32,205 Topics
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Refer to my previous thread for the code that I already have. I have reached dire straits and I can't figure out what to do. I have to get this running for an entry level position that I applied for. | |
Hi everyone, I am trying to to read and write large files about 600M. The thing is when i use the normal FileOutputStream methods an exception gets thrown saying [code] java.lang.OutofMemory [/code] This is how i am trying to read the file [code] FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("C:/my_life_story.zip"); InputStream in … | |
Hi I am having a bit of trouble with a do while loop. I either can't get it to stop, or it doesn't do exactly as I need it to. I am using a array called nums to insert random numbers into a binary search tree. Once the tree has … | |
I am trying to write a game that will read check boxs to find the difficulty level that the user wants, then using the parameters behind each level create an array of a certain length using a certain range of numbers. For some reason it seems to ignore my parameters … | |
Hi, I was hoping if anyone could help me really quickly. A section of my program needs to discern between java primitives. I've had to make regular expressions which look for the different characteristics between each primitive, but I don't know what some of them are. Below are all the … | |
Hi I have a JTextpane where i will be adding instructions. I know this will not be large enough, but there is no further space on my interface, so I need to add either a scrollbar or scrollpane. I have tried a few attempts at this but cannot get either … | |
Does anyone know how to change the colour of text in Java? I'm getting a lot of input from my user in a program I'm writing, and it gets kinda difficult to follow with it all being one colour. Any help would be greatly appreciated =D | |
hi there can anybody tell i need to use relative path to file using config file. and can i put the input files in a loop so that files with .out extension in the current dir can be processed. regards vps | |
While running the older version of jdk1.3.0 my bdk1.1 worked fine. Recently i installed the latest version of the j2sdk1.4 and the problem surfaced. Whenever i run the run.bat file, lot of exceptions are thrown at the command prompt. And some of the inbuilt beans won't be shown. As for … | |
Hi everyone, I am trying to write some bits to the parallel port using the java communications port and all is okay except that i need some clarification on something. The parallel port is connected to circuit board that needs nine inputs(or better known as nine bits) Now this is … | |
Hi Everyone, I'm making a Java chat application, but it freezes whenever I click "Connect." My code is attached below. Thanks. [CODE] import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class CinnaChat extends JFrame { JLabel lblServerIP = new JLabel("Server IP:"); JTextField serverIP = new … | |
Does neone know the code instruction to store an array of CD objects. Each entry in the array has to be a single object describing a CD. i.e: Artist Name , Album Name, Number of tracks i've written the program out but i cannot seem to get the above right. … | |
Hi again, I know I've asked a lot of questions, and you guys have been a really big help, so sorry for all the trouble. XD But, I've got another problem. :X I've been making a reflective program, and it's more or less working right now except of couple of … | |
Hi all, This is my first post on this forum.. i need some help.. first of all, i downloaded 90 days trail version of Sun Studio 7 enterprise from the net... when i try to install Sun Studio, it asks Domain Name .. but mine is personal computer.. i don't … | |
hi everyone i am doing this course work, where i have two classes. one is the point2d that models a two-dimensional point. The second part, the rectangle class, require the use of the Point2D class developed in the first part of the coursework. i am stuck in following two functions: … | |
Hi, sorry again for all the trouble, but I'm trying to get a reflective program to work. It takes a method from a user, and then runs it. My program works except it only works for strings. If they arguments needed for a method require ints or floats or whatnot, … | |
Hello, I'm working on a authentication project which I don't want to run through a compiled .exe (to easy to hex edit or crack). So I was thinking about having the user enter the password in a compiled MFC App. When user clicks, "Authenticate" the entered information will be sent … | |
:?: can anyone tell me how to recover the data from hard disk after pressing shift+delete | |
Hi, I'm trying to make a very simple java tester program. So, my program asks the user for the name of a method, and then runs it (doing a bunch of tests in the process) Does anyone know the name of the method(s) that will allow me to do this? … | |
does anyone know of a good java compiler that can make executable files. I want to be able to run my programs that are not applets without having to open my IDE everytime to execute them. I want to be able to asign them an icon and put them on … | |
hi everyone, i have a final year project for my BS computer science. can anyone suggest me a project on aspect oriented programming?? other suggestions are also welcome....all i need is a brief(or long) description of what to prepare. thanks | |
Ok, what the heck causes these stupid exceptions. I can't find hardly any documentation on it. I've tried running my mortgage calculator on a different computer and it won't show up because a unsupportedflavorexception. I know it's something about the major or minor version, but what do you do about … | |
Sorry for troubling everyone with my questions these past few days, but I keep bumping into all these weird little problems. The code below, is a sort of minor reflective program that runs methods after reading classes. [CODE]try { //getclass is a class named "Example" [B]Object instance = getclass.newInstance();[/B] //Is … | |
ok.. now that I know about the JOptionPane, I have one more question. How can you create a real executable program from the java code that u write. IT can be executed through JCreator or another java creator, but how can you make it so that its an actual java … | |
yes, there's an area of Java I'm almost a complete novice in (so far, I'm going full steam ahead :cheesy: ). I've the following code to filter out non-numeric input from a JTextField (which is meant to contain a timeout interval in minutes, that's why). [code] private void dumpNonNumericInput(KeyEvent e) … | |
I know how to run tomcat on MY computer, I just click the start button. My question is, how can I upload tomcat to a webserver and make it run forever(or at least until I click stop). | |
I've been making a reflective program, which examines class files, and then creates an XML file that holds all it's values. But, I've been trying to now parse these XML files I've made, and I've been trying to do it using DOM. Unfortuanetly I have no clue as to how … | |
To all the GUI Masters, I have two questions, 1) How do I make my frame start/appear in the middle of the screen ? 2) How do I disable the control/menu box i.e the maximize,minimize,close options on the top left corner of the frame ? Wating for a favorable Reply. … | |
Please take a look at this link, and let me know what you think of it. If you have any problems with it, I really want to hear about them: [url]http://wizardsolutionsusa.com/MortgageApplet/MortgageApplet.html[/url] | |
Hi, Can any one tell me how to use a Java Object in a JSP file i.e I have written a connection class and want to instantiate an object of this class so that the JSP can connect to the database. Do I have to import it or include it … |
The End.