32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for Waseemn

Hello All, OK I have a nagging question that I need to put to rest right away, or else I am going to go amok. In Visual Basic you can declare an array without knowing its size, and then redim the array again once the array size is known. Now …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for zwench

I am having a problem getting the sales part of this to display a $ sign and 2 decimal places. Where would I have to insert the command to have that display as $45000.00? One other question is there a way to get this to display the result all on …

Member Avatar for sayedjustetc
Member Avatar for oali

Hi i have a teensy problem that i need help with, as i mentioned earlier in some previous thread (can't remember when!) i'm creatin an applet based tutorial. It's nearly finshed thank god except for the last applet i seem to be getting an error that i can't fix. heres …

Member Avatar for oali
Member Avatar for TheWhite

Is there a way to make a frame totally wipe all traces of itself (make it return null) by pressing the X on the window? setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); doesn't actually make the frame return null, rather, it saves its state and cleans it out of memory... A call to show or pack …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for MxDev
Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for javax_

[CODE] public class test { public static void main(String [] args) { Person p = new Person("ABC"); p.setName("DEF"); changePerson(p); System.out.println(p.getName()); } public static void changePerson(Person p) { p.setName("GHI"); p = new Person("JKL"); p.setName("MNO"); System.out.println(p.getName()); } } class Person { String name; Person(String name) { this.name=name; } public void setName(String n) …

Member Avatar for javax_
Member Avatar for bloody_ninja

[code=java] import java.io.*; class Factorial{ public static void main(String[] args) { try{ BufferedReader object = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.println("enter the number"); int a= Integer.parseInt(object.readLine()); int fact= 1; System.out.println("Factorial of " +a+ ":"); for (int i= 1; i<=a; i++){ fact=fact*i; } System.out.println(fact); } catch (Exception e){} } } [/code] Trying numbers …

Member Avatar for mzd12111
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

are there any good (comprehensive) tutorials that anyone knows of for the SAX parser? i cannot find a good one

Member Avatar for sciwizeh
Member Avatar for Venks

Hai friendz ,iam doing project in mobile i done small application in j2me its working fine when i send via bluetooth to mobile but iam trying to download jad file from apache tomcat server its working fine when download in my system, when iam trying to download jad file from …

Member Avatar for Venks
Member Avatar for sohel08

I just started research and playing around with Java a week ago. My uncle's company gave me all the necessary software and everything, and now I am trying to learn as much as I can in the fastest possible time. Browsing through the first page, I realized that I wanted …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I'm getting ridiculous results in my program! Seconds work fine Decaseconds (1/10 of a second) work ok Centiseconds seem a bit off Milliseconds are completely off... Here's the code-- [code=java] import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Clock{ private Timer t; private long startTime = 0, finishTime = 0; private boolean …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for C41R0

when creating jar file i use following command in DOS [CODE] jar cf UIA.jar *.class *.jpg *.html *.xml *.jhm *.jar [/CODE] then i adding manifest by typing following command in DOS [CODE] jar cvfm UIA.jar mainClass.txt [/CODE] when i double click the jar file, nothing come out, i think maybe …

Member Avatar for C41R0
Member Avatar for amjad277

Does J2EE support TCP connection? If yes, how can I use these in J2EE: java.io.DataInputStream, java.io.DataOutputStream and java.net.ServerSocket Some one said to me there is no chance: Specifically, enterprise beans should not: listen on, accept connections on, or multicast from a network socket! Is this correct? Please help!?!

Member Avatar for uth

Is there anyway to create a new thread..basically create an object of a class within an existing thread and kill this existing thread so only the newly created child remains?

Member Avatar for sgul
Member Avatar for itsnexgen

Hi All, I am thinking, it would be best to generate the complete Javascript Code for the navigation menu within a Java-Class and call this functionality out of the JSP page. To make it easier to maintain the menu-structure and all the therefore needed information, we had the idea to …

Member Avatar for d4n0wnz

Hi, I am taking a course that is Java based over the summer and the prerequisite class which I took a year ago was in c++ and has recently been switched over to java. So now the class expects me to have a good background in java but there is …

Member Avatar for rapperhuj
Member Avatar for hav

just started playing around with CSS and find I have a weird little problem related to printing and hidden divs. a page contains hidden divs (hidden on screen) - the page uses a print css file so that these divs will be printed when the page prints there are also …

Member Avatar for shellydsilva
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hey guys, Most embedded devices suc as the Amtel boards seen to require C / C++ programming, why don't they support Java? Is it question of performance? Or am I overlooking something?

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for rob24

Alright. Usaly in the tool bar, there is the java symbol and it says java is running. Well my dad went on a spaz and Closed that. So now if I try to enter a chat room or watch a video (Not all videos) its just a blank field, nothing …

Member Avatar for bloody_ninja
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hey all I started learning java and I installed it on my Desktop(XP) and it was fine I could run the programs I made it was all good. When I came round to installing java on my laptop running Ubuntu I followed the guide here [URL="http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Java-on-Linux"]http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Java-on-Linux[/URL] I I followed the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for indianscorpion2

hello everyone...i am a graduate in computer science.... i have read and i have learnt core java..... but please clarify to me about J2EE, J2SE, javascript etc etc what are all these????? pls explain the difference between these and the basic core java that i learnt....... thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Waseemn

Hello All, Now please do not laugh at me, I am trying my best here. As you all know, I am taking a Java programming introductory course at the local city college, and the instructor has mentioned that any program that contains code that he did not discuss in class …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for flash121

Hello, I am wondering if it's possible to hide/show components on a form, depending on which radio button is selected. For example lets say i have two radio buttons (in a buttongroup) and two buttons. When i select the first radio button i want the first button to show, and …

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Member Avatar for pkollmyr

I hae been trying to run some arguments in the cmd through java and it isn't giving me any errors. I know it is opening cmd and it executes the last argument to create the file. The only problem is that the output is not writed into the file. If …

Member Avatar for pkollmyr
Member Avatar for shwetha_cs26

public class pan extends JPanel { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Color col1=jc.getColor(); g.setColor(col1); g.drawRect( 30,30,800,600);//600 = width 400 = height for(int i=30;i<=620; i=i+20) { g.drawLine(30,i,830,i); //for Horizontal lines change only y value (both shud be same) and x shud be 0 } g.setColor(Color.white); for( Integer i=10;i<=620; i=i+20) { …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for diasmvds

Hi all, I'm developing a drawing tool using Java. This will support drawing diagrams ( basically electrical components in a network ). As the drawing panel ,i have uesd a JPanel within JScrollPane so that user can scroll their diagram. The origin of my drawing panel is the top-left corner …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for pkollmyr

I am currently working on sending a file that contains one or more sentences through a parser, using command prompt. C:\ exe argument1 file is the format it must be sent it in command prompt The parser works and will return the parsed sentences in the command prompt ranging from …

Member Avatar for pkollmyr
Member Avatar for Khakimonk

Hi, I am doing a computer home course and they have asked me to practise the use of the switch by creating an class which I then instantiate in another program to invoke the method that the switch is in. Phew. Anyway, the book I am currently learning from is …

Member Avatar for Khakimonk
Member Avatar for sannidhikumar99

[COLOR="Red"][B]how can i use clrscr() function in java programming.....[/B][/COLOR]

Member Avatar for bloody_ninja
Member Avatar for guravharsha

Hi, I am creating the updateuser.jsp page. For that I create search.jsp where one can serch users and after submitting this page.it should display the updateuser.jsp page where I can update the details of user. Here is my code of searchuser.jsp: [code=JSP]<% Connection connection = null; Statement st = null; …

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.