32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for warlock300300

I need helping writing the following code that does the following pls Implement the following String List ADT: A String List is a list (sequence) of strings with the following methods: 1. A constructor that initializes the list to be empty. 2. A boolean isEmpty() method that returns true if …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for newtechie

i did a codig to find the no. of words,no. of characters and no. of lines in a file i was not getting the output, can anyone help me [ICODE]import java.io.*; public class countCharacters { public void Lines()throws IOException { File f = new File("in.dat"); FileReader fr = new FileReader(f); …

Member Avatar for newtechie
Member Avatar for kevinpeterson22

Hi I am new to java and j2ee Can anyone send me the code for to-do list creation in java swings and mysql DB i want to create a to-do list in jsp . and i feel that if i modify the code from java swings to jsp then i …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for geex

hey will someone give me a code of a fiel sharing peer to peer application so that i can get familiar with it because even though all the researches are helpfull but i have to read some code to understand it better thanks

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for crotty99

Hey everyone, im working on a project for uni. The question wants me to read from a text file, place the info into an array, sort the information in that array and write it to a new file with the sorted information. So far i have been able to read …

Member Avatar for crotty99
Member Avatar for W@n

Hi i am facing a problem of passing data from a text file to array. i have read the text file but somehow i can't pass it into the array and it keep giving me nullPointerException. Can someone help? Is there something wrong with my code? And how do i …

Member Avatar for W@n
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I am trying to populate a dropdown1 list with instructor names determined by the instructor id. is this code suffient? I have the binding write as far as I can tell but no string name population of the dropdown list. [code] private void buildInstrOptions(){ List<Teacher> teacherList=null; try{ Session session = …

Member Avatar for clickranju

Hi i am a web developer i used to create site using php..i have little knowledge on java(only basic school level knowledge)..but now i want to develop software for one of the NGO which is working for helping blind students..that i have decided to build the software in JAVA...the system …

Member Avatar for clickranju
Member Avatar for youngisthan

need java program to copy the contents typed in client to server in same computer with different ports for both.

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for ocreds

I try add this code(below) after "else if(token.equals("*"))" in PostfixEvaluator.java but it doesn't work like exponent. Can you help me to figure it out what is the right code for exponent. [CODE=java] else if(token.equals("^")) { val1 = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop().toString()); val2 = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop().toString()); result = val2 ^ val1; stack.push(new Integer(result)); } [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shijunair

hello , I am facing a problem when i am trying to get the difference between two dates which is been taken from html page through datepicker. now i am selecting two different dates with different month.for example d1 dd/mm/yyyy = 12/09/2008 d2 dd/mm/yyyy = 2/10/2008 now i am getting …

Member Avatar for shijunair
Member Avatar for MxDev

hi guys, how to distribute or relocate the swing components on the holding frame when window maximize button is pressed????

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for Ajantis

Hello there people! :D I am working with a lab, where we are supposed to finish a Memory Game. We are supposed to create a "Make Move" function, and that it behaves in a correct way. It is supposed to get the X,Y coordinates of where the user klicked, calculate …

Member Avatar for Ajantis
Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

hello,,can you help me with my problem??if it's okey for you,,, right now,,we are required to make a calculator using only string..ex: i can only use the imports: JOptionPane/BufferedReader Input Mathematical String: 2 + (3*2) Output Result: 8 how can i implement the codes??our told us that we should make …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shelly2373

I have a program i have been working on for my Java class and it is due by the end of this week. My problem is a few things...(1) I do not know how to set the actions on the buttons Save, Delete, Modify and Add. Also I was able …

Member Avatar for deush
Member Avatar for AllenB

Hello. I am having a problem generating the prime numbers from user input. The problem lies in the factorize method. I think I am really close to getting this to work, but I cannot seem to figure out the last detail that I need to include. Can anyone help? Thank …

Member Avatar for AllenB
Member Avatar for ravikiran032
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

hi its me again.. curious thingking about how to control a timer statements per clock tick processes with if else statement i would like to perform this operations like; clock.start(); if(clocktime == 1) System.out.println("Hi"); else if(clocktime == 2) System.out.println("Hellow"); clock.stop(); i know this program is an error because of incompatible …

Member Avatar for nsisupalan
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

in this xml mapping file : [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd"> <hibernate-mapping> <class dynamic-insert="false" dynamic-update="false" mutable="true" name="travel.Person" optimistic-lock="version" polymorphism="implicit" select-before-update="false" table="PERSON"> <id column="PERSONID" name="personId"> <generator class="increment"/> </id> <property column="NAME" name="name"/> <property column="JOBTITLE" name="jobTitle"/> <property column="FREQUENTFLYER" name="frequentFlyer"/> <set cascade="all-delete-orphan" inverse="true" lazy="true" name="trips" table="TRIP"> <key …

Member Avatar for nsisupalan
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

Hi.. can we control a timer per second process..? i mean.. if i set a timer.setDelay in 1000 milliseconds.. then in the first second it will out "hi" and the second tick of the timer it will say "hello" and so forth... can u help me guys how to do …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for joshmo

Hey all.. I have 3 classes in my program but Iam having trouble accesing a method in another class. Iam getting the error message cannot find symbol method printInfo(). Below is the code [code=cpp] class Book{ private String author; private String title; private int year; private Chapter first; private Chapter …

Member Avatar for joshmo
Member Avatar for palavi

i have confusion, like when we give Char var='A';how is it stored in memory???is its value dat is 65 stored in bits??if yes wat is the value of 'a' (smallcase)... the value of A-Z is 65-90, i have program which prints A-Z, [CODE]class chararray{ public void createArray(){ char[] s;//declaring array …

Member Avatar for palavi
Member Avatar for Ghost

I need to open a .txt file from a website. I tried this code: [CODE] int len = 0; FileReader fr = new FileReader("http://www.cinndev.com/testFile.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String str = ""; while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(str); len++; }[/CODE] but the program froze on me. What …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for knight fyre

I'm trying to step-up a simple servlet that processes a get action from a form. When I click on the submit button I get the message. [QUOTE] [B]HTTP Status 404 - /jhtp6/welcome1[/B] [B]type [/B]Status report [B]message[/B] /jhtp6/welcome1 [B]description[/B] The requested resource (/jhtp6/welcome1) is not available. [B]Apache Tomcat/5.0.25[/B] [/QUOTE] I also …

Member Avatar for mariamAbed
Member Avatar for kevinpeterson22

Hi I am new to MYSQL DB and i am a fresher here i am having code which is perfectly run and the only thing is i have stored the data in file but now i want to stored the file in DB i mean i want to change file …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Dio1080

The program compiles but is not run right can somebody help plz? There are two parts a class and a main. [code=java] public class LinkedList56 { private class node{ int data; node next; } //create an empty linked list public LinkedList56(){ first = null; } //return true if the list …

Member Avatar for Dio1080
Member Avatar for lich
Member Avatar for Minimandz

Please could sum1 help me with this: I'm trying to read text from a file using the Scanner class and i'm not sure y its not throwing the FileNotFound Exception try { Scanner sc = new Scanner (new File ("Food.txt")); wordList[num] = sc.next(); while(sc.hasNext()) { wordList[num] = sc.next(); System.out.println(wordList[num]); num++; …

Member Avatar for Minimandz
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hibernate: select trips0_.PERSONID as PERSONID1_, trips0_.TRIPID as TRIPID1_, trips0_.TRIPID as TRIPID1_0_, trips0_.PERSONID as PERSONID1_0_, trips0_.DEPDATE as DEPDATE1_0_, trips0_.DEPCITY as DEPCITY1_0_, trips0_.DESTCITY as DESTCITY1_0_, trips0_.TRIPTYPEID as TRIPTYPEID1_0_ from TRIP trips0_ where trips0_.PERSONID=? I got this output(above) when I did a System.out on a List. Does this make sense to you. I …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for madhavipoudala

hai every one who can help me. i want to know some demo projects in java where we can find them. please help me giving some websites and how to search in google. thanks in advance one and all.

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The End.