15,121 Topics
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Hi all, I am adding code to a SharePoint 2007 list where I want a calculated field to be a colored square based on a status column. I have all the code I need to create a colored round bullet, but I would like the bullet to be square or … | |
[B]<html> <head> <title>New Page 11</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0"> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS) function backhome(e){ var targeturl="index.htm" if (document.layers){ if (e.which==104||e.which==72) window.location=targeturl } else if (document.all){ if (event.keyCode==104||event.keyCode==72) window.location=targeturl } } document.onkeypress=backhome </script> </head> <body> <p align="center">Hit The(H) key on your keyboard to send you to a home … | |
I am calling the callAjax function in the HTML body as below : <center> <h3>Request Tracking System</h3> <table width="70%" border=0> <tr> <td width=100% valign=top> <table width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0 class=bord border=0> <th colspan=2> <button type="button" onclick="javascript:callAjax('m');return false;">Requests for me</button> </th> <th colspan=2> <button type="button" onclick="javascript:callAjax('o');return false;">All Requests</button> </th> </table> <br/><br/> <div … | |
Can someone please tell me why this code isn't working? I'm fiddling around with designing a site and trying to get my JS bearings down. I'm wondering why the second option isn't making the drop down list disappear. Thanks in advance! [CODE]<html> <head> </head> <script language="JavaScript"> function fncShow() { document.getElementById('box').style.visibility … | |
Hi All, My parent window is dash.html. From this i call a pat.jsp file which is a child window to dash.html. I wrote a function in dash.html function feed_refresh(){ getGlaceCompleteDashBoardResult(1); } this function `getGlaceCompleteDashBoardResult(1);` is included in a .js file in dash.html file. Now from the pat.jsp i call the … | |
Hi all, I want to built tristate checkbox using Javascript. There is lot of examples for this problem.. All have processed with Images. But I want to use this with out image. Can anybody help me out of this problem? Thanks, Eagerly waiting Myl | |
Here's the code : whichElement(e) [code]out.println("<li><a onclick='javascript:whichElement(e);menuClicked();selectMenu("+orders.get(i).toString().substring(43)+","+orders.get(i).toString().substring(39,40)+")'>"+orders.get(i).toString().substring(0,37)+"</a></li>");[/code] | |
hi.. i had developed ' [url]http://www.wooadvertising.in/[/url] ' this site using Jquery. when i use the another Jquery it doesn't work.. i am trying to solve this problem but i cant. can anyone solve this problem | |
Hello Everyone. I'm not sure whether this is the correct place to post this problem. How ever if somebody can solve this immediately that will help me a lot. I'm developing a web page capable of play .flv files. I'm using "flow Player". In my videos page, I need to … | |
Hi, Please visit [url]http://www.dell.com/us/p/laptops[/url] In the dell site a user can select different features of what he/she wants like screen size, processor speed and and the script gets the products that meets the criteria. I would like to get the same thing done on my site but I don't know … | |
i am trying to make a simple trim function but this doesnt works. any help pls? [CODE] function tr(input){ var i; var str; for(i=0; i<input.length-1; i++){ if(text.charAt(i)==" "){ str+=""+text.charAt(i) } return str } } [/CODE] | |
Hello everyone, i'm using a jquery datepicker like this: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#inlineDatepicker').datepick({ rangeSelect: true, monthsToShow: 3, minDate: '+7d', rangeSeparator: '|', altField: '#resdate', altFormat: 'dd-mm-yyyy', pickerClass: 'locgrid', onDate: nationalDays } ); }); var natDays = [[12, 18, 2010], [12, 19, 2010]]; function nationalDays(date, inMonth) { if (inMonth) { for … | |
I am making an menu list of starbucks the code is working but it only prints: ------ WELCOME TO STARBUCKS Total Price: "amount" ------ [B]Problem: I want the value to be displayed also in the alert box kinda like anyone help im a noob in js[/B] ------ WELCOME TO STARBUCKS … | |
I hav done Ajax code for dynamically select destination city according to user selected source city. My issue is this code work properly on my pc but whenever copied on other pc its not working. I can't understand so please help me. Ajax code is [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> //window.onload="hideReturn()" function … | |
I'm fairly new to javascript and am having a problem validating a password. Here is what I have.... [B]Javascript :[/B] [CODE]function ValPass() { var invalid " "; var min = 8; var lower = /[a-z]/; var upper = /[A-Z]/; var numeric = /[0-9]/; var pass1 = document.passForm.password.value; var pass2 = … | |
Hello Everybody, Right, so I would like to see whether I can store a string in my session and send that over to my database. For example, in a function that I have produced, I would like that function to return a string called "first step", I would like to … | |
Good day all: I have an editable invoice that I have added a sales tax option with a js function doMath(). Prior to my modification with the sales tax option all worked well. the invoice which code is the following: [code] <textarea id="address" rows="6" cols="38" disabled="true">Website: Email: TaxID: </textarea > … | |
Hi All, When we pass url in our ajax function calls, I want that url to be an absolute url. For Eg: I have my ajax code wriiten in Javascript/ajax.js file In this I pass the url say url=ajaxResponse.jsp?variable=var My ajaxResponse.jsp file is in jsp folder. When I call ajax … | |
Hello, I have a JavaScript calculator, here is the code:[CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var num1=prompt('Enter your first number',""); var num2=prompt('Enter your second number',""); var problem=prompt('Enter the operator you wish to use..x,X,+,-,/ are valid..',""); if (problem=="+") { alert("The anwser to your equasion is "num1+num2); } else if (problem=="-") { alert("The answer to your … | |
Hello, I hope that someone would be able to help me to solve this simple problem. My goal is to get the value in the array from selection drop down list. Basically, I create an Array in Javascript and a selection drop down list in the body. [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> … | |
This code is able to display a table and show me state, County, Genus and GenusCount and also it shows when I select option as All for Counties in my drop down. it can based on which it can change my table and give me State, all the Counties, its … | |
I use wordpress 3.0.1 and install Exec-PHP plungin. I edit the code in admin panel- pages - html cede. I want to add some javascript in a custom page. when the code use two ampersand. it occupy wrong. `& &` become `& # 0 3 8 ; & # 0 … | |
Hi friends, In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this [ICODE] $("#images li").click(function(){ var image=this.href; $("#mainImage").attr('src',image); });[/ICODE] I want to … | |
How do you escape a colon in JavaScript? I've tried several fixes (backslashes, hexadecimal code) and no luck. | |
Hi, I am working on a chat program. When a user logs in, a value in the database is set to 1 (online), and when he/she logs out it is set to 0 (offline). The problem is, when the user exits the browser, naturally the value is still set to … | |
I've made an empty mynote.txt in the same directory, and open the following code with Internet Explorer, and allow to write on hard disk (when IE asked) but nothing in the text file: mynote.txt after the run. what is the problem? [CODE]<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function WriteFile() { var fh … | |
Hi, I am a beginner when it comes to javascript. I need to help in creating a marquee type scrolling images. Can someone help me on this by providing me with the code? Thanks | |
hi guys, i am trying to populate a listbox the number of the current month in listbox. and i am using an onload event of the body but it doesnt works. any help please?. i am new on javascript. [CODE] function dat(){ var date=new Date(); var Month= toString(date.getMonth()+1) this.Monthlistbox.options=new Option(Month,Month,true,true); … | |
i am having difficulty making a 2d array that prints integers from 0 - 99 in all odd numbers. I can make it print in multiples of three, but not only odd numbers. Whay can i not do this? Can anyone give me a nit or help? | |
I have a triple drop down menu and when I select an option for first drop down, based on that I get the values populated in the second drop down but these values in the second drop down do not clear even though I change the change the option of … |
The End.