32,199 Topics

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Member Avatar for JConnor135

I have two methods that when prompted by the user will print out n amount of String on m rows, for ex: * 3 3 would print out: *** *** *** here is the code I have: [ICODE]public static void writeLine(String c, int n) { if(n==0) System.out.println(); else System.out.print(c); writeLine(c, …

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Member Avatar for LevelSix

Is there a way that after you store something, such a Rectangle, to an object variable, say, Object x, that you can then look at object x, and determine it is indeed a rectangle, allowing you to use Graphic methods such as draw on said object?

Member Avatar for LevelSix
Member Avatar for pidven

hi i am new to java . there are many diiferent books i saw in java like javascript ,java programming,java soap,java data base and so......on what these and all whether i have read all these to learn java or how to proceed

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for shobha1335

I have onebean.java file having [code] private String destinationOne; private String destinationTwo; private String destinationThree; private String destinationFour; private String destinationFive; private String destinationSix; [/code] and the corresponding set and get methods. and Im using these set and get methods in another java file. Here in onebean.java we have to …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for C41R0

i got one UI that created by java, i take it and generate jar file and when i double click that jar file to open the UI only program, it takes around five seconds, its quite long and my computer is dual core. if the same thing create in visual …

Member Avatar for peddiraju86
Member Avatar for loken
Member Avatar for haxpor

Hello everyone, This is my first post. I devoted to the game development and community, I like it alot. I created game called "PongV1", like the classic old pong. It is written with Java with my own Engine. Before playing it you should have JRE 1.6 or up. Comment are …

Member Avatar for TheBuzzer

Hi, I am trying to make stroke and shape make a path like two sin curves. so a path from x,y to x2,y2 first is like ------------------------- will become /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ if you understand what i mean. I am very confused am I suppose to be changing the shape or …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for NycNessyness

Hello everyone. I'm currently having a problem with choosing one area in an array. For what I'm working on I'm trying to pick one seat in an array consisting of 10 seats. The first 5 seats are firstclass and the last 5 seats are economy. For example if the person …

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for almostanangel

Hiya Guys and Girls I am wanting to develop a conference centre in Java. But before i start spending time coding I wanted to know if anyone had a generic code I can use just to save some time. Kind Regards Almostanangel

Member Avatar for Waseemn
Member Avatar for JavaBeginner30

Hello Everyone! I'm Glen, a student beginning to learn about Java. I need help, my instructor is not useful and my fellow students have no idea what their doing; their lost as well! I have an assignement which was do two days ago; i was not able to produce a …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for OmniX

I mentioned a few weeks ago about a memory problem that could not be solved due to the programming taking alot of memory. Now what am I to do? Anyway to expand the use of the memory or should I just use java? but will it have the same problem? …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shraddha_gupta

i have made my project using netbeans. I want to create tar file , how is it done. I want to an executable file to be made, and source code zipped to be used to modufy program later without using netbeans. I am really confused, can a poject made in …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for bloody_ninja

Hi, I just started research and playing around with Java a week ago. My uncle's company gave me all the necessary software and everything, and now I am trying to learn as much as I can in the fastest possible time. Browsing through the first page, I realized that I …

Member Avatar for bloody_ninja
Member Avatar for d4n0wnz

my assignment is to write a 2 functions that check how many elements are in a linked list one of the functions have to solve it recursively and the other through the use of a loop. When compiling my code, I run into a load of errors and can't seem …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for amjad277

When one thread is executing a synchronized method for an object, all other threads that invoke synchronized methods for the same object block. What is happen when too many threads (for the same object) for example 100 Threads invoke this method and want to send data? In which order can …

Member Avatar for yzg1236
Member Avatar for AllanJP

Hey all! I've been struggling with a problem for a week now, and it seems that I'm stuck. PROBLEM ONE: I'm trying to make a "Dynamic" Combobox? Well, I'm trying to read in an XML file, and based on the number of Nodes in that file, i wish to create …

Member Avatar for AllanJP
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

Is it possible to send something like, a Frame or Applet to a target computer? If not, how would I set it up so that two users from two different computers could interact with the same JFrame or JApplet? Edit: No I'm not asking for code, just general advice*

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for senthilbfly

I got error while i am trying to use java generic classes in jsp. Is there any cofiguration required to solve it. I use java 1.6 Tomcat 6

Member Avatar for ejosiah
Member Avatar for arLe20

i need help..... i need to write a SHORT java program that takes two arrays a and b of length n storing int values, and returns the dot product of a and b.

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for javagreenhorn

Hello, I have done the code for the final part of the Java Inventory Program in my class. This is the requirements for the final code. • Modify the Inventory Program to include an Add button, a Delete button, and a Modify button on the GUI. These buttons should allow …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for zahra1364

Hi : I need some information about installshield java edition. please help me if you can.It is so important for me. thanks.

Member Avatar for sayedjustetc
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

Forgive me for my lack of Java-lingo. In fact I'd like to find a book someday that will teach me all of the definitions of words that are mentioned for Java classes and objects, as well as processes, etc. If the title isn't at all clear, what I mean is …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I'd like an opinion, although it will probably be biased since I'm asking the members of the C++ forum and not the members of Java. I'd also like to apologize in advance if this topic has been done before, but I don't like bumping old topics from years ago. I …

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for viber101

Im new to java and i want to know how to capture java compiler syntax error messages. . .please help me.

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for Waseemn

Hello All, OK I have a nagging question that I need to put to rest right away, or else I am going to go amok. In Visual Basic you can declare an array without knowing its size, and then redim the array again once the array size is known. Now …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for zwench

I am having a problem getting the sales part of this to display a $ sign and 2 decimal places. Where would I have to insert the command to have that display as $45000.00? One other question is there a way to get this to display the result all on …

Member Avatar for sayedjustetc
Member Avatar for oali

Hi i have a teensy problem that i need help with, as i mentioned earlier in some previous thread (can't remember when!) i'm creatin an applet based tutorial. It's nearly finshed thank god except for the last applet i seem to be getting an error that i can't fix. heres …

Member Avatar for oali
Member Avatar for TheWhite

Is there a way to make a frame totally wipe all traces of itself (make it return null) by pressing the X on the window? setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); doesn't actually make the frame return null, rather, it saves its state and cleans it out of memory... A call to show or pack …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for MxDev
Member Avatar for darkagn

The End.