15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for lelady

Hi everyone, I've spent the better part of 3 days searching the web and trying multiple rotating image scripts to no avail.... every time I try one, it seems to break my page, or just not work. I am not skilled at Java, and am not even sure if that …

Member Avatar for madmital
Member Avatar for alpha_foobar

Hey, I'm having an issue getting the height and width of DIV elements that have resized themselves to fit their content. Note: I do not have a problem getting the height and width of DIV elements that I have set using Javascript. The probel is that this value appears to …

Member Avatar for lasi7
Member Avatar for MichaelHe

Hi everyone I'm doing a very simple click count funktion with Ajax where I put some data in a mySQL database when some links are clicked: [CODE]onClick="UpdateSQL('1', '190', 'divname', 'message');"[/CODE] [CODE]function UpdateSQL(KundeID, IP, sideElement, kaldMessage) { document.getElementById(sideElement).innerHTML = kaldMessage; try { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); /* f.eks. Firefox */ } …

Member Avatar for madmital
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

Hi all, i'm working on a php script and i got a little javascript. i'm trying to get information from some hidden fields but i keep getting an error, udefined. here are the codes: [CODE] var counter = 5; var avail = document.getElementById['available_array[counter][0]'].value; [/CODE] here is the original [CODE] tmp=document.order.elements['available_array[counter][\"+document.order.elements['BRANCHC[ …

Member Avatar for madmital
Member Avatar for michelleradu

Hi guys. I'm trying to pick 2 dates from a calendar on my webpage. I've got 2 textboxes (date1 and date2) and the calendar image next to each of them which opens a separate window with the calendar. It's all working fine, except for the fact that I can not …

Member Avatar for michelleradu
Member Avatar for mastia22

Before I start, let me openly declare am a ROOKIE. Am making a fantasy football site due in 2 months. Am still stuck on the backend part of it. Am having a problem making a page for editing player information where I have a drop down menu of the teams …

Member Avatar for mastia22
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I have been searching the web but my answer isn't looking very hopeful. I need javascript or preferably css to make my text vertical so the result is something like the following. [CODE]t e s t i n g[/CODE] However with the result each of the characters need …

Member Avatar for mrjoli021

im new to java script. I am trying to make a time/date function update automatically. when i view the page i get the right time, but i have to refresh the browser in order to update it. How can i do it to automatically update itself. i want the clients …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i have added a simplemodal box in my project which is using jquery problem is i am using it for dynamic php application. i want a id of clicked item iam not getting it here is my code in php page [CODE]<div id='contact-form'><a href='#' class='contact'><input src="images/email-icon.png" type="image" value="<? …

Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff

I've had a hard time getting dynamic rows inputs to multiply 'onchange' of the value in the input in each row. It works in the first row inserted no matter what rowindex that row is moved to. All following rows only accept the initial input value and never change the …

Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff
Member Avatar for VIGUU

<p>i WANT TO DISPLAY THE POPUP WINDOW AFTER CLICKING THE PARENT WINDOW "BUTTON".<p> <p>THAT POPUP WINDOW DISPLAY THE DATA IN A TABLE FORM(FOR EG:NO,NAMEETC.,) .<p> <p>Now i want to select any row in the table using radiobutton.After selecting the radio button particular row values will display in parent window text …

Member Avatar for harrierdh
Member Avatar for Multivariate

I'm trying to add the "Amazon Style Drop-in Content Box" from the Dynamic Drive site into a Joomla template. I don't know Joomla very well and I've followed the tutorials. Basically, this drop in box contains a SWF file that references an FLV video. The background is transparent and I …

Member Avatar for java_2010

I was using variables stored on the navigator object to access them across pages example in Begin1.aspx I had navigator.localvar = 1 and in Begin2.aspx I had if (navigator.localvar == 1) { .... } However in IE8 it doesnt work anymore It complains that navigator.localvar is null or not defined …

Member Avatar for ausmaya

Hi, i have started to learn javascript. To run javascript.. browser window and notepad is enough or i need to load java s/w also, i'm not getting output for this coding..can any one help me pls??? <!DOcTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>first java script …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for LoriM

I have been a mainframe programmer for over 20 years - I have a new project that requires browser pages written in JavaScript. [B]Please let me give some background of my code.[/B] I currently begin with a HTML page that assigns the values retrieved from a third party vendor's API …

Member Avatar for LoriM
Member Avatar for stjohn999

hi heed help with this im trying to get a function difference to work all i had was the arry and thats it array is 1,2,3,4,5,6 and i want to find the difference of 1,2 2,3 3,4 4,5 5,6 6,1 and return a number 1,2 return 1 2,3 return 1 …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for doforumda

hi i have following code. it has a problem when i submit username and password it does not display that username and password back. index.html [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script src="jquery-1.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> //window.onload = initAll; function initAll() …

Member Avatar for Hangfire
Member Avatar for allhimachal.com

In the AJAX example below we will demonstrate how a web page can communicate with a web server online as a user enters data into a standard HTML form. [B]Example Explained - The HTML Form[/B] [CODE]<form> First Name: <input type="text" id="txt1" onkeyup="showHint(this.value)"> </form> <p>Suggestions: <span id="txtHint"></span></p> [/CODE] [B]Example Explained - …

Member Avatar for Hangfire
Member Avatar for linksprocket

Hope some one can assist me Below is my code which works fine. I need to be able to select more than one of the options at the same time. The code at the moment will only select one option rather than all my options. Any advice would be great.

Member Avatar for Hangfire
Member Avatar for Acute

hi, i'm new in web-development and i'm making a simple chat. How to make a scrollbar of [U]iframe[/U] (which displays all the text you enter) to be always at bottom???

Member Avatar for drewpark88
Member Avatar for bahman2216

Dear All. I want to show and hide a DIV tag in each row by clicking on check box. my code is here: [CODE]$myCont="container_".$s; $e .='<input onclick="showHide('.$myCont.');" type="checkbox" />[/CODE] and in another file I create DIV with none static id: [CODE]$e .='<div id="container_'.$s.'" style="display:none;">';[/CODE] it is not work in showHide …

Member Avatar for bahman2216
Member Avatar for mimsc

Hello guys I normally write java...but heres my question [CODE] int propId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("property")); <script type="text/javascript"> function doReport1() { document.forms[0].target = "_blank"; document.forms[0].action = 'http://<%=accountName%>/JAABA/jsp/cpanel/homeSellerReport1.jsp?propId=<%=propId%>'; document.forms[0].submit(); } <div class="marginTopBump5 marginBottomBump9"> <div class="left paddingRight2 paddingTop21">Dear</div> <input type="text" name="custName" maxlength="100" size="40" value="" class="fullBox left" /> <div class="left">&nbsp;,</div> [/CODE] as you can see …

Member Avatar for mimsc
Member Avatar for loll_l

Please see my Booking Form here [url]http://www.n-v-m.co.uk/Booking.html[/url] The form is very nearly finished but I have no experience with JavaScript at all so I am hoping somebody can tell me how to do the finishing touches. All I require is: 1- On clicking the 'Submit order' button I would like …

Member Avatar for loll_l
Member Avatar for albertkao

I downloaded the tablekit javascript library and put it in the js directory which is in the jsp directory. i.e. the directory is C:\workspace\com.mycomp.data.war\WEB-INF\jsp\js The jsp page is as follows and display correctly with FF and chrome on Windows Vista. However, the column of the page is not sorted by …

Member Avatar for chamika.deshan

Hi I have a loop looping through an "band" object array. I am assigning a anonymous functions for the object property(actually dragging) [CODE]for (var j=0;j<5;j++) { var othis = this.bands[j]; othis.onDragstart = (function() {return othis.onDragstartResizeHandle()}); }[/CODE] onDragstartResizeHandle function [CODE]band.prototype.onDragstartResizeHandle = function() { alert(this.id); }[/CODE] when I drag a band it …

Member Avatar for chamika.deshan
Member Avatar for chamika.deshan

Hi I have a class page.js page.js ------- [CODE]var band = null; for(var i=0; i<=10; i++) { band = new Band( 100, 100); band.onDragstart = function() { alert(i); }; }[/CODE] each time ondragstart triggers this prints the value 10 for all band objects. if i need to print 0,1,2,3...10 what …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi, I'm not good at all at JavaScript but I'm trying, so bear with me. What I want to do is that when I click on a <input type="text" /> tag the checkbox next to it should become checked. I've tried with the help of internet for a couple of …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for deafboyzaudio

Hey everyone, Wanted to say hi, greetings to everyone!!! I was hoping that I could get some help here as my efforts to get help elsewhere have been futile.... I found a good pagination tut at this link: [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/ajaxpaginate/index.htm[/url] that im using with PHP and a MYSQL database. I can …

Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff

Hi everyone, I have a table that is written from 'display' window to 'register' window. It is a CART TABLE. It is suposed to cut down on posts to the server and is written entirley with client side javascript. There should really be ony one post to the server when …

Member Avatar for Heinz Stapff
Member Avatar for Pleasant Day

Below is a Random Quote generator script I found on the net, its a great script, but I want the quote to be in bold, how is that done please? [code=html]<center> <font color="#71025F" size="2" face="Verdana,Arial"> <script language="JavaScript"> // ============================================== var Quotation=new Array() // do not change this! // Set up …

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The End.