15,688 Topics
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I am trying to add the ability to add an href to specific pictures in my slideshow, however I am not sure how to create an href in javascript or jquery, I have searched all over, however my web searching skills are weak and I have thus far been unable … | |
Hai everybody, <div class="whatever styledark myclass"></div> I'm interested in the search-add class. This can be search-cancel, search-remove I want to get this class name when i click on the div, how i do i change this class name to other classes in the div. onclick success remove class seaech-cancel and … | |
Hello, here's my problem. I am building an administration page that displays the users where you can edit or delete them. This page is built using jquery's $.Post ajax function and I am trying to nun jquery inside the page that is called by $.post but it doesn't work at … | |
I have a table that is populated by database and each of the rows is a from with a submit button. The idea is there is a drop down selection and upon selecting it then submitting the form updates the database. The problem is that the row form does not … | |
Hey All. Have a question. I have this situation: in JavaScript I have a parent window that opens a child window using window.open(). Now, through the course of the whole thing, comes a point where the child refereshes the parent window using opener.location.reload(). After the reload happens, I have realized … | |
Hi, I have taken the following code from youtube. As it is, without the function wrapper, it work in the address bar, tho I would like to modify it and call it to operate in one of my own pages. I need help to figure out how this can be … ![]() | |
Hey everyone So I attempting to recreated one of my game I created in flash to HTML5 with EnchantJS. I originally got my basic images to display but then because I have to have a grid of 6x6 squares, constantly typing everything over and over again gets annoying. So I … ![]() | |
Hi all, I have taken a script about **sliding text** from net. It has usage method. but inside it there is function that has four parameters and one of them was used. I dont understand it. Can you help me to understand it? below is script. in this script i … | |
I have a listener on canvas for whenever I click on it. At certain moments (like when a checkbox is checked) I want to disable that listener and make clicking on it do nothing. How do I do this? jQuery is allowed. | |
Hi, I am using jpgraph library for creating graph of patients and displaying their growth chart. The data is displaying correctly. But I want to add tool tip on each point that which point is pointing to which patient. When the user hovers on the point. The jgraph is creating … | |
Here is my code: $(document).ready(function () { $(".submit-text").click(function () { var startdate = $("#startdate").val(); /*This line returns mm/dd/yyyy */ var starttime = $("#starttime").val(); /*This line retruns hr:min AM/PM */ var dtstart = new Date("startdate" + starttime); alert(dtstart); }); }); ****On alert it displays invalid date... but if I use.. var … | |
Hello I know the title is horribly explained.... I want to store about Bob his name (string), last name (string), and age (integer). Basically that; Im thinking about a 3 demensional array. Would this be correct? Also I want easy; I dont care if it takes up more memory of … ![]() | |
can anyone help me with this error? INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11 on this line hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); | |
Hello, A website I'm working on requires that the Prototype framework is included, but I'm also using jQuery for some custom behaviours. I'm using the jQuery [maximage](http://www.aaronvanderzwan.com/maximage/1/) slider plugin almost successfully; the only issue is that it seems to conflict with prototype - yes, even with jQuery's noconflict used - … | |
hey i want to add this code to a jquery file that i have to display the autosuggestion results.when its in the body of my other page when the result is recieved it pushes the page down when clicked it goes back up i dont want that. any suggestion? <div … | |
I have this part of code <?php $showmonth=$_POST['showmonth']; $showyear=$_POST['showyear']; $showmonth=preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i','',$showmonth); $showyear=preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i','',$showyear); $day_count=cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$showmonth,$showyear); $pre_days=date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$showmonth,1,$showyear)); $post_days=(6-(date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$showmonth,$day_count,$showyear)))); but i get errors like undefined index showyear,and errors on cal_days_in_month parameter 3 expected to be long, and also mktime parameter 6 expected to be long all due to the undefined index, how do i fix … | |
can anyone show me how to upload a binary file using Ajax (and php of course) I mean the html and js ? ![]() | |
I'm pretty new to AJAX so this may look like simple questions but..., so i want my file to be stored in a table in a db i have on my localhost, i'm using iframe <iframe id="upload_target" name="upload_target" src="#" style="width:0;height:0;border:0px solid #fff;"></iframe> what source do i provide, what about the … ![]() | |
I have a site for youth basketball, where parents can list their kid to get them onto a team. The listings that get replied to by teams needing players are deleted, but some listing remain on there for months or years. To combat the potential confusion of which grade a … | |
Hi Friends.. i have one form where combobox is include... i want to use popup form with respect to selected combo box values using jquery function.... i have this code for combo box.. <label id="label">First Schedule </label> <select name="cmbFS" id="cbmFSId" style="width:205px;"> <option value="">---SELECT---</option> <option value="FSchedule" >Second Shedule</option> <option value="Reject">Reject</option> </select> … | |
Hi :) Sorry to be boring but I have a problem to display and hide some div. I'm explaining. I have this html code: <div id="subMain"> <div id="archivesResult_Content"> <div id="archivesResult_title"> <div class="box"> <div class="date"></div> <div class="categorie" cat="14"> <div class="categorie" cat="13"> <div class="categorie" cat="16"> <div class="categorie" cat="17"> </div> <div class="box"> <div … | |
Hi, A very simple question I'd like to ask, why intializing a var outside a function, it cannot be used in that function? exmaple: <script type="text/javascript" > var myvariable = document.getElementById("someID"); function someMethod(){ //some stuff here, and I cannot use myvariable inside here why? } </script> | |
Hello Daniweb, I'm attempting to build an online service, aimed at mobile devices that have GPS or GPS like capabilities. The service would take a users location, and show them locations nearby of interest along with some information, such as a historic landmark and some facts or a restaurant with … | |
hey i want to encode my website url as a form of security but i have no idea how to go about doing so and help? | |
I want to check for duplicates when inserting a new contact in my database, then showing a msg that the contact is already in the db. this is what i've done: function isDuplicate(names,phone,email,adresa){ var isduplicate=false; for(var i=0;i<addresslist.length; i++){ if(addresslist[i].names.toLowerCase()==names.toLowerCase() && addresslist[i].phone.toLowerCase()==phone.toLowerCase()&& addresslist[i].email.toLowerCase()==email.toLowerCase()&& addresslist[i].adresa.toLowerCase()==adresa.toLowerCase() ){ isduplicate=true; } } return isduplicate; } … ![]() | |
We list our daily opening/closing hours on a Google Calendar as Events. After some struggles with the Javascript API, we are *almost* able to extract the hours (events) for today and for tomorrow to embed elsewhere on the site -- but at 7pm local time (EST in the US) it … ![]() | |
Hi there, I m using jquery ajax function to get the data from server and i m getting the data in associative array on success, but now i want to convert that associative array in javascript, how i can convert PHP associative array in javascript array. Waiting for your quick … | |
I have searched and have not found exactly what I need. I have a webpage with an iframe on the same domain. The function of the webpage is a form to select network elements and input commands to run on the devices. The real time output with the output is … ![]() | |
Is it possible to link jQuery menu to tabs? For example if the user selects "By Filter" in the menu below I want it to open up the Search By Filters tab. How can I achieve this? JS $("#menu").menu(); $("#search").tabs(); HTML <ul id="menu" style="border: 0px; background:none"> <li><a id="2" style="cursor: pointer">Search</a> … ![]() | |
Hello, i'm kinda starting to feel out of my mind now. I am creating a simple web game. I am now in the process of putting some php codes here in game to have scores.My problem is that, My game's top score is the person who played the game very … |
The End.