32,205 Topics
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where i can find emulator nokia 3500(clasic) for netbeans 6.1? | |
How to use ActionListener and ItemListener together in one java program?? | |
I'm very new to JSP ,i want information about where to save & how to run JSP.what are the othe requairements for JSP | |
Is there any way to add an "invisible character" using unicode. The thing is that i want to add an invisible character in between two strings like A#B# ...# should be replaced with that invisible character, thanks in advance....... | |
I need help on an assignment, I don't know where to start, I have coded to so far for it to read in the words from a text file and an array for the words to be put into, after that I'm lost as to what the next step would … | |
Howdy folks, I need to open a dialog with some people that know more about Linux than I do. Specifically Apache httpd. I'm not sure that this is the appropriate place for this, so be gentle if not. Here's my situations, I have a Fedora install of Linux up and … | |
I'm trying to create my own pattern (or something similar to a pattern I guess) where objects that are anonymously instantiated can still be referenced, but I'm getting weird memory results. It seems as if the free memory is decreasing when it should be increasing-- [code=java] import java.util.ArrayList; public class … | |
| Hello Everybody, I am learning Java from a few days.i am getting an error in one of my programs wherein i am trying to print thr sum of "n" numbers..the code is as follows..please help me [code]import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class Add1{ public static void main(String args[]) … |
[CODE] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ExpressionCalculator implements KeyListener { private JFrame frame; private JLabel label; private JPanel boxLayout,panel0,panel1,panel2,panel3; private JTextField TxtInfix,TxtPostfix,TxtPrefix,TxtResult; private Font font; public ExpressionCalculator() { boxLayout = new JPanel(); font = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,12); //For infix notation panel0 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,5,0)); panel0.add(label = new … | |
Being new to java am trying to understand the terminology and works around... If i have a simple text file userdetails.txt which contains users name, password, home_dir_context (this is just for questioning).. Which function between the two do i use to get the path where this is located : c:/Java … | |
hey is anyone know how to change background color when you click a button.... please tell me. im creating a applet.. need sup | |
hi all i m working on the java program and i already have hashmap but now i have to add collection sort with that. any help please. | |
Hi, I’m writing a program in Java that uses rxtx for serial communications. Every time I start the program the communications object has to look for a specific port, acquire it, open it and only then can I start using it. The first part of the process, looking for the … | |
Hello progers There is a big question in my mind I know that now PHP is popular but JSP is also known . . . so can you answer which language will be popular in future | |
i am fresh student in sofware engineering and now my lecturer want me to do mini project "cab meter reader" apply with java.i don't know how can i start the project.i also really weak in java.can u please help me.. | |
i need some different projects (names and details) related to java which has to be done in 1 month and also the related guidelines for that projects..could u please provide us the same asap. | |
I have tried printing both a word document on a local drive using java DocFlavor and have had no success. What DocFlavor do i need to use for Word docs?? I converted the document to a PDF and used the DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.PDF and lookupPrintServices(flavor, null) and found no print services. I … | |
Hi, I'm having trouble connecting to the OVID database using jzkit. I get the following error message: [code]log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (Z3950Origin). log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly. java.lang.NullPointerException at com.k_int.z3950.IRClient.Z3950Origin.incomingSearchResponse(Z3950Origin.java:543) at com.k_int.z3950.util.ZEndpoint.notifyAPDUEvent(ZEndpoint.java:169) at com.k_int.z3950.util.ZEndpoint.run(ZEndpoint.java:481) Result: Search complete 0 records[/code] I can connect to other … | |
Below is my code in which c1.menu() gives my values from database in Rmenu. but when compilation proceeds downwards, there is another line ResultSet Rmenu1 = c1.menu1(); which gives me another result set Rmenu1 which have values from database through menu1(); function. But after execution of its while(Rmenu1.next()) when the … | |
Hi all, I am no-voice programmer, who has done Programming in Java as subject based only. I am doing project which consist of extensive java programming. I need to built prototype model of working electronic voting system using Java with security, usability and privacy issues in concern. I need help … | |
the sun tutorials doesn't include anything on how to extend JDialog to make a dialog like this: [url]http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/windows/exceed/input.jpg[/url] can anyone point me to a tutorial that included this? my attempts to try making a frame into a dialog result in 100% cpu and infinite loops how do you make the … | |
hi! I need a list of final year projects in Java.I would like to know whether computer games can be developed using Java(JDK ) without using J2ME.Reply as soon as possible. | |
Hi, I want to execute some shall scripts from within java code.Can i directly execute the script by using [ICODE][COLOR="Green"]Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("myScript.sh");[/COLOR][/ICODE] thanks in advance, debojit | |
hi we have to create a soda vending machine. so they asking a interface. i have designed the interface using netbeans. but i dont know hwo to code in there. if anyone can help me regarding this. and in this interface it has radio buttons and combo boxes so please … | |
Hi All, I am newbie to java, trying to connect to linux server using my vista window, network admin has opened the port for me, and I am using an API built by colleague to connect to server remotely. I got the following exceptions, anyone know how to make it … | |
Good day! hello! lately i've been working on a project of mine and im almost done. but right now i have a problem. in my hangman program i cant seem to make thing that hangs the hangman appear, it will only appera after ive clicked the check button. can anyone … | |
...[CODE] Hello everyone i have some csv files that are the result of the inspection machine... these CSV files have the following layout[/CODE] [CODE],SRFF File: D:\SPI Master Program List\200-34-02\200-34-02-B-01-R.SRF ,Panel Name: Panel Description ,Units: Microns ,Date,Time,PanelId,Board,Location,Part,Package,HeightAvgResult,HeightAvg,HeightAvgUpFail,HeightAvgLowFail,HeightAvgTarget,HeightRangeResult,HeightRange,HeightRangeMax,AreaAvgResult,AreaAvg,AreaAvgUpFail,AreaAvgLowFail,AreaAvgTarget,AreaRangeResult,AreaRange,AreaRangeMax,VolumeAvgResult,VolumeAvg,VolumeAvgUpFail,VolumeAvgLowFail,VolumeAvgTarget,VolumeRangeResult,VolumeRange,VolumeRangeMax,XOffset,YOffset,Rotation,Scaling,HAVFailedFeatureResult,HAVFailedFeatures,HAVFailedFeatureMax,RegFailedFeatureResult,RegFailedFeatures,RegFailedFeatureMax,BridgeFailedFeatureResult,BridgeFailedFeatures,BridgeFailedFeatureMax ,07/19/2008,00:48:55,#280,Module 1 ,IC2,TSOP8,SOP8_1,F,138.539642,238.000000,84.000000,140.000000,P,9.226400,140.000000,P,427747.781250,729933.140625,243311.046875,486622.090000,P,26717.400391,486622.093750,P,60986780.000000,122628772.800000,34063548.000000,68127092.600000,P,3087930.000000,68127096.000000,-22.886625,-23.317499,-0.039985,-0.131595,P,0,1,P,0,1,P,0,1 ,07/19/2008,00:48:55,#280,Module 1 ,C38,0402,0402_1_3,P,131.077194,238.000000,84.000000,140.000000,P,12.636800,140.000000,P,265426.750000,470565.468750,156855.156250,313710.320000,P,5929.500000,313710.312500,P,36161180.000000,79054999.200000,21959722.000000,43919444.800000,P,2340260.000000,43919444.000000,-26.636499,-28.285000,-0.201710,-0.635564,P,0,1,P,0,1,P,0,1 ,07/19/2008,00:48:55,#280,Module 1 ,C66,0402,0402_1_3,P,146.934555,238.000000,84.000000,140.000000,P,4.062300,140.000000,P,266860.500000,470565.468750,156855.156250,313710.320000,P,15511.000000,313710.312500,P,40048568.000000,79054999.200000,21959722.000000,43919444.800000,P,235260.000000,43919444.000000,-32.004501,-21.340000,-0.163571,-1.147347,P,0,1,P,0,1,P,0,1[/CODE] so i need some help … | |
hello everyone. CAn anyone tell me where I can get a tutorial for developing a simple strut application. ps: I am completely new in struts | |
I am a beginner in java. I need basic informations on data base connectivity programs. | |
hi all, I ve a requirement for standalone travel software dat is not web based which involves rentung vehicles,arraging drivers, generating bill, making a picture of bus seats n which shows seat nos available.. i want to do it on java platform. can i do static html page using dreamweaver … |
The End.