32,205 Topics
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when we create a thread like this class Run implements Runnable{ public void run(){ //You code } } class Helloworld{ public static void main(String args[]){ Thread t1=new Thread(new Run()); Thread t2=new Thread(new Run()); } } in above code thread t1 and thread t2 is creating in `main()` method its mean … | |
Hi all! This is my frist discussion. I'm shearing you a very helpfull website that helping me to learn HTML,CSS,Javascrift online. It's w3schools Wish it will help you. | |
Hello i have a little problem over here im trying to make a mouse listener and on mouse click the ball to come to the mouse pointer... i have maked a small "game" which is not bunch of confusing code... i have maked the ball to be controlled by the … | |
What does this mean ? Statement st=con.CreateStatement(); how method of Statement interface is accessed by Connection interface reference con ? please help me to understand the concept... | |
double hours=0, rate=0; double Federaltaxes, Ficataxes, Statetaxes; double netpay=0, grosspay=0, totaltaxes; if (hours <= 40){ System.out.println("how many hours did you work"); hours= input.nextDouble(); System.out.println("what is the rate you get paid"); rate= input.nextDouble(); grosspay= hours * rate; System.out.println("the gross pay is:" + grosspay); Federaltaxes= grosspay * .20; System.out.println("Federal taxes are:" + … | |
Changed properties on the embedded derby db. protocol, driver etc. org.apache.deby.jdbc.ClientDriver ... A connection could not be established | |
Hello I am an absolute begginer and am working on a paint calulator program. I am trying to return the price from the paintformula ex: price = paintFormula(wallArea,price,height,length,width); or paintFormula(wallArea,price,height,length,width);. When I call the method I keep getting errors like: PaintCalculator2.java:33: error: variable price might not have been initialized. import … | |
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Hello, I got implementation of Data Encryption Standard implementation in java (internet code) but the only part that I cannot understand is the S-Box which shown below. I know how S-Box works but I don't understand this code especially &0x20 and stuffs like that. The S-Box takes a 6 bit … | |
Hi I have a code in java to generate a sitemap xml, and to get the last modified date using the following line of code: `oPrint.println(" <lastmod>"+ doc.getLastModified().toString()+"</lastmod>");` The output in the browser when calling the xml file is `<lastmod>23/05/2014 16:48:24 ZE4</lastmod>` which is in "dd/mm/yyyy"format. However, from this link, … | |
There are no errors when I compile the program, but when I run it and use the "Enter" or "Clear" buttons, they do not work. ----jGRASP exec: java IncomeTax Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at IncomeTax.enterJButtonActionPerformed(IncomeTax.java:182) at IncomeTax$1.actionPerformed(IncomeTax.java:125) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2022) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2346) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:402) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:259) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(BasicButtonListener.java:252) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:6525) … | |
hey guys, so i just started learning java and had some error in my first array code. Error: Could not find or load main class Being. I use eclipse if that helps, because i read that these problems might be that ecplise cannot find the class, so just making sure … | |
hey guys, -So in case 2, i'm trying to have the user to input elements (N,Y,P,D,G) only with specific Array location. I used switch inside a switch, but how do i re-loop if he enters wrong elements? -in case 3, i'm trying to print the whole 2D array, but the … | |
hi guys am new please i your help to debug the error with this code am working with String output="Sum of the Addition of "+num1+" "+num2+" "+num3+" "+num4+" Sum | |
Hi , my friend pass this coding to me , to change it on few things , i try to change it first , to make a while looping ... loop for once but i get error , then change the input from number+letter to letter+number , still got no … | |
import java.io.*; class ConsoleInput{ public static void main(String ss[]) throws IOException{ InputStreamReader isr=new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(isr); char c=' '; System.out.println("Enter Characters And q to Quiet"); do{ c=(char)br.read(); System.out.println(c); }while(c != 'q'); } } in upper code this line `c=(char)br.read();` get string from user at this point user enter some … | |
Hello every body i have a problem with Scanner class.So my question is that when we use `BufferedReader` or`InputStreamReader` to reading and writing input and output then we use `close()`method to close the stream but in the case of `Scanner` why we do not close the stream this is my … | |
Hey guys, another one that I got stuck on(Although I passed 4000 points, soon to be on the leader board!:D) ... so here is the idea I have an input array for example {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} and an int number for example 10; so what I have to do is return all … | |
hello all, As i am developing a final year project of my curriculum.\ I need some guidance for my project. My project is "**Face detection from digital image**". Also i want to develop this project in Java Programming language. As i am new to image processing domain, i want to … | |
Hey guys, I need to produce an output such as {{0,0,0,0,0}{0,0,0,0,0}{0,0,0,0,0}{0,0,0,0,0}{0,0,0,0,0}}; I have no input paramethers so I assume I need to have int[] array= {0,0,0,0,0} and then make 2d array of it? I tried int [][] arrayOfSets = new int[0][25]; int [] a = {0,0,0,0,0}; for(int i=0; i<1;i++){ for(int … | |
Hi guys, so I started learning Java 2 minutes ago and I have already encountered an error. The error is Error: Could not find or load main class apples.class and I get it after I use the cmd to type java apples.class . Here is the code I compiled to … | |
Hi I am new to Java/netbeans. I have been working on a school assignment to create a commission calculator. I have it done I believe but, have some errors. Please help. /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, … | |
Hello. I've written a simple program that will once read text into a file and then append some other text when it starts reading again. In other words, adding text to an already existing one. My program doesn't do that but instead it keeps overwriting the older text. How can … | |
Client code import java.net.*; import java.io.*; /** * This example illustrates the basic method calls for connectionless * datagram socket. * @author M. L. Liu */ public class Example1Sender { // An application which sends a message using connectionless // datagram socket. // Three command line arguments are expected, in … | |
A class gets a rapidly changing integer from another class. As it changes so fast, I wanted to perform an action only when this number is stabilized. Like if the method receives the same integer value during 3 seconds, then perform an action, otherwise ignore it as it changes too … | |
Create as program that calculates the current grade in a class, the program should ask for 5 grades as well as the toal point value. I am new to programming and need help! | |
import java.util.Scanner; public class assignment8{ public static void main(String[] args ){ Scanner s = new Scanner (System.in); double a,b,c; double discriminant, r1, r2; System.out.print("Enter a, b,c"); a=s.nextDouble(); b=s.nextDouble(); c=s.nextDouble(); discriminant= Math.pow(b,2)- 4*a*c; if(discriminant>0){ r1=(-b + Math.pow(discriminant,0.5))/(2*a); r2=(-b+ Math.pow(discriminant,0.5))/(2*a); System.out.print("The equation has two roots"+ r1 + "and"+ r2+"."); }else if(discriminant==0){ r1= … | |
Hello, Could you explain the output for the program below? Is the output specifying a reference of the Scanner object in RAM (I don't see any hex hash) or something else? Thank you! import java.util.Scanner; public class ScannerTest { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); … | |
Hey hey ..I've got stucked onto another one ... So, not sure how to explain this 1 but I can give an example ... When input = 1 - expected result is a string = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o … | |
Hey guys, I've got stucked on something here ... so to explain it here is an example. Let's say I have a string "aa a i". My idea is to get a result that is "aA A I". -> this is a challenge on Codehunt and I got stucked on … |
The End.