32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for ajithraj

haii.. [B]do anyone know any garbage collection command for java.... did we have to did that command for all object or will be done collectively?? [/B] thank u.....

Member Avatar for onkar81
Member Avatar for mayur_kulkarni

i have one small application for bank in java. i run it from command prompt. now i want that , when i run my programm from cmd prompt, 4 instances of it should run on 4 different cmd prompts. they should be related to each other. if i open one …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for newtechie

i have a problem in getting the required display in barchart my intended display is year91 -------------- 110 but i get a display as year91 -------------- year91 can anyone please let me know what is wrong in my html file or java code. [CODE]import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class BarChart …

Member Avatar for newtechie
Member Avatar for shaynicb25

I'm having trouble getting my program to compile. I have to add the method equalStack to the class StackClass that takes as a parameter a StackClass object, say otherStack, and returns true if this stack is the same as other Stack. When I compile the program I get lots of …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for arun_cdm

I need code for developing "schedule alert system in java", this is my nano project in my course. I need the help, in this application , i need to --> get the name and date from the user --> process the data --> Trigger an alert during the time mention …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for samuel_pay

alright here is the background, i am developing a turn based war game with hit points, attack points and all that, i was just wondering if you could have a look see at my UML diagram to see if it looks alright ? If not then any improvements would be …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for ricss_madara

class bubbleSort1{ public static void bubbleSort(int[] x) { int n = x.length; for (int pass=1; pass < n; pass++) { // count how many times // This next loop becomes shorter and shorter for (int i=0; i < n-pass; i++) { if (x[i] > x[i+1]) { // exchange elements int …

Member Avatar for mayur_kulkarni
Member Avatar for sach_ak47

Hi, All I want to write a programme in java in which i accept email address and password of any mail account . if login name and password match i want get all the email id of his friend from his account. so i want basic information or flow how …

Member Avatar for mayur_kulkarni
Member Avatar for samuel_pay

Okay ive started doing my UML but i was just wondering with regards to instance variables. i will try and explain it as best as i can but im a complete noobie to be honest. with regards to my last post as i am implementing a program in java of …

Member Avatar for samuel_pay
Member Avatar for sandawg

Is someone willing to help me with this problem? I am new to java programming, have read lots of material but have not been able to put it together. Any help will be much appreciated. thanks, Sandawg

Member Avatar for sandawg
Member Avatar for toyomansi

Hi all, I hope you can help me as I am pretty desperate now. I've been trying to add contents of a linkedlist to a JTextArea, and it's not letting me. I know, it might be a little simple, but any help would be very much appreciated! I'm using TextPad, …

Member Avatar for toyomansi
Member Avatar for liam_page1

Hey, im a really noob at this, but I need some help with this question. I've got to complete this in order to progress to my second year although im not doing programming and will not need it in the second year. The question is as follows: Given a list …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for 4ukh

hi guys how to achieve a goal like this in java programming: when i click a button it prompt me a browsing window to locate some file(s) or folder(s)... basically i need a specific function... any help will be appreciated best regards

Member Avatar for 4ukh
Member Avatar for tamilramki

Hi Why the variables are stored in stack and objects are stored in heap... may i know the exact use of heap... thank u

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for rigah27

i have aproblem with creating java code for a screensaver e.g a moving bus across the screen.please help me do it

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for SonxQ7

[code] if(!getEmail().matches("^[a-zA-Z][\\w\\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9][\\w\\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\\.]*[a-zA-Z]$")) { errors.add("name",new ActionMessage("email.invalid)); } [/code] Do not FULLY understand the characters starting from '^' ....

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Member Avatar for Gaspacho

Hi there, I am currently working on project for my school. It is supposed to be a JSP web application that should read data from databases and my instructor told me that it would be fine to implement RRDTool for graphs. I use NetBeans IDE and found 2 things related …

Member Avatar for bigBback

HI ALL, My requirement is copy the files from one location to Other location. Is it possible with JAVA?? Please provide some guidelines on that.

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for ocreds

For: Sum = Var1 + Var2 Difference = Var1 - Var2 Quotient = Var1 / Var2 Product = Var1 * Var2 What Exponent = ? Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for lsquared

Hey guys. I've been programming in java for about a year now but I've just recently been learning socket programming before my last semester of my computer science class. I have to do a project and I was thinking about making a client/server program. I've landed on making an instant …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for vibhashin

I m new to java. I need help What are the software/component used to compile Java program? What are the editors used to write Java program? What are the software/component used to write Java program? What are the software/component used to execute Java program?

Member Avatar for vigneswara
Member Avatar for qaz1134

hello guys iam new in this forum and comunity can you please help me with my code? i must input a string or name depending on how any time i like and out u it at the end but my code only ouputed the last name i enetered and it …

Member Avatar for vigneswara
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hey all I am making a simple text editor, it is my first project and I have got the text area all set up but i have now tried to add a menu bar which will hold the File>Save,Open,exit etc... I have created the menubar and added one menu item …

Member Avatar for HLA91
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, So I'm following this tutorial ([url]http://www.csharp.com/javacfort.html[/url]) to learn how to link java with C and I want to be able to link java to two C programs (one for linux and one for windows). How do I create a java class that figures out what OS it's on and …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for hny_lyn

Good day!! I was observing this class doing their laboratory exercise on java. We are of the same professor that is why I had this instinct that we will be doing the same exercise on our class too. They were asked to do this: ->Make a class that has the …

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for amoon108

Hi all..... i want to make connection between pc and mobile via bluetooth using java, and i want to send/receive text between them plz help me to do this thx :)

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rcoleman

I have two files, an application file and a class file. While they both run without errors, the application file returns a null when I run it. Here are the two parts that dont seem to work? Can someone tell me waht I am doing wrong? App file code: Invoice …

Member Avatar for rcoleman
Member Avatar for AirmanTheGreat

Howdy, Im getting the "'.class expected" error and I dont know what to correct. The code is [Code] import java.io.*; public class TeamHeight { public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { double[] height = new double[11]; double sum = 0; System.out.println ("The size of the array: " + …

Member Avatar for AirmanTheGreat
Member Avatar for twgood

This is due Sunday, and I still do not have all of my errors out of the way to see if it runs correctly. Please help I am down to 16 from 20. Errors: ompiling 1 source file to C:\NetBeansProjects\SCHOOL1\JavaApplication55\build\classes C:\NetBeansProjects\SCHOOL1\JavaApplication55\src\javaapplication55\Inventory6.java:146: ')' expected getProductName(), getProductNumber(), getBaseAmount(), getBasePrice() getProductYear() ); C:\NetBeansProjects\SCHOOL1\JavaApplication55\src\javaapplication55\Inventory6.java:146: …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for winbatch

Hi, I have a swing app where I am using (among other things obviously) an editable JComboBox and a jButton. when the JButton is clicked, it does some processing and uses the value in the JComboBox as one of it's inputs. I'm finding that everything is fine when: - The …

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The End.