15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for Trevor_4

how can i get this program, to tally the number of grades above 90 , between 80 and 89 and etc import java.util.*; public class grades {import java.util.*; public class grades { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int i, n; double sum= 0, score=0 …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for SpecialistPanther

Javascript: <script> /** * jQuery document ready function (when the DOM is loaded) * From here we can use $ to reference the jQuery object */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { /** * Finds all elements that have _BOTH_ the .audio and .controls classes * then attaches a click handler to the .playpausebtn …

Member Avatar for SpecialistPanther
Member Avatar for Pravesh_1

I want call a function on play of Youtube video which is in an Iframe. How I can do this ? Below is the code : <iframe width="98%" height="auto" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FP_KJ8YMsXQ?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" wmode="Opaque" id="loader" onload="body_load(this)" ></div></iframe>

Member Avatar for jay_10
Member Avatar for myfit

My ability of English is not good, now I have a problem is I want to make a menu collapse jQuery or coolapse bootstrap that have a multiple rank or multiple level (>2 or >3 level) sush as a picture below but I don't know how to do it, so …

Member Avatar for myfit
Member Avatar for arafath077

<html> <body> <div class="datepicker"><input type="text"></div> <div class="datepicker"><input type="text"></div> </body> </html> i want to select second datepicker's input filed in Jquery.?

Member Avatar for arafath077
Member Avatar for manjuuu

how to populate the table data from database that is showing on jsp page after clicking on the checkbox for a perticular row?

Member Avatar for jean_5

I have this code: isTinyInt: function () { var val = $(this).val(); if (val >= 0 && val <= 255) return true; else return false; } Can I make sure with this that the number is in the tinyint range?

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for jean_5

I want a parse to convert a number to different types of sql server data ranges available. For example, for an input to the firld of kind int I have parseInt, for another kind that is float I have parseFloat. How can i do parseTinyInt(), parseSmallInt(), parseBigInt(), parseDecimal(), parseNumeric(), parseSmallMoney(), …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi all, I'm not too familiar with Ajax but I believe I grasp the basics. So I'm sending an id which I retrieve from an element to a php page but I can't seem to retrieve the id being send. My javascript: function ListPart(part) { var imgdata = part; $.ajax({ …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for nadiam

hi. i have a page that submits data without refreshing and it does work. but i m having trouble with arrays. as it is im submitting the form data using `$.post` . if i was working with just php id just do a for loop which i actually already have …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Bensirpent07

Hi I am trying to change the <p id="returnsuccess"></p> to say anything at this point. I have some code it's about a form submission I don't think the PHP part is that important in solving this problem. But I want to know why the code I have doesn't work and …

Member Avatar for Bensirpent07
Member Avatar for Bensirpent07

I'm trying to make my button change from saying "Submit" to "Submitting" when it's clicked. But it's for a form so if something like e-mail validation fails I want it to change back to saying "Submit". Here is the code I already have if you would like to take a …

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Member Avatar for mattsheets

Hello! I am needing a "non-realtime" framework for collaboration on a website with content, think of it this way. You make a Google search and want to make some notes on the content of that page, save them and send them to me so I can also make notes on …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

hey guys , I'd like to add a fancy navigation menu for users like this example http://tympanus.net/Development/SelectInspiration/index8.html but this is a select input not a link, I need a tutorial to achive something like that using jquery and css, so I put a link image when press on it a …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for gcardonav

I have a step in my code where the application will check on the word entered by the user and compare it to the a word. My issue is that my original code was javascript and now I am not certain how to set it up for AngularJS. I had …

Member Avatar for gcardonav
Member Avatar for RonKevinT.Manuela

I am able to delete the file from the database but not the file found on a folder associated with it...is there somethign wrong? <?php include("../includes/mysqliconnect.php"); include("../includes/config.php"); if(isset($_GET['delpost'])){ $delpho = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM photos where imageID=$imageID"); $run=mysqli_fetch_array($delpho); $imageName=$run['imageName']; $dir = '/uploads'; unlink($dir.'/'.$imageName); $stmt = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM photos WHERE imageID = …

Member Avatar for mark.suner
Member Avatar for jean_5
Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

If checkForm is false, I don't want the form to submit. And if checkForm is true, I would like the form to submit and the action=POST to work. I've seen several examples online where people have VERY similar code and theirs supposedly works. So what am I doing wrong? Is …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for Rahul47

Greetings, I am dabbling with my little code here. Problem is mouseout event handler is getting executed thrice instead of twice. var img=document.getElementById('newImg'); img.addEventListener('mouseover',function(e){ e.target.width+=200; console.log(e.target.width); img.addEventListener('mouseout',function(e){ e.target.width-=200; console.log(e.target.width); },false); console.log(e.target.width); },false); ![89e5b5d855500aa477198af64c4e1bb1](/attachments/large/4/89e5b5d855500aa477198af64c4e1bb1.jpg "89e5b5d855500aa477198af64c4e1bb1")

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for mattsheets

Hello! I am needing a non-realitme note/reivew system like the former iWork.com's "Review" feature, I am hoping one already exsist but I haven't been able to find one yet. Here is a image if what I am hoping to find: http://cdn.appstorm.net/mac.appstorm.net/files/2009/01/picture-7-620x402.png

Member Avatar for mattsheets
Member Avatar for Djmann1013

Anyone know of a way to auto-grab songs? I want to make a playlist of songs so that I can make a playlist and listen to them. I've tried making a script but it somewhat worked, it opens the menu but it doesn't add it to the playlist. Here is …

Member Avatar for Djmann1013
Member Avatar for vizz

var mct1_Options = { sliderId: "mcts1", direction: "horizontal", scrollInterval: 1400, scrollDuration: 800, hoverPause: true, autoAdvance: true, scrollByEachThumb: true, circular: true, largeImageSlider: null, inSyncWithLargeImageSlider: true, license: "b2e98" }; var thumbnailSlider = new ThumbnailSlider(mct1_Options); function ThumbnailSlider(f) { var g = "length", i = "className", T = function (a, c) { var b …

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for jonsan32

Let's say I have a banner on my site that randomly rotates between images that depict the month of January. Is it possible to have 10 images randomly rotate the entire month, then to have a new 10 images rotate randomly for the following month? I also need each image …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for Online_1

Hi, I have developed website [www.onlinedelivery.in](http://www.onlinedelivery.in/) in ASP.Net with AJAX. But when I am trying to use Jquery on the same page where update panel use. Its not working. Please suggest Regards

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for better.atbcs

Here is the problem: Write a program to find future value of monthly investments. Start with an initial investment, make a deposit every 30days, calculate interest on principle compounded daily, display a table showing beginning balance, deposit for the year, interest earned for the year, and ending balance. The table …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for xbat

I am getting $.ajax is not defined with firebug - maybe missing bracets? any ideas? <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function get_place(jack) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "fruit.php", beforeSend: function () { $("#city").html("<option>Loading ...</option>"); }, data: "cartowner="+cartowner, success: function(msg){ $("#city").html(msg); } }); } </script>

Member Avatar for qwqdqw
Member Avatar for renKill

Hi, I am learning javascript. I started in w3schools, but it's not enough. Is there any good downloadable javascript ebook from the internet and websites that will give me exercises, projects and quizzes regarding javascript.

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for joshua_8

$("#testing").change(function() { var id = $(this).val(); $.ajax({ url:'Servlet', type:"get", dataType: "json", async: false, cache: false, processData: false, data: id, sucess: function(result) { alert(result); }, error: function(req, err) { console.log('my message' + err); } }); return false; });

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for minitauros

So I've given RequireJS a try this weekend, and although it appears to work pretty smooth, I can't figure out one thing: How do I combine PHP and Javascript while using RequireJS? See, RequireJS can only work with .js files, meaning that it cannot "require" .php files. In many files, …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for srikanth_1

<html> <head> <title>Entitled Document</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function getCount(){ var cn = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection"); var strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = F:\PhoneGap\bloodGroupDataBase.accdb;Persist Security Info=False"; //is there any wrong in this connection string cn.Open(strConn); var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset"); var SQL = "select count(*) from sheet1"; rs.Open(SQL, cn); alert(rs(0)); rs.Close(); cn.Close(); } </script> …


The End.