32,205 Topics
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I m having many dataobjects (*.java)(having getters and setters) My requirement is that, I want to write a generic Method, which will accept argument as Object and will call all getters of that Object. Basically I want to write a log file with all dataobjects which are going to be … | |
[ICODE]public class fermi { private int[] guess; private int[] random; private int total; public fermi(int[] gs, int[] rn) { guess=new int[gs.length]; for(int i=0;i<gs.length;i++) guess[i]=gs[i]; random=new int[rn.length]; for(int j=0;j<rn.length;j++) guess[j]=gs[j]; total=0; } public int totalPlay() { return total+=1; } } [/ICODE] [ICODE]import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.util.Random; public class playFermi { public static … | |
Hi everyone, id firstly like to start off by saying i am new here and if i make any mistakes in anyway i am sorry in advance... I was wondering if anyone could "[B]HELP[/B]" me complete a project that i am doing, i basically have to create the card game … | |
Hi all, Can any one tell me, how to find C: free space in windows using java? | |
Here is the Data: [QUOTE] Department Name: Cool Casino # of Employees: 543 Cost Per Employee: 0.75 Sales: 1000.432 Department Name: Trumpola Burgers # of Employees: 43 Cost Per Employee: 19.725 Sales: 50 Department Name: Donoldio Clothing for Cats # of Employees: 4.0001 Cost Per Employee: 5.233 Sales: 100 Department … | |
Where I can download z 39.50 server with documentation? How I can deploy in my test enviroment? I have something database, i want use it as datasource for server. It's possible use my database as server's datasource? I am sorry for my English | |
I'm using BufferedReader to read a string, which is converted into a character array. My program works find with short strings, but not long ones? Is there a limit to the char array's? Thanks in advance! | |
Hey! I'm pretty new to programming, and since I'm a little too young to join any sort of course, decided to self-teach myself, and decided to start off OO programming through Java, seeing as I'll be picking up Computer Science next year as a subject, and it has quite some … | |
[CODE] String deleteString = e.getPath(); File deleteListFile = new File(deleteString); deleteListFile.delete(); [/CODE] so to talk you through it, the File object is obtained by the results by system.out.println (not shown here) ...and then I am getting the path of the file by using getpath() then i want that file path … | |
HI all Can anyone help me with this algorithm (I ned to write the code in java)......The java code would also be helpful [B]Describe a recursive algorithm for enumerating all permutations of the numbers {1,2,...,n}. [/B] I'd appriciate it if somebody could explain this problem to me and give me … | |
Accorting to MySql manual and web site I modified the environment variable for installing JConnector for mysql as follows : CLASSPATH C:\Program Files\Java\mysql-connector-java-5.0.7\mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar where my MySql connector Folder is placed on Java folder in program files (I put there willingly) But actually when I want to do any testing program … | |
Hi, i`ve made a simpel media player that can open and play mp3 tracks. And now i wanna try to make it open/create and save playlist. any hints on how to start?? Apreciate your time! =) the code for the player is here [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread177216.html[/url] | |
hiiii frns... integer can hold only upto 8 bits...where as a string can hold more than 8 bits...so to compare them...is der any function??? like my code is like this for(int i=0;i<= stringgg("12345678901234567890"); i++) | |
I need help on this: Write your own versions of String search methods indexOf and lastIndexOf. Hope you could help.thanks. | |
i have been getting this error, <identifier> expected System.out.println("Enter the name of the lab this computer is located: \t"); room = scan.nextLine(); while (room.length() == 0) { System.out.println("Error: This field cannot be empty"); System.out.println("Enter the name of the lab this computer is located: \t"); } room = scan.nextLine(); } System.out.println("Enter … | |
Hello Experts, I need to use JOptionPane a lot in my Java exercises. Instead clustering each Java files with this JOptionPane syntax plus the parameters, I've decided to use sort of class called showFrame which has the method to show message dialog and input dialog. At the moment, im putting … | |
Hi, i was wondering is there anyone who could help me with my problem. The is i dont know how to send a z39.50 request from the client to the server. If anyone could help me with this. i would really appreicate it. Thanks | |
I'm having difficulty in formulating the code in this problem:Use the string-comparison methods discussed and the techniques for sorting arrays developed to write an application that alphabetizes a list of strings. Allow the user to enter the strings in a text field. Display the results in a text area. I … | |
Greetings from Greece. We got a Hangman assignment for my Class at Java. I m just a begginer.And the whole input/output thing is done either by console (system.out.println) or with JOptionPane. So here is my code [code] import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.util.*; public class Hangman { public static void main (String … | |
Hi! I implemented a Binary search tree, which worked as desired. Then I had to create a new class which inherits from "BinarySearchTree" called "SplayTree". "SplayTree" has only one method called "contain" which overrides the inherited "contain". The new "contain" will return a boolean. If the object is found in … | |
is it possible to SIMULATE NETSTAT COMMAND IN JAVA? if possible please tell me how. if possible please give an example(code). thank u in advance. | |
Hi, I looked for this on Google, but to no success. Can anyone help/point me in the right direction as to how include a terminal window in an exectuable jar file?? Outside the IDE, I can only access my program by command promt, Im not fussed about layout, I just … | |
i am working with a piglatin translator that has a GUI but i am stuck on how to make it translate when i you push the translate button here is my GUI what is in red is were the error occurs if someone could help i would appreciate it thanks … | |
hi, Iam trying to add names and numbers to a database then save them by updating them. i run my program, but when i press any button nothing happens????? pls help me, i do not know where is the problem in my program???? [CODE]import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import … | |
Hi, I am stuck in implementing the linked list in Java. I am using three classes to construct Liked List. One is Data Class (for holding Node's Data), Node Class (which encapsulates the Node properties) and a Linked List Class. Though it creates a successful linked list, but when I … | |
[B]hi, i'm coding to take a input vector inputdata, and continuously find standard deviation to count how many distinct data ar available.for this i implement a small method called findk().[/B][code =java] public int findk(Vector inputdata ,double minSD) { inputdata=new Vector(); double tolerance=0.001,thisSD; Collections.sort(inputdata); if(minSD<0.0) this.minSD =inputdata.getStandardDeviation(); inputdata d1= getHalf(1,inputdata); inputdata … | |
hiiii is their any special functin available to calculate the execution time of a program written in java.?? thanks in advance.. | |
hi, I have an application that plays video files using jmf It plays some videos but without audio but while playing some videos the application automaticaly terminates and generates runtime error. A log file is created by name hs_err_pid2232.log which have following message: # # An unexpected error has been … | |
Hi all, I am trying to make a simple game of Craps in Java. My idea was to have a JFrame with an image of the Craps betting table as the background image and when the player clicks on a section of the table they can place or remove a … | |
OK. So this program is supposed to prompt the user whether they want to play the guessing game. If they say no then end the program otherwise it will start the game and ask them for their first name, last name and the number of guesses they want. Then it … |
The End.