32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for chynaman

SET i=0;sum=0 WHILE i<N SET sum+sum+a[i] i=i+1 END WHILE DISPLAY SUM arrays given 3,1,0,6 dry run and explain what the code does

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for yingfo

Hi I am having trouble trying to get my add and remove function to work. We had to create an ADT List using array's. It keeps giving my program errors any help would be great, I think my problem might be my second part of the add function where it …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

I know how made an arraylist but i dont know how make an arraylist inside an arraylist? let says: Alex age is 31 alex and age is gonna be in one arraylist alex 31 burren java burren and java is alex dogs; how can i store burren and java under …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for teekay309

A certain company wants to improve the rate at which their login system is accessed and you have been tasked to carry out this project. In this project, you will consider the problem of organizing a collection of computer user-ids and passwords. Each time a user logs in to the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mxwarning

Hello, I am having trouble with how my program displays the items with a $ sign. I do not want a dollar sign and I ma not sure how it got there as I did not put one in. Is there a way to get rid of the $ sign …

Member Avatar for mxwarning
Member Avatar for edrewc

Hello java friends, I'm new to the concept of ArrayList and I want to solve this problem in my code. my main problem: I don't know how to sort itemA and itemB to appear only once then It will just add the total prices together. this is the behavior of …

Member Avatar for zolymo
Member Avatar for cd88

Hi, I am trying to use an exception catch properly but I am getting lost and frustrated. I've changed my code so many times and cannot figure out why when it catches the exception it will not let me continue to enter data into the array. It just displays it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Victoria_1

For a homework assignment in my intro to java class I was given the following problem: Write for, do-while, and while statements to compute the following sum and product 1. 1 + 7 + 25 + 79 + .... + (3^20 - 2) 2. 1 x 3 x 9 x …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for humorousone

I've played a LOT of minecraft over the past few years, and this is quite a big deal for me. Personally, I can't help but feel a little bit concerned. > In a statement, Microsoft said it would maintain Minecraft across all its existing platforms, with a "commitment to nurture …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for KetraCoder

Hi, I've recently just discovered that there is something called ByteCode in Java, and I was wondering what it is used for. I am trying to make a simple Typing Test Word Typer Bot, basically it reads the words on the browser for a typing test called 10FastFingers, then it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SadiqGwarzo
Member Avatar for VinVins
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

I trying to understand the ArrayList let say the user input in 1st Person Name : Alex Sex : M Dog Name: Java 2 Person Name: Joe Sex: M Dog Name: Is 3 Person Name: Anna Sex : F Dog Name: Fun in Arraylist how can you separate out from …

Member Avatar for zolymo
Member Avatar for zolymo

Hello. Im making an webapp using Eclipse Keppler. REQUIREMENTS: - Eclipse for Java EE (or JBoss Developer Studio 7 o 8) - JBossTools installed on eclipse - JBoss Aplication Server 7.1.1 (not eap) - MySQL connector J 5.33 Structure of project: i use this package structure - persistence and ejbdao …

Member Avatar for andruluchko

I have to make a model of this arithmetical expression using a binary tree. Expression is a+b*c-b http://piccy.info/view3/7176082/d09578d27ea7057c572de3f108a9301f/ Here's the model of my tree in Java enum NodeType { NUMBER, OPERATOR } // Possible kinds of node. class ExpNode { // A node in an expression tree. NodeType kind; // …

Member Avatar for infiniteloop56

Hi Community, I have a problem that I am trying to solve. Essentially, the run down is that Integers have a limit to the size of the number in which you can store in such a data type. To get around that I have to take a number and put …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for LianaN

Hi! I'd like to check if a string contains spaces: [CODE]System.out.println(text2.getText().matches("\\s+"));[/CODE] This code returns 'false' for both "My string" and "MyString". But I need 'true' for "MySpace". How could I do this? Thanks!

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for cemonica

Hello everyone. I am having a lot of trouble in a class, and I am wondering if I can get some input/advice with my part one inventory program. I have already submitted this assignment, but I am going to have to modify it on Wednesday. My instructor has not graded …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for school12345

Using 3 different for loops, write a java program to give the following output. The program requires no user input. Save the program as ThreeLoops.java Countdown... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Blast Off! Even Counting 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 …

Member Avatar for Loiba
Member Avatar for hbelle.28

Hi, I am taking my first Java class this semester, and I have run into an assignment that just has me stumped: I am to write a program that will count the number of occurrences of each letter in a string the user inputs. It is in a section discussing …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jhamill

I'm trying to write a program that checks if a input string value contains any capital letters. Is there a way to do this in java?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Orgest

Hello I have write some code to read a specific word from a text file. The file is located in a specific folder. In the folder there are multiple files, i want to read first the file that is upload first in the directory. After I have read file, I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for mgold

I'd like to find an algorithm book that's either meant to be or good to use as a reference. By "reference" I mean that it contains all the basic algorithms (machine-learning algorithms especially) like QuickSort, Logistical Regression, Clustering. Preferably, including both the mathimicatical definition as well as psuedo code, or …

Member Avatar for StefanijaV93
Member Avatar for larnacode

Hi there. Complete beginner on Java and OO principles. Having a little trouble in trying to figure out how to make objects move across the screen. Eventually, this will be a model of the solar system. So I have a planetObject class that represents a planet in the solar system: …

Member Avatar for larnacode
Member Avatar for Maggie_1

Hi, I'm working on this project right now which probably shouldn't be that difficult but I'm really confused and lost. The assignment's instructions are: "Write a program that uses the Monte Carlo sampling method to estimate the average number of bottles of e-Boost someone would have to drink to win …

Member Avatar for Maggie_1
Member Avatar for Kunai9292

hey, could u help me with my java programming? i have this problem: Thanks a lot!!!! The mathematician Augustus De Morgan was aged 43 in the year 1849AD. This is interesting because 43 squared is 1849, ie, in 1849 his age was the square root of the year. Given that …

Member Avatar for TylerD75
Member Avatar for javaCONFUSEDDD

// Given that no person has ever lived longer than 123 years (and assuming that no one ever will), write a Java application that will determine if it is possible that anyone who is alive today is, has ever been, or will ever be alive in a year that is …

Member Avatar for TylerD75
Member Avatar for Fatima_110

Hi, So for an assignment i had to read input from a file and then output it. The information in the file was in the following format: 1 line with a stock symbol and the next line with the quantiti bought. eg of a file that we'd use .ab 15 …

Member Avatar for Fatima_110
Member Avatar for dothack123

So after scanning a file, I am to format it and output it following these guidelines: -Lines are trimmed to remove any leading or trailing white space. Note that String has a method trim() that removes leading/trailing white space.  A trimmed line is displayed with X leading spaces  …

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Member Avatar for vivekH

Frnds, My questions is "how come to know whether the number is even or odd without using %,/,bitwise operator".

Member Avatar for vivekH

The End.