35,617 Topics

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Member Avatar for Seamus McCarthy

[CODE] public void deleteDvd(String title) { String DvdCompare; Dvd dvdObj; Collections.sort(dvds); for(int i = 0;i< dvds.size();i++) { DvdCompare = dvds.get(i).getdvdTitle(); dvdObj = dvds.get(i); if(title.equals(DvdCompare)) { System.out.println("Dvd is in system"); int index =Collections.binarySearch(dvds,DvdCompare); dvds.remove(index); //delete method in arrayList } else if (!title.equals(DvdCompare)) { System.out.println("Not found Dvd Object"); } } }[/CODE] I'm …

Member Avatar for Seamus McCarthy
Member Avatar for gayathrigmenon

hello I am very new to netbeans IDE 6.5. Now I connect My SQL database in netbeans after that I want to retrieve data from webpage and store into it. Not in a traditional way that old jdbc-odbc model..so please help me.........

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mostafanageeb

Please how to get a specified data from a file?? in java and what is the substitution of the seek function in java??? I need information Thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for grisha83

Hello, I was trying to get hold of arrays and read lots of stuff. So when i started coding, i got an error message saying incompatible types. I checked with general compliance and it should be ok. Maybe netbeans causing it? Anyway, any kind of help will be appreciated [ICODE] …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for vict0rjr

import java.io.*; public class AlbumFile extends Album { public static void main(String[] args) { String fileName = FileChooser.pickAFile(); String line = null; // This array holds the album's pictures Picture picArray[] = new Picture[4]; // This array holds the album pictures' captions (descriptions) String captionArray[] = new String[4]; // Create …

Member Avatar for gotm

It keeps giving me this exception when it [I]seems[/I] like I am adding a choice to my choices vector, and I don't know why. Here is that snippet of code. If you need more I can provide it. Thanks ahead of time. [CODE=java]import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.Vector; …

Member Avatar for Zibo
Member Avatar for OrcaSoul

I am rewriting a Python mechanize script to parse a site, after the entire site was altered... I am able to get part way into the pages I need to access, but have run into a bit of a problem. In the HTML below, the first segment has 2 buttons …

Member Avatar for mr psh

Hi. I am learing JSP and testing mail. but I don't know why error generate. Please help me. Source code. [code] package tags; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import java.util.*; public class HelloMail { public static void main(String args[])throws MessagingException { String name ="jsp learning"; String from = "kim.ilikeenglish.gc@gmail.com"; String to …

Member Avatar for deepalihanand
Member Avatar for grisha83

Hello, I feel embarrassed to ask these types of questions but i can't get answers to them in my text book. So here you go: I have an assignment of copying the constructor writing clone() method and add() method. While i understand the idea of creating of clone and add …

Member Avatar for grisha83
Member Avatar for glen dc1
Member Avatar for itslucky

hi, Dear Friends i am developing LAN chatting software in java. i got a confusing problem, i.e when a user do chat while opening chat_Window, and at that same time if he open another chat window, then he types the message in old already opened window the messages shows in …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for smsamrc

can anyone please tell me a way to calculate any given factorial number using trees.

Member Avatar for smsamrc
Member Avatar for rahul8590

hi everyone , i am trying to access image files in java and then want to modify those bits present in the image . is there any standard package or utility which would help me to do that ...? i would be glad if you could enlighten me with other …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jsully1

Can anyone suggest any resources that could help me learn Java GUI creation? I have been working on a lab assignment where we need to copy the Google Kitchen Sink example and my biggest problem has been layout issues, whether I code by hand or use the IDE although I …

Member Avatar for jsully1
Member Avatar for dev18

[code=java] public static void setValues(PreparedStatement statement, Object... values) throws SQLException { for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if(values[i] instanceof Integer) { int value = (Integer) values[i]; statement.setInt(i, value); } else if(values[i] instanceof String) { String value = (String) values[i]; statement.setString(i, value); } } } public static ResultSet …

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Member Avatar for sandhya_r

hi, i am useing the netbeans for the first time n i am trying to connect to a MS Access DB through the wizard but i am not able to. I entered for a DSNless connection: Name:JDBC-ODBC Bridge. Driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Database URL: jdbc:odbc: Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (.*mdb)};dbq=C:\Users\Vamsi\Documents\PIN.mdb; the issue its …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for arumugam4all
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for afas87

hi,, attached a java code for a simple dictionary based on AVL tree principle,, the 3 files are: Node.java: the base class AVL.java:the function and Menu:the menu class of the programe regards

Member Avatar for grisha83

Hello, I am working on the problem of creating an abstract class Shape also with Package shape and then creating a subclasses Circle, Square and etc. I belive, i don't have a complete understanding of an abstract. Anyways i keep getting an error: " Shape.Circle is not abstract and does …

Member Avatar for grisha83
Member Avatar for swargy

[CODE]private void menuButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { panel1.setVisible(false); startMenu.setVisible(true); img = new ImageIcon("DeathRun.png"); Graphics g = startMenu.getGraphics(); img.paintIcon(null, g, 0, 0); } [/CODE] The code is very simple for this method but here is my problem. I have a menu that I want to display an image behind. When I hit the …

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Member Avatar for kinger29

I have a java applet on my website and i need it to connect to my mysql database. When I was trying to figure out how to do this i saw several examples that used jdbc. I'm confused can I use this to connect to my mysql data base at …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ashish121

I have developed a messenger in JFrame now i want to implement voice communication to it? Plz Help me out!

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sanatkumar

Hi all, I have a java program which runs repeatedly by calling to main functions in a loop based on a condition ..But after running for some time(say 30 minutes),it shows the follwing error and it terminate the program execution.But as per my requirement i want to run this program …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hi Guys, I am using JMF and a guide ( [url]http://www.mutong.com/fischer/java/usbcam/[/url] ). The problem I am facing is that I can't figure out how to output the data live as I take it in. Basically, I want to use my webcam as a mirror. Thanks PO

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

OK, I'm obviously going bonkers here, but has something happened to the java code tags? Why doesn't this work in preview mode? [CODE=java] i++; [/CODE]

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for abhi_elementx

hi. I am trying to simulate the PGP algorithm. I am trying to encrypt the symmetric key using a public key. My code: [CODE] . . KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede"); kgen.init(168);//**IMP Key symmetric_key = kgen.generateKey(); Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DESede"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, [B]symmetric_key[/B]); byte[] encrypted_packing = c.doFinal(packing); //Is the following right thing …

Member Avatar for asian_al

I have been working on this code for some time now. It is a basic graphics package. When the user clicks the draw button I need to create a chape based upon the user's input and put the shape into an array of shape references (up to 10). I attempted …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Nisaac

Hello guys, I am new to this website. It's nice to see these friendly people, anyways.... I have been trying to learn Java for a little bit now, I know the basics and some of the advanced things. But I came across a problem that is intriguing me so much. …

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Member Avatar for Kishorey

HI , Is it possible to get the window size in Java ,if so cld any 1 guide me....and also i need to fix the windows in a particular position ..how cld i do ds in Java.

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Member Avatar for bokz06

Hi, i am having trouble with an assignment. i need to create an array, store numbers in the array... sqaure, cube and square root those numbers individually using different methods. display the resuts with a dialog box. after that i need to find the sum of the numbers in the …

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The End.