35,617 Topics
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[CODE] public void deleteDvd(String title) { String DvdCompare; Dvd dvdObj; Collections.sort(dvds); for(int i = 0;i< dvds.size();i++) { DvdCompare = dvds.get(i).getdvdTitle(); dvdObj = dvds.get(i); if(title.equals(DvdCompare)) { System.out.println("Dvd is in system"); int index =Collections.binarySearch(dvds,DvdCompare); dvds.remove(index); //delete method in arrayList } else if (!title.equals(DvdCompare)) { System.out.println("Not found Dvd Object"); } } }[/CODE] I'm … | |
hello I am very new to netbeans IDE 6.5. Now I connect My SQL database in netbeans after that I want to retrieve data from webpage and store into it. Not in a traditional way that old jdbc-odbc model..so please help me......... | |
Please how to get a specified data from a file?? in java and what is the substitution of the seek function in java??? I need information Thanks | |
Hello, I was trying to get hold of arrays and read lots of stuff. So when i started coding, i got an error message saying incompatible types. I checked with general compliance and it should be ok. Maybe netbeans causing it? Anyway, any kind of help will be appreciated [ICODE] … | |
import java.io.*; public class AlbumFile extends Album { public static void main(String[] args) { String fileName = FileChooser.pickAFile(); String line = null; // This array holds the album's pictures Picture picArray[] = new Picture[4]; // This array holds the album pictures' captions (descriptions) String captionArray[] = new String[4]; // Create … | |
It keeps giving me this exception when it [I]seems[/I] like I am adding a choice to my choices vector, and I don't know why. Here is that snippet of code. If you need more I can provide it. Thanks ahead of time. [CODE=java]import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.Vector; … | |
I am rewriting a Python mechanize script to parse a site, after the entire site was altered... I am able to get part way into the pages I need to access, but have run into a bit of a problem. In the HTML below, the first segment has 2 buttons … | |
Hi. I am learing JSP and testing mail. but I don't know why error generate. Please help me. Source code. [code] package tags; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import java.util.*; public class HelloMail { public static void main(String args[])throws MessagingException { String name ="jsp learning"; String from = "kim.ilikeenglish.gc@gmail.com"; String to … | |
Hello, I feel embarrassed to ask these types of questions but i can't get answers to them in my text book. So here you go: I have an assignment of copying the constructor writing clone() method and add() method. While i understand the idea of creating of clone and add … | |
hi, Dear Friends i am developing LAN chatting software in java. i got a confusing problem, i.e when a user do chat while opening chat_Window, and at that same time if he open another chat window, then he types the message in old already opened window the messages shows in … | |
can anyone please tell me a way to calculate any given factorial number using trees. | |
hi everyone , i am trying to access image files in java and then want to modify those bits present in the image . is there any standard package or utility which would help me to do that ...? i would be glad if you could enlighten me with other … | |
Can anyone suggest any resources that could help me learn Java GUI creation? I have been working on a lab assignment where we need to copy the Google Kitchen Sink example and my biggest problem has been layout issues, whether I code by hand or use the IDE although I … | |
[code=java] public static void setValues(PreparedStatement statement, Object... values) throws SQLException { for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if(values[i] instanceof Integer) { int value = (Integer) values[i]; statement.setInt(i, value); } else if(values[i] instanceof String) { String value = (String) values[i]; statement.setString(i, value); } } } public static ResultSet … | |
hi, i am useing the netbeans for the first time n i am trying to connect to a MS Access DB through the wizard but i am not able to. I entered for a DSNless connection: Name:JDBC-ODBC Bridge. Driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Database URL: jdbc:odbc: Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (.*mdb)};dbq=C:\Users\Vamsi\Documents\PIN.mdb; the issue its … | |
How to do image Zoom in Zoom out in J2ME.. Help with Source Code.. | |
hi,, attached a java code for a simple dictionary based on AVL tree principle,, the 3 files are: Node.java: the base class AVL.java:the function and Menu:the menu class of the programe regards | |
Hello, I am working on the problem of creating an abstract class Shape also with Package shape and then creating a subclasses Circle, Square and etc. I belive, i don't have a complete understanding of an abstract. Anyways i keep getting an error: " Shape.Circle is not abstract and does … | |
[CODE]private void menuButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { panel1.setVisible(false); startMenu.setVisible(true); img = new ImageIcon("DeathRun.png"); Graphics g = startMenu.getGraphics(); img.paintIcon(null, g, 0, 0); } [/CODE] The code is very simple for this method but here is my problem. I have a menu that I want to display an image behind. When I hit the … | |
I have a java applet on my website and i need it to connect to my mysql database. When I was trying to figure out how to do this i saw several examples that used jdbc. I'm confused can I use this to connect to my mysql data base at … | |
I have developed a messenger in JFrame now i want to implement voice communication to it? Plz Help me out! | |
Hi all, I have a java program which runs repeatedly by calling to main functions in a loop based on a condition ..But after running for some time(say 30 minutes),it shows the follwing error and it terminate the program execution.But as per my requirement i want to run this program … | |
Hi Guys, I am using JMF and a guide ( [url]http://www.mutong.com/fischer/java/usbcam/[/url] ). The problem I am facing is that I can't figure out how to output the data live as I take it in. Basically, I want to use my webcam as a mirror. Thanks PO | |
OK, I'm obviously going bonkers here, but has something happened to the java code tags? Why doesn't this work in preview mode? [CODE=java] i++; [/CODE] | |
hi. I am trying to simulate the PGP algorithm. I am trying to encrypt the symmetric key using a public key. My code: [CODE] . . KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede"); kgen.init(168);//**IMP Key symmetric_key = kgen.generateKey(); Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DESede"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, [B]symmetric_key[/B]); byte[] encrypted_packing = c.doFinal(packing); //Is the following right thing … | |
I have been working on this code for some time now. It is a basic graphics package. When the user clicks the draw button I need to create a chape based upon the user's input and put the shape into an array of shape references (up to 10). I attempted … | |
Hello guys, I am new to this website. It's nice to see these friendly people, anyways.... I have been trying to learn Java for a little bit now, I know the basics and some of the advanced things. But I came across a problem that is intriguing me so much. … | |
HI , Is it possible to get the window size in Java ,if so cld any 1 guide me....and also i need to fix the windows in a particular position ..how cld i do ds in Java. | |
Hi, i am having trouble with an assignment. i need to create an array, store numbers in the array... sqaure, cube and square root those numbers individually using different methods. display the resuts with a dialog box. after that i need to find the sum of the numbers in the … |
The End.