32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I'm trying to create my own pattern (or something similar to a pattern I guess) where objects that are anonymously instantiated can still be referenced, but I'm getting weird memory results. It seems as if the free memory is decreasing when it should be increasing-- [code=java] import java.util.ArrayList; public class …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for Danme

Hello Everybody, I am learning Java from a few days.i am getting an error in one of my programs wherein i am trying to print thr sum of "n" numbers..the code is as follows..please help me [code]import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class Add1{ public static void main(String args[]) …

Member Avatar for Danme
Member Avatar for darlineth

[CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ExpressionCalculator implements KeyListener { private JFrame frame; private JLabel label; private JPanel boxLayout,panel0,panel1,panel2,panel3; private JTextField TxtInfix,TxtPostfix,TxtPrefix,TxtResult; private Font font; public ExpressionCalculator() { boxLayout = new JPanel(); font = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,12); //For infix notation panel0 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,5,0)); panel0.add(label = new …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for SonxQ7

Being new to java am trying to understand the terminology and works around... If i have a simple text file userdetails.txt which contains users name, password, home_dir_context (this is just for questioning).. Which function between the two do i use to get the path where this is located : c:/Java …

Member Avatar for linu
Member Avatar for lich

hey is anyone know how to change background color when you click a button.... please tell me. im creating a applet.. need sup

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for codered152

hi all i m working on the java program and i already have hashmap but now i have to add collection sort with that. any help please.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Enrique Nivasch

Hi, I’m writing a program in Java that uses rxtx for serial communications. Every time I start the program the communications object has to look for a specific port, acquire it, open it and only then can I start using it. The first part of the process, looking for the …

Member Avatar for samlabs821

Hello progers There is a big question in my mind I know that now PHP is popular but JSP is also known . . . so can you answer which language will be popular in future

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for zulaila

i am fresh student in sofware engineering and now my lecturer want me to do mini project "cab meter reader" apply with java.i don't know how can i start the project.i also really weak in java.can u please help me..

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for raj1108

i need some different projects (names and details) related to java which has to be done in 1 month and also the related guidelines for that projects..could u please provide us the same asap.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ngilkes

I have tried printing both a word document on a local drive using java DocFlavor and have had no success. What DocFlavor do i need to use for Word docs?? I converted the document to a PDF and used the DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.PDF and lookupPrintServices(flavor, null) and found no print services. I …

Member Avatar for Pritika.Sanghi

Hi, I'm having trouble connecting to the OVID database using jzkit. I get the following error message: [code]log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (Z3950Origin). log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly. java.lang.NullPointerException at com.k_int.z3950.IRClient.Z3950Origin.incomingSearchResponse(Z3950Origin.java:543) at com.k_int.z3950.util.ZEndpoint.notifyAPDUEvent(ZEndpoint.java:169) at com.k_int.z3950.util.ZEndpoint.run(ZEndpoint.java:481) Result: Search complete 0 records[/code] I can connect to other …

Member Avatar for jacklyman
Member Avatar for vish_1x1

Below is my code in which c1.menu() gives my values from database in Rmenu. but when compilation proceeds downwards, there is another line ResultSet Rmenu1 = c1.menu1(); which gives me another result set Rmenu1 which have values from database through menu1(); function. But after execution of its while(Rmenu1.next()) when the …

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Member Avatar for bomber4368

Hi all, I am no-voice programmer, who has done Programming in Java as subject based only. I am doing project which consist of extensive java programming. I need to built prototype model of working electronic voting system using Java with security, usability and privacy issues in concern. I need help …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

the sun tutorials doesn't include anything on how to extend JDialog to make a dialog like this: [url]http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/windows/exceed/input.jpg[/url] can anyone point me to a tutorial that included this? my attempts to try making a frame into a dialog result in 100% cpu and infinite loops how do you make the …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sajidanaaz

hi! I need a list of final year projects in Java.I would like to know whether computer games can be developed using Java(JDK ) without using J2ME.Reply as soon as possible.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for debojitsaikia

Hi, I want to execute some shall scripts from within java code.Can i directly execute the script by using [ICODE][COLOR="Green"]Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("myScript.sh");[/COLOR][/ICODE] thanks in advance, debojit

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for lich

hi we have to create a soda vending machine. so they asking a interface. i have designed the interface using netbeans. but i dont know hwo to code in there. if anyone can help me regarding this. and in this interface it has radio buttons and combo boxes so please …

Member Avatar for jasimp
Member Avatar for brianho

Hi All, I am newbie to java, trying to connect to linux server using my vista window, network admin has opened the port for me, and I am using an API built by colleague to connect to server remotely. I got the following exceptions, anyone know how to make it …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for esy928

Good day! hello! lately i've been working on a project of mine and im almost done. but right now i have a problem. in my hangman program i cant seem to make thing that hangs the hangman appear, it will only appera after ive clicked the check button. can anyone …

Member Avatar for kimslov
Member Avatar for jorgeflorencio

...[CODE] Hello everyone i have some csv files that are the result of the inspection machine... these CSV files have the following layout[/CODE] [CODE],SRFF File: D:\SPI Master Program List\200-34-02\200-34-02-B-01-R.SRF ,Panel Name: Panel Description ,Units: Microns ,Date,Time,PanelId,Board,Location,Part,Package,HeightAvgResult,HeightAvg,HeightAvgUpFail,HeightAvgLowFail,HeightAvgTarget,HeightRangeResult,HeightRange,HeightRangeMax,AreaAvgResult,AreaAvg,AreaAvgUpFail,AreaAvgLowFail,AreaAvgTarget,AreaRangeResult,AreaRange,AreaRangeMax,VolumeAvgResult,VolumeAvg,VolumeAvgUpFail,VolumeAvgLowFail,VolumeAvgTarget,VolumeRangeResult,VolumeRange,VolumeRangeMax,XOffset,YOffset,Rotation,Scaling,HAVFailedFeatureResult,HAVFailedFeatures,HAVFailedFeatureMax,RegFailedFeatureResult,RegFailedFeatures,RegFailedFeatureMax,BridgeFailedFeatureResult,BridgeFailedFeatures,BridgeFailedFeatureMax ,07/19/2008,00:48:55,#280,Module 1 ,IC2,TSOP8,SOP8_1,F,138.539642,238.000000,84.000000,140.000000,P,9.226400,140.000000,P,427747.781250,729933.140625,243311.046875,486622.090000,P,26717.400391,486622.093750,P,60986780.000000,122628772.800000,34063548.000000,68127092.600000,P,3087930.000000,68127096.000000,-22.886625,-23.317499,-0.039985,-0.131595,P,0,1,P,0,1,P,0,1 ,07/19/2008,00:48:55,#280,Module 1 ,C38,0402,0402_1_3,P,131.077194,238.000000,84.000000,140.000000,P,12.636800,140.000000,P,265426.750000,470565.468750,156855.156250,313710.320000,P,5929.500000,313710.312500,P,36161180.000000,79054999.200000,21959722.000000,43919444.800000,P,2340260.000000,43919444.000000,-26.636499,-28.285000,-0.201710,-0.635564,P,0,1,P,0,1,P,0,1 ,07/19/2008,00:48:55,#280,Module 1 ,C66,0402,0402_1_3,P,146.934555,238.000000,84.000000,140.000000,P,4.062300,140.000000,P,266860.500000,470565.468750,156855.156250,313710.320000,P,15511.000000,313710.312500,P,40048568.000000,79054999.200000,21959722.000000,43919444.800000,P,235260.000000,43919444.000000,-32.004501,-21.340000,-0.163571,-1.147347,P,0,1,P,0,1,P,0,1[/CODE] so i need some help …

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Member Avatar for chitra1

hello everyone. CAn anyone tell me where I can get a tutorial for developing a simple strut application. ps: I am completely new in struts

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Member Avatar for manojmithun
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for palavi

hi all, I ve a requirement for standalone travel software dat is not web based which involves rentung vehicles,arraging drivers, generating bill, making a picture of bus seats n which shows seat nos available.. i want to do it on java platform. can i do static html page using dreamweaver …

Member Avatar for palavi
Member Avatar for Priya73

Hi all, Can anybody suggest to me a compelling reason to use any of the programming languages [C,C++ and Java]. Under what circumstances would you use one over the other. I am developing an application that will run on mobile device and for this I am wondering which one will …

Member Avatar for swaira umar
Member Avatar for t_3010503

hi all I'm dean. newbie bout Java, i mean i got too basic knowledge about it. I want to learn it because i wan to create a Morse code converter which it will automatically convert alphanumerical words to Morse code. i had read something about java swing. the question is …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for javajoe

Hello, My name is Joe. I know very little about JAVA and I rarely drink coffee, but it rolled off the tongue pretty easy and it sounds cool. I am an IT recruiter and founder of Gold Star Recruiting Please stop by and visit me at my site. I am …

Member Avatar for MakeMoneyOnline
Member Avatar for Chris Ichikawa

Hello, everyone. I've been working on an application that will be able to accept customers and bills of an electrical service company. While testing this application, I've come across an error message saying Null Pointer Exception. Okay, here are the details. The application is actually an entire GUI project. It …

Member Avatar for Chris Ichikawa
Member Avatar for ricss_madara

what java code for output repeated continuously by requesting the user to input data&number?

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for ricss_madara

main manu 1 for Addition 2 for Subtraction 3 for Multiplication 4 for Division 5 for Choice not in list

Member Avatar for javaAddict

The End.