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Hi to everybody... Iam new to Webservices ..... Can anybody tell me two things ....... 1)What is the difference between the soap and rest webservices.. 2)Which one is more secure... Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for rob.sigmon.1

Modify the Inventory Program by creating a subclass of the product class that uses one additional unique feature of the product you chose (for the DVDs subclass, you could use movie title, for example). In the subclass, create a method to calculate the value of the inventory of a product …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

i have a problem in JDBC every thing is ok it shows this message `java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver` i already create DSN but but it stil show this error i do not know what i do My jdk is 64 bit and i create DSN of odbc 32 bit is any problem …

Member Avatar for AbstractEden

One of my assignments, that I already turned in, dealt with collecting a student's name and gpa, and storing the information in an array. Afterwards, we were asked to display the student's information in descending order based on their gpa. I was curious if anyone has any suggestions on improving …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sam_7

I have 2d array that looks like this 0,7,0 7,3,3 8,0,3 I want to print such that the output looks like this(**in non hard-coding way**) 1st loop 0,7,0 7 8 2nd loop 0,7,0 3 0 3rd loop 0,7,0 3 3 4th loop 0 7,3,3 8 5th loop 7 7,3,3 0 …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Jamie_5

I am currently developing a Simon says type game using jquery and javascript. I have linked a fully copy of the game on github Github download and unzip to see the game fully https://github.com/Jamiex304/Simon_Says_Game_Demo And I have reached a problem I want to add a timer that the player can …

Member Avatar for DawnofanewEra

I'm new to java and I'm working on a small android project using eclipse. I created a table and I want to populate it with data from a file. I have done this using EditText control shown below. public void AddRowItemTable(View view) { EditText itemid_Text= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.itemid); EditText itemname_Text=(EditText) findViewById(R.id.itemname); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for funnym3

how to get the declared value from other java file and use it to another java file? like I want to show the user's real name using the textView when he/she successfuly login, from the main activity to the welcome page. example "Welcome User". I have tried this but it's …

Member Avatar for michael.james.90475

public void log (){ if(start==null) System.out.println("List is empty.."); else{ Node temp=start; System.out.print("->"); //get rid of each user with a similar method but with a random user removed.... while(temp.next!=start ) { int r = rand.nextInt(2) ; if(r==0) { deleteAt(counter); System.out.println("Is Logged Off "+temp.data); } else if(r==1) { System.out.println("Is Logged on "+temp.data); …

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Member Avatar for pocka.lesole

I n a fictitious country of Ruritania, which is in a fictitious continent called Afrisia, the tax system is highly simplified. T hey have system where all taxes are converted to one single value and then the tax is applied according to the following rule(s) : if a person earns …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for temp_1

Hello, I'm using Netbeans with JDK 7. I'm developing a swing desktop application with embedded derby database. I'm using the following code. Statement stmt; try { Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/HelloWorld", "userid", "password"); stmt = conn.createStatement(); String sql = "INSERT INTO TABLEEMP " + "VALUES (" + Integer.parseInt(jTextField1.getText()) + ", …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Slavi

Hey guys, I am facing a problem with one of my homeworks, it states: The various analyses implemented in the program analysis module will make use of a number of general data structures and algorithms and in this exercise we shall focus on those. The parser provides a representation of …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

Hello to all first look this code class Square1 implements Runnable{ int a; public void run(){ a=10; } } class Square2 implements Runnable{ Square1 ob=new Square1(); public void run(){ System.out.println("Square Of this number is = "+(ob.a*ob.a)); } } class SquareThread{ public static void main(String args[]){ Thread t1=new Thread(new Square1()); Thread …

Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37
Member Avatar for Benny_1

I've been working on a project I found on the Java Projects for learners thread. I've created a pokedex simulator that keeps track of pokemon. So far you can view a list of recorded pokemon, get more detailed info, add a pokemon, and it's all saved to files. However it's …

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Member Avatar for surya55

Hi all, consider below code: public class Bertha { static String s = ""; public static void main(String[] args) { int x=4; Boolean y = true; short[] sa = {1,2,3}; doStuff(x,y); doStuff(x); doStuff(sa,sa); System.out.println(s); } static void doStuff(Object o){ s += "1"; } static void doStuff(Object... o){ s += "2"; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for FazeLessWhite

Hey guys, I'm trying to make an app where if I press a button an audio plays *I use android studio* The code compiles and all but, if I press the play button then the audio does not play..What am I doing wrong? Thanks! MyActivity.java package com.example.hayzam.bb; import android.app.Activity; import …

Member Avatar for FazeLessWhite
Member Avatar for ShamirSuhaimi

Create a class named Person that includes fields for last name, first name, and zip code. Include a default constructor that initialize last name, first name and zip code to ‘X’ if no arguments are supplied. Also include a display method, displayPerson() to display Person details. Create a test class …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for leontran1992

I need help on this question :(. I cant seem to get the right output for this question. 5.25 (Compute pi) You can approximate pi by using the following series: p=4(1- 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - 1/11..... +((-1)^i+1/2i-1) Write a program that displays the p value for …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
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Member Avatar for Navneet_2
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for BobBob123

im recieving no erors but when im running it im also unable to see the mandelbrot it just displays the grey box, i understand there are other threads on this and i have attempted to use them but im currently stuck at this one point thanks for any help. using …

Member Avatar for LilPrincess017

Hi thanks for reading this post. Hope you could help me. I have this question i can't figure out. Thanks in advanced for helping :) I kept receiving message dialog box containing "The document has no pages." whenever i click the PrintAllbutton. I used jasperreports, in which i'm not familiar …

Member Avatar for Tarek_2
Member Avatar for redtribal23

Below is my queue code. Whenever I enter nos. 1 to 8, it will print 1-7 then replace 8 with 0. If there are any other mistakes in my code please let me know. import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class Queue { private int[] elements; //integer values from scanner private …

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Member Avatar for NightOwl19

Heya guys, i'm a newbie at java gui and trying to make a calculator using swing. Although i have made the calculator previously but this time i'm trying to add a menu bar also. The problem with the code is whenever i try to add menu bar without making the …

Member Avatar for NightOwl19
Member Avatar for fzr123

**I want to make a web filter app for java mobile??? ** what I need for making this ??? any one can give me any files of this project as class of web filtering...... In my project::: 1. this app will automatically detect the web filter word as adult content …

Member Avatar for ajmi
Member Avatar for Kuganithy

I filled the data to each field in the Student Form, Then I click the Add button, Finally display the error message. "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet." I created stu databas, student table.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Samyx

Hi Everyone, I am playing around with some Java following some tutorial online and ran into a problem that I cant seem to figure out. In the code below, inside of the groupButton method I get the error 'JRadioButton1,JRadioButton2 and JRadioButton3 cannot be resolved to a variable'. Can you please …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

i write a program its output is below G:\Java\Multithreading>java NewThread Child Thread Thread[main,5,main] Main Thread 1 Child Thread 1 Main Thread 2 Main Thread 3 Main Thread 4 Main Thread 5 Main Thread Complete Child Thread 2 Child Thread 3 Child Thread 4 Child Thread 5 Child Thread Complete in …

Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37
Member Avatar for ali11

error: no suitable method found for toArray(int[]) return intList.toArray(new int[intList.size()]); ^ method Collection.<T#1>toArray(T#1[]) is not applicable (inference variable T#1 has incompatible bounds equality constraints: int upper bounds: Object) method List.<T#2>toArray(T#2[]) is not applicable (inference variable T#2 has incompatible bounds equality constraints: int upper bounds: Object) method AbstractCollection.<T#3>toArray(T#3[]) is not applicable …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for razamughal67

Hello Everyone i am new in java language. and iwant to hide any <div> tag on my site site example: 'www.mysite.com' and i have a div in my website. like <div id='header'> when we load my site the java script run and check my site url. 'www.mysite.com' if the url …

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The End.