15,688 Topics
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Hello Daniweb, I want to make a custom visitor tracking tool and like Google Analytics it must be able to track how long time visitors spend on each page. How do you recommend doing this? I thought of using the Javascript onload event to start counting time serverside and then … | |
this will not work on change. also the innerhtml wont display. please help. here is the js: [CODE]function checkemail(){ if (document.suform.email.value && document.suform.emailcheck.value) { if (document.suform.email.value == document.suform.emailcheck.value) { document.suform.emailcheck.style.backgroundColor='#FFFFFF'; document.getElementById('wm').innerHTML=='Emails Match!'; }else{ document.suform.emailcheck.style.backgroundColor='#F75B53'; document.getElementById('wm').innerHTML=='Emails Dont Match!'; } } }[/CODE] and here is the html: [ICODE] Re-type Email: <input type='text' … | |
I want to create one menu with anchor tag for e.g=> <a href="http://www.example.com/example.php" rel="facebox">Example</a> I want to write javascript function for that like $menu = array(); $menu['page name without extension'] = 'Page Title To be showed on page'; function MenuGen() { } In addition I want to add FACEBOX from … | |
Hello all,....I am trying to make a form which will be in a javascript pop up window.And there will be a submit button(also in the pop up window)..After submission this form will post some data to a php or asp... | |
I want to create one menu with anchor tag for e.g=> <a href="http://www.example.com/example.php" rel="facebox">Example</a> I want to write javascript function for that like $menu = array(); $menu['page name without extension'] = 'Page Title To be showed on page'; function MenuGen() { } In addition I want to add FACEBOX from … | |
Hi, I have a HTML/PHP/MYSQL setup where I want to use a value chosen from one HTML <SELECT> to restrict values shown in the next HTML <SELECT>. It's a reasonably common requirement but I just can't get it. A good example is where the user chooses a country and then … | |
I am unsure what is going on with my website? I had flash on it, and I have removed the flash and installed javascript. Everything is installed correctly from what I can see, when I go to the view page button on Dreamweaver the images rotate. When I upload it … | |
Alright, I'm back for another educated post (got the newsletter btw :(). So I am trying to [COLOR="Red"][B]use AJAX to remove a joke from a list of jokes[/B][/COLOR] inside the administration panel. I know basically nothing about AJX, but I am a quick learner. I know that if I press … | |
i am a learner and tell me [COLOR="Green"]how to move any thing in javascript or movement as slide action.[/COLOR] i wait your answers | |
Hello peeps. I'm trying to update a sql table from mi php Ajax web page, which stores dynamically a table into the page by [icode]table.appendChild(row)[/icode], so that the user can verify the information he is inserting before the actual database update. How do I do this with ajax? | |
i have this piece of code i would like to validate using javascript. I have the validation code already , all i would like to know is how do you send a changeable variable to javascript i.e [CODE] while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $sel = ($row1['productid'] == $row['productid']) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : ""; … | |
please give me the code for checking the company name entered in textbox using javascript .Only sentence case to be allowed.Only abbreviations (without a full name) should not be allowed.(eg DPS) Abbreviations if any should be allowed only at the end of the name within ().eg Delhi Public School(DPS) | |
Hi there, At my company we are working on building a website, however javascript is disabled on the server and cannot be enabled. Onclick, onmouseover, etc.....these events do not work either. Is there any alternative to making my page dynamic? Mainly I'm wanting simple things like being able to fire … | |
Hi, [CODE] $('object').live('mousedown',function(){ url = $('.m_banner_show object param[name="movie"]').attr('value'); alert(url); //filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1); //pridedam paspaudima $.post( getBaseURL() + "index.php?option=com_ReklamuRodymas&controller=welcome&task=addClick&format=raw",{filename: filename}); }) [/CODE] The html code: [CODE=html] <OBJECT id=bnr_banner2_0 codeBase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 width=468 height=60 VIEWASTEXT> <PARAM NAME="_cx" VALUE="12382"> <PARAM NAME="_cy" VALUE="1587"> <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE=""> <PARAM NAME="Movie" VALUE="uploads/banners/file4.swf"> <PARAM NAME="Src" VALUE="uploads/banners/file4.swf"> <PARAM NAME="WMode" VALUE="Transparent"> … | |
below code work this with no problem <form name="statusUpdate" action="" method=""> <textarea name="status" id="status" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea> <input type="button" onclick="updateStatusViaJavascriptAPICalling(); return false;" value="Update Status via Facebook Javascript Library" /> </form> [CODE] } function updateStatusViaJavascriptAPICalling(){ var status = document.getElementById('status').value; FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: status }, function(response) { if (!response || response.error) { … | |
Hello, I have created a javascript script to select a color for the css theme. I have it working great for picking, but the problem is when I refesh it goes back to the default. I was wondering if somone might know why my cookies are not saving? from html … | |
below is the code i found from some nice tutorial it works great but the function post to wall promt user to either publish or skip, on some other php file this trigers it i think <a href="#" onclick="publishStream(); return false;">Click Here To Show A DEMO Stream Publish Box</a> and … | |
Hi Guys, I'm new to programming and webdesign, but my girlfriend asked me if I'd build her a site for her massage therapy with an online booking calendar as she can't take calls for bookings during work so I thought I'd have a go. I've pretty much finished the booking … | |
I'm retreiving data from a texfile with AJAX through: document.getElementById("my div").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; but I want to make a linebreak in the text before each capital letter starts. How do I go about doing that? Appreciate the help. | |
i am making a register page on my website. i have a password and a re-enter password text fields. how would i validate those two by making sure they are the same in ajax? and how would i make that happen on the re-enters onblur or onchange? thank you | |
Hi friends i was in a need of using reorderlist from ajax family. I tried a lot and was unable to do anything with please help me. Munnazz | |
On this page: [url]http://streetkids.zuka.net/sandbox/map-new.05.html[/url], when you click on, for instance, Ethiopia, you get a map and then when you click on the "flag" you get a popup with some tabbed info. At the bottom of this popup is a close link. It is there the first time you click on … | |
if i have [CODE] <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>[/CODE] [CODE] <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/" type="text/javascript"></script>[/CODE] both of these in my header my jquery menu does not work. i have searched google and it keeps telling me about this [CODE] <script> jQuery.noConflict(); // Use jQuery via jQuery(...) jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("div").hide(); }); // Use Prototype with $(...), … | |
On a form, I want to jump to the next tabindex when pressing the 'enter' key. The script that should do the thing, should look like this (the tabindex is generated dynamically and the code is simplified): [CODE] <form id='MyForm'> <?php $tabindex = 1; ?> <input class='pts' type='text' id='<?php echo … | |
THE SCRIPT bELOW PASSED THE SECOND TO 0 (STARTING FROM 1500 SECOND) I NEED 1500 SECONDS THAT SHOW AS 00:25:59, 00:25:58................00:25:01...00:24:00...00:24:59........................UNTILL 00:00:00. PLZ HELP ME <HTML> <BODY> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var myTime = "1500"; function countDown() { document.form.seconds.value = "00:25:" + (myTime < 10 ? "0" + myTime : myTime); … | |
i want to create a timer for my php page i created the page that only 20 second i want that the time should be as 00:00:20 (hh:mm:ss) plz help my scipt are.......................................................................................................... [code]<tr> <!-- countdown script --> <td style="text-align:left;font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana, Arial;">Time Left: <input type="text" name="seconds" size="3"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var … | |
Hello, Would it be possible to add text to textboxes with the click of button? The page contains three dropdowns (category, sub category, items). First, user selects a category in the dropdown. In the second dropdown, all items that are held in that category are displayed. In the third dropdown, … | |
I've used this method to highlight the location page that the user is on. Below is a working example of how this functions. This works in div tags or in a tables and cross browsers. Below I've created a main Navigation and two sub navigation. Terminal Intensity, Surreal 1, & … | |
Hy all. I have some problem then tried employ action onMouseover and onMouseOut. I have further drop unordered menu [CODE] div#content{position: relative; padding:0 10px; border: solid 1px #6b6b6b; height: 100px;} ul li {list-style: none;} ul.menu {padding: 0; margin:0; display: block; height: 68px;} ul.menu > li {float: left; background: url("li.jpg") no-repeat … | |
Dear All, I'm going to put some submenus into tabs and put its contents there. i want to fetch the name of the tab (menu) from the database. for this case, i must use looping 'while'. for example [CODE]<body> <?php $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul WHERE ket='submenu_mahasiswa'"); $result=mysql_fetch_array($query); ?> <div id="tabs"> … |
The End.