15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for ypdev

Hi, I am trying to validate RadioButtonList (ASP.NET) using the following js function but for some reason it does not working properly. I can't get the ID of the control as I would be.. Can you help please? [CODE] <asp:RadioButtonList ID="T_selector" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem Value="1">Team1</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="2">Team2</asp:ListItem> </asp:RadioButtonList> [/CODE] [CODE] <script …

Member Avatar for ypdev
Member Avatar for Jake12

Sorry for the weird title, not sure how to describe it in one sentence. What I am trying to do is build a script that will read through an array of words and compare another word to the list to find where it would be placed alphabetically; between which two …

Member Avatar for Jake12
Member Avatar for jazz2k8

Hi Folks, i have created one list of years and months .. inserting that into the database...if i want to edit ...it is selecting the check box but problem is i have to scroll down forwhere it is selected...wherei want to autoscroll for that. please find the attachment... thanks in …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for sureronald

I am working on a web application and I would like to combine java script and php. I am using the window.confirm() function which gives a user an option to choose either yes or no. I am actually using this feature to end a users session so if user clicks …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hi! Would it be possible to have a JavaScript graphic in a web browser react to sounds from the users computer microphone? Thanks! Tom Tolleson

Member Avatar for kcgagne

Looking at [url]http://yellowspringsfarm.com/events-schedule.html[/url], in IE 7, if you run your cursor over the nav panel to open and close links, the text line height in the main content does a little dance. This does not happen if FireFox. I have no idea what I screwed up or where to look …

Member Avatar for gagan22

Hello everyone, I want to use two radio button on a html page (buy.html) . I want that when we click on first radio button then it will show one form which have two or three text box on that page (buy.html) . When we click on second radio button …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for Bob Arctor

Hello all, If I use a "typical" href - No problems I see the session value being passed to the page (populating a form field). Using the pop up link not surprisingly nothing gets passed. My lack of experience is letting me down here. Any solutions or an alternative ? …

Member Avatar for Bob Arctor
Member Avatar for neoseeker191

I was wondering if someone could tell me if it is possible to take the navbar I made for the website, [URL="http://www.rcamodels.com"]Website[/URL] which was created using Dreamweaver and Fireworks, and convert it to CSS. What I am trying to do is convert the site to mainly CSS. I'm not looking …

Member Avatar for ccube921
Member Avatar for theimben

I need to use ajax to make this whole process smoother. Here is a demo: http://www.theflickzone.com/dev/ If anyone can do this for me I will pay a few $ via paypal to say thanks :) Contents of index.html <form action="return.php" method="POST"> <p>IMDB URL: <input type="text" name="imdb" autocomplete="off"></p> <p>Links(line by line): …

Member Avatar for theimben
Member Avatar for xerouk

guys i really need your help. im not sure how to even explain this so here goes. i want to create a page where u enter a text and then u click a 'convert' button and the text is inserted to a larger text for example lets say u enter …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi everyone, I want to use two radio button on a php page when we click on first radio button page will show different form below the radio button and when we will click or select second radio button then i want to show another form on the same php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for TheVenerableZ

Hi, Is it possible to use GetElementsByTagName for grandchild elements? I have a div with a bunch of lis nested inside of the div, and a hidden input field inside of each li. The lis are draggable, and I want to write a script that adds up the values inside …

Member Avatar for azraelcwb
Member Avatar for ionnnnutz

i have an "product customization form", made with javascript wich sends the user selected values through email. [CODE] <select name="material" id="material" onchange="selection_material()"> <option >Select...</option> <option value="1">Paper 115g</option> <option value="2">Paper 135g</option> <option value="3">Paper 150g</option> <option value="4">Paper 170g</option> <option value="5">Cardboard 200g</option> <option value="6">Cardboard 250g</option> <option value="7">Cardboard 120g striat</option> </select> [/CODE] [CODE] function …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for Seb_london

Hi, Is there any way to end a line of text with three dot if this one is too long for the content box/site layout? Someting like wrap text but without going to the next line. Thanks for your help

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for todo

I am using Javascript to highlight/dim active/inactive tabs respectivly. Tab 1 is active by default, and when the other tab gets clicked, tab1 should remove "active" class from itself, and the clicked tab should add "active" class to itself... It seems like the class is not being removed properly, because …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for theimben

[code=html] <form action="search.php?q=VALUE" type="post" /> <input type="text" id="textbox" name="poster" size="25" /> <input type="submit" class="button" value="Go" /> </form> [/code] I have this form....What I want is for where it says VALUE to change in the forms action to be the same as what is in the textbox. I cant find anything …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for stefan_nieuwinc

I am building an Ajax-application that functions as a 'formserver'. A php-script is generating HTML-code for a form that is packed in XML that is sent to the browser via an XHTML-request. There a Javascript-script makes the HTML-code part of the document tree. I have problems with inputs of the …

Member Avatar for poddarpallavi22

Hi I am running an online examination system on intranet where a number of students appear for a test simultaneously. The paper contains only subjective questions and studens are provide a text area to fill in their answers. with each text area there is a "save answer" button which the …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for theimben

Hi, I have these two files...index.html and handle.php Index.html has a form on it which is sent to handle.php. This file takes the data sent from index.html then processes it and returns some text. What I want to do is 'Ajaxify' this whole process, so to speak. How can I …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for shortbus785

Hi, I have a web application in development that takes input from an HTML form and uses servlet technology to process and output another page. Currently, the HTML form is just standard form components (drop down menus, radio buttons...). What I want to implement is an image, where the users …

Member Avatar for Roger L

Hello, I am a JSP newbie. I am trying to encode a password on a login form, before it is sent to the server. I created a test button to display the hashed password, but errors out with the message 'digestPswd not defined' Here are the code snippits that I …

Member Avatar for Roger L
Member Avatar for LTT

Hello! Im new to PHP and have a need for what I have found out is called AJAX. I prefer to code in PHP for my DB access. I need to create a dropdown list using AJAX that updates it self depending on what is slected in the parent dropdown …

Member Avatar for jshpro2
Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic

How do I animate an image to fade in when I roll my mouse over a <div> and fade out when I move my mouse away. So far this is what I have. It doesn't seem to work well. Please help me, thanks. Javascript [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var homebutton = document.homebtn.style.opacity; …

Member Avatar for rpk5000

I'm having an issue getting IE 7 to respond to the setAttribute("src", "...") command in javascript. The code does the following: 1) There exists an img id called mainImage in my html. 2) On load the body calls getimagesource 3) The javascript reads a configuration file (test3.txt), that has each …

Member Avatar for rpk5000
Member Avatar for blizeH

Hi, I'm currently [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet794.html"]using this fantastic script[/URL] by Fungus1487 (thanks!) but am having a bit of trouble getting it to detect Saturdays. For example, when I enter a start date as a Thursday, then enter an end date that's a Friday it'll return 1, fine. If I enter a date …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for danarashad

Is there a way to change the color of Student Name to red. [code] <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function delStudent#StudentID#() { if(confirm("Do you really want to delete Student Name?")) {location="index.cfm?act2=5&id=#StudentID#&sec=#sec#";} } // --> </script> [/code]

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for mzd12111

hi there pals. i am writing some codes for a scaffolding application. consider i want to implement : [IMG]http://ce.sharif.edu/~zamanian/untitled.JPG[/IMG] when user click in Delete Link, DB delete that row and make it disappear from the page with Ajax. i put the whole table on one DIV , and i want …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for PriyaFingent

the code is given below <script type="text/jscript"> // Check the length of the textbox //for new function Length_Phone1TextField_Validator() { if ((aspnetForm.ctl00_ProfilePlaceHolder_txtPhone1.value.length > 2)) { aspnetForm.ctl00_ProfilePlaceHolder_txtPhone2.focus(); return (false); } return (true); } <script> and in cs file its code like this `this.txtPhone1.Attributes.Add("onKeyup", "return Length_Phone1TextField_Validator()");` Its not working in firefox but in …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for zanzo

I want to get to the parent location each time I'm adding a record. the problem is that i have a nested iframes, and each time the number of those is incremented: eg. at first adding record i have the location like this: parent.location second: parent.parent.location third: parent.parent.parent.location how could …

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The End.