15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for pawn10

hai, this is pawn actually i have a problem with javascript i have written code for menu stripes i.e drop down menu it's working proper in mozilla but in internet explorer not getting proper the align showing in different style. so please if u have any solution reply

Member Avatar for harrierdh
Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

Hello, good day. I am a newbie in AJAX. I am still starting at this programming language. I just want to ask for help. I have a field "From" and "To". If you select "1969" in "From" field, then in "To" field, the user will automatically select YEAR that is …

Member Avatar for letlet_pogs
Member Avatar for fumnimda

hi i want to get height of a div with[B] document.gtElementById('divid').offsetHeight [/B]in javascript. it works well in firefox but in IE it returns 0. what is the solution? i guess maybe the offsetHeight doesn't work in IE ,but [B]document.body.offsewtHeight[/B] return a number bigger than 0 ! altought it is different …

Member Avatar for arunss
Member Avatar for sharao

hi frnds, if any one disable javascript in their browser...eventhough how to run our script...i think jquery is one option but i don't know exactly.. if any one knows tell me the process how to run script when disable... Thanks...

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for realnsleo

Hi, okay i've spent hours in the web searching for the right image slideshow/gallery to use for my website but in vain! Dont get me wrong the jQuery, Ajax scripts i've seen so far are so good but they all use lists to load all the images at once and …

Member Avatar for realnsleo
Member Avatar for karin42

Hi! I am attempting to change the innerHTML code of a div and to run javascript code at that time. But I seem to be unable to do it. The actual workings of the whole thing are really convoluted but here is the general idea: [CODE] <html> <head><title>JavaScript test</title> <script …

Member Avatar for karin42
Member Avatar for desiguru

I want to launch this after 5 seconds once page gets loaded. How can I do this? [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"><!-- window.onload = function() { document.location.href = 'http://www.google.com';} // --></script> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for harrierdh
Member Avatar for doforumda

hi let me explain what i want I have four pages.two html, one js and one php. First page is loginTab.html. There is a tab called "Tab One" when user clicks on it there is a script inside this html page which calls function and loads an external login.html form …

Member Avatar for doforumda
Member Avatar for brianzet

Hi everybody I want to append an id from my mysql database to jQuery. I dont know how to figure this out in ANY way :-S :-( This is my code: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("li.card").hover( function () { $(this).append($("<div id='popup'>This is has id nr. <?php …

Member Avatar for tetnao

I am using both InPlaceEditor and InPlaceCollectionEditor on my page. InPlaceEditor is working fine, changes into a textbox when I click on the div that is suppose to call InPlaceEditor, but InPlaceCollectionEditor isnt quite working. The div tagged to InPlaceCollectionEditor still highlights when I hover over it, but when I …

Member Avatar for gamestoenjoy

Hi, I am currently learning AJAX, and I want to write an simple example program (it is only for practice, it has no real meaning). The program sends request to to PHP and gets response from it, then it should write the response using message box, all should happen on …

Member Avatar for gamestoenjoy
Member Avatar for doforumda

how can we add preloader in ajax code. what i want is when user press button then .gif preloader displays until the data loading is completed. how can we do this? any examples will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for ffs82defxp

Okay I am relatively new to javascript, and my project is to create an xhtml page that contains <iframe> and javascript that monitors the changes in a web page's source code. Okay. I got everything down, except I don't know how to do an onchange event that works with javascript. …

Member Avatar for pac-man

hi all, I'm a newbie to AJAX (spent most my time on the C++ forum) but I'm in need of some advice. I plan on building a web-application in PHP with AJAX functionality. Now, I've never touched AJAX before and wanted to know which route would be more convenient a) …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for handyman_uk

I am placeing this thread here as i believe it id a java script problem not being a programmer i havnt a clue anyway i am working on a website still needs lots of work but it works fine in firefox but only shows the background in IE sorry to …

Member Avatar for handyman_uk
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have often noticed that most times when we register to a website it asks for a long length password. Why is this so?? What not use shorter length passwords as it would be much more easier to learn. I hope i am not asking a silly question.

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

like theres two pages. page one calls page two and displays the output of page 2 on page 1 via ajax. now can i click on page 2's output(on page one) and have it execute another javascript function to call AJAX(a third page) ? or what? if so... how?

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for doforumda

hi i just created ajax tabs. it works fine but it contains too many functions for just three tabs. I want to know any other way to reduce these amount of functions. i am new to ajax. my code is below data.html [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for gizmocreations

I have come across several websites that use genie scroller. However, when I go to the website it looks like that is no longer sold. Does anyone know of something similar? I have run across a few things, but nothing that works like Genie Scroller.

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for davidjcolbran

OK, I have a JS which validates the correct format for postcodes (or zip) on an html form - works fine. But what I want to do is to use a JS to see if a website visitor is eligible for a particular service on their postcode / zip - …

Member Avatar for davidjcolbran
Member Avatar for team_ferrari22

Hi, In Google Chrome the [COLOR="Green"]'chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(integer windowId, function callback)' [/COLOR] method will return a data URL of the JPEG encoding of the visible area of the captured tab. We want to save that content as image to hard disk without opening/passing the contents into new html page. Does anybody know …

Member Avatar for Rec3000

Hi all. I'm trying to implement a rotating image system written in Javascript into a PHP website. The PHP page and the Javascript both work fine independently, but integrating the JS is proving tough and giving me errors. Here is the top part of the PHP page: [CODE]<? include ("./application.php"); …

Member Avatar for Rec3000
Member Avatar for sbedaniweb

How do I associate a button with a function andn still have it display text, click to calculate,and start a function in JavaScript

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for phuong_bg

I really like the drag-drop box from bbc.co.uk, but I don't know how to do it. Can anybody help me to create a page like that?

Member Avatar for harrierdh
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all, I am trying to rotate adds that are from tradedoubler !! I have created a mysql db as follows id,add,link,title and i can succesfully connect via a php include and rotate my query to show a different add each time the page loads [code] $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell
Member Avatar for venus_me11

i really need help.. i want to have a realistic bus seating reservation like in some airline reservation we have today... not just like using ordinary tables with rows and columns... i dont know how and where to start.. please help..

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Simple problem. Ive designed a calendar for booking our boardroom - and I want it to refresh live - so using a timer and an ajax call. Thing is, if you select a new day (also using an ajax call), when it refreshes it needs to refresh with the …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I have pasted my code below, please paste it into a JSP and tell me why it gives the error "Unterminated String Constant" [CODE] <html> <head> <title>Debugging</title> <script language="javascript"> function changeOn(object, objectId) { alert('in function'); if (object == 'bookingsButton') { alert('first if'); document.getElementById(objectId).src = 'Images/BookingsOn.png'; } else if (object …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for venus_me11

I want to have this kind of look [url]http://kleankanteen.com/faqs/faqs.html[/url] when i click the (+) button, the solution/answer will appear and when i click the (-) button, the solution/answer will disappear here is the sample that i want please help.. i dont know if this is javascrip, ajax or something...

Member Avatar for venus_me11
Member Avatar for smartness

Is it possible to Copy data from a <input> box the the main windows (the input is opened in a pop-up). I've seen date-time pickers can do that, but can't find the function!

Member Avatar for smartness

The End.