32,205 Topics
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I(under graduate ) need an idea for my final year project. I hope to do an agent sytem.Can anyone give me an idea about a project? | |
can someone help me understand what i'm doing wrong here. attempted to run, program builds but no output is generated and the compiler does'nt generate an error message. thank you all. [ICODE]import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class arrayManipulator { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ArrayList<Integer> … | |
I am undergoing a java based project now a days.Can anyone please tell me how to insert sounds in it at different events. | |
Hi there i have some problem in this question . anyone help me on thaT? i don't know how to do the loop part. Thx. user has to enter 3 value and draws corresponding bar graphs using an ASCII character. For example, if the user entered 18,4,5, that program will … | |
Hi I have this application idea for a java program as my final year project and was wondering if it was feasible. It invloves generating id tags for audio tracks. However instead of the data being based on existing data and filling in the missing info, The application will analayse … | |
why do we need interfaces in java?,if the functions are to be defined in implementing class only then why declare these in an interface first????????? | |
hi can someone [COLOR="Red"]please[/COLOR] tell me how to insert a image into an image array. The image is currently in the same folder as the class file. | |
Hai friends, I don't know how to write a coding in bean.? As well as how to compile and run Bean coding | |
Hi friends, I am new to JAVA but i know c/c++ very well. I want to learn java so please help me from where i can start it and which book i should refer. | |
Hi guys Im pretty new to java after programming with python for about a year i thought i'd give it a go. I did have a quick question though. How would i check for membership in a string. For example [code=java] String str1="Hello world"; String str2 = "world"; [/code] Is … | |
Hi friends, I want to make a movie player.I heard about JMF but not had any idea.If anyone knows, kindly help me. thanks, ram | |
i am new in java can any one please tell me the main use of constructor if we can use method in what cases its necessary to use constuctor | |
Hi well wishes to all i have written the code for to create to-do list in java swings with mysql i hereby attached my code to you for reference Req: Taskno(set as primary key), Task Name, Task GroupName, TaskPriority(high, low and medium which is mentioned in combo box), task status( … | |
Can any one help me out in creating sessions for each request in java servlets so that until one request completes no other requests will be processed..... | |
i have a file from which i have to read and compute the total value of all items,i dont know what methodto use to read arrays i tried DataInputStream(object).readInt(quantity[]); but it says it is wrong can any one help me in reading from the file and computing the total value … | |
i would like to know how to get ipaddress using host name of my friends computer in java programming. I have tried using [COLOR="Red"]getByName(".....")[/COLOR] method ,but it is a failure. will u assist me....... | |
Hi guys, what might be the cause of this exception, the reason why I did not make my methods static is because I'm running it on putty. Here is my error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main [code=java] package NCN; // Trying date formatting import java.util.Locale; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; … | |
hello. Am having a hard time intepreting this java error. The last post made somethings clear but I dont know what am missing. I am getting the error "cannot find symbol construtor Student(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,char,boolean,int,int)" Iam getting the error on this line of code [code] Student studentObj1=new Student("mark","251461",'m',false,3,5);[/code] Here is the … | |
| OK hey everyone came across this board and wondered if anyone can help me with a problem I'm having? Sometimes this laptop will start becoming jumpy, the mouse will freeze for a fraction of a second and there is a noise from the speakers which happens every few seconds. I'm … |
hi guys, how to detect that the text in the JEditorPane has been changed to tell the user before exit the application. | |
doubt on garbage collection How the garbage collection thread is called. Who calls the garbage collection thread. Is it jvm itself. Is it called by jvm when ever we start running a program. And when we say that garbage collection is an automatic process then why do we implement [code]System.gc()[/code] … | |
Hai, Can any one solve thsi problem immediately for me.First ,I got one WSDL file from thirdparty using that wsdl through SOAPUI plugin (WSDL2Java) i got some classes and i created one webservice and deployed it in the JBOSS Server and also i had written one client class and in … | |
I am working on a simple "test 123" java program for a RoboJDE robot. I keep getting a semantic error when I compile. The error reads ***semantic error: "private" is not a valid modifier for al ocal variable*** ***semantic error: "staict" is not a valid modifier for a local variable*** … | |
kindly expalin the following doubt on run method can you explain how run method is called and who calls the run method. Also can you explain that if a main method has one more thread then how the scheduling is done.How the priority is set for main and the other … | |
I had come across some strange behaviour while i was looking at some java code. These are as follows:- 1. here is the first observation The output of this is false but not [code] str1 == str2 [/code]false.can you tell me why? [code] String str1 = "shobhit"; String str2 = … | |
Hello I have been studing the tutorial at [URL="http://http://www.netbeans.org/kb/61/web/hibernate-vwp.html"]http://http://www.netbeans.org/kb/61/web/hibernate-vwp.html[/URL] I am starting to understand how data from a database gets to a webpage to a table via a selection box. But in the code I can not see where it actually build a SQL query is there a method in … | |
Dear Developer I will soon be a begginer in java industry, so i would like to know as to which java questions and what to expect in java interviews and industry, because i believe that in industry every thing is different from what i was doing at Teriary level. if … | |
hi.. :) how to declare a timer duration and control its clock tick with a method | |
hello folks, could anyone tell me how to access a spreadsheet from a java program? I tried using the javaexcel API but cant run the program. Any other APIs/ways I can find? thanks |
The End.