for lena1990
Member Avatar for alina.nazchowdhury

Dear, All Viewers I need your help guys I need to convert the python Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) PHP or Java or Perl Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI), Please if anyone know about it help me ASAP, I wait for your feedback guys. Thanks here is Code... asterisk.py code is below: …

Member Avatar for redtribal23

Please help in understanding the requirements. This is how I understand it, first, from standard input (I'm will need to use Scanner) read in 100 integers. 2nd, put all the 100 integers in a file (using printwriter in my case) 3rd, use that file to catch the exceptions (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) Write …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Slavi

Hey everyone, I;ve implemented SSL to my server using [this guide](https://blogs.oracle.com/lmalventosa/entry/using_the_ssl_tls_based) now when I connect the server it takes some time to initialize now, I assume its setting up stuff, and then when the client connects takes awhile as well (few seconds), I'd assume it works but I want to …

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Member Avatar for Samik_1

Error : java.lang.String cannot be converted to String import java.util.*; class String String str; String newstr; void inputString() { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter a string:"); str = sc.nextLine(); } void checkFrequency() { int freq = 0; System.out.println("CHARCTER FREQUENCY"); if(str.isUpperCase) { char []sArray = new String[str.length - 1]; for(int …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for NightOwl19

Heya guys, i have been trying to make this very famous ball game using java swing. although the primary code ihave used is from this link [[Click Here](http://www.edu4java.com/en/game/game6.html)](null)but been trying to modify it to make it look less complex..But everytime i run it it gives me following error: Exception in …

Member Avatar for NightOwl19
Member Avatar for divinity02

can someone help me or tell me why I am getting these errors. where I have gone wrong again public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner read = new Scanner (System.in); double taxable_income, income, tax, sum; System.out.println("Please enter taxable income"); taxable_income = read.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Please enter income"); income = read.nextDouble(); if(taxable_income …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Mallik_1

Hi I have developed some selenium scripts with TestNG and i made it as a runnnable jar file, but when i am executing that its giving me the following error as log4j:WARN No such property [maxBackupIndex] in org.apache.log4j.FileAppend. The below is my log4j.properties file. # Root logger option log4j.rootLogger=INFO, file …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for divinity02

I have a program to write and keep getting syntax error but can't figure out what is the error, can somehelp me out here, any kind of help with it will be greatly appreciated. here is the program and what I have so far. this is the program: Write a …

Member Avatar for redtribal23
Member Avatar for heather_h56

Hi Iam having some problems with this program, I think its minimal but i don't know how to solve it . THIS IS THE PROGRAM=A teacher gives 5 tests, but averages the four highest scores. An average of 90 or better recieves an A, 80-89a grade of B, 70-79 a …

Member Avatar for redtribal23
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hello I am trying to bring label and textfield closer to each other but not getting the right way how to do it, my code is giving output with a big gap between label and textfield & label and passwordfield. I want some help on how can I remove this …

Member Avatar for Diellza

I want to addtiming execution in java code but I don't know how? Here is the code of Bucket sort import java.util.*; public class BucketSort{ public static void sort(int[] a, int maxVal) { int [] bucket=new int[maxVal+1]; for (int i=0; i<bucket.length; i++) { bucket[i]=0; } for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) …

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Member Avatar for Patrick_7

using Iteration for loop in java what would be the program to run a) 1!+2!+3!+4!+5! b) 1/1!+2/2!+3/3!+4/4!+5/5! c) 1/1!-2/2!+3/3!-4/4!+5/5!

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i have the last update of java, but i'm getting some problems with it :( sometimes works other times don't. only in internet explorer works more or less but not on chrome. can anyone explian to me how can i fix the problem?

Member Avatar for hithirdwavedust
Member Avatar for notywq

I'm fairly new to java, so forgive my incompetence. This program is pretty simple, I'm trying to take the string that a user inputs and return the vowels in the string. The error I'm getting is as follows: > VowelsA3.java:16: error: cannot find symbol > if (isVowel(letter) == true) > …

Member Avatar for zolymo
Member Avatar for q8girl24

Hi... I really need help in my hw because it will be submetted tommorow . Problem # 2: Write a Java application that test whether a two dimensional array, input by the user, is a magic square. A magic square is an NxN matrix of numbers in which every number …

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The End.