15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for thosecars82

Hello there I wanted to ask you whether it is worth or not using tools such as jquery or prototype comparing them to javascript. What do you suggest? Using those libraries or rely just on javascript? I knew javascript but I have got to know recently these libraries which seem …

Member Avatar for hidash_in

hi all, i wnat to upload multiple files to the server by clicking the upload button once. if anybody knows pls help me. thanks kumar.

Member Avatar for brr

how to get names in alphabetical order from the data base in the form of dropdown list when user enters alphabet in the text box... i think this is possible using AJAX programming, if any body konws pls guide me thanx,

Member Avatar for camspiers
Member Avatar for thosecars82

Hello there This really simple CSS drop down menu I have on the home button of this site [url]www.metatradersoftware.com[/url] is driving me mad. I do not know why, but it does not want to work on ie6 altough it is working in Safari, Opera and Firefox. Would you please take …

Member Avatar for talalshaikh

Dear All, Could u guys help me how to make a basic ajax application which could pull different map data from different sources like Google,Yahoo ,Virtual Earth and seemless show the same location in all,like in FlashEarth.com Thanks Talal Shaikh

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for chronoel

I have a form with a reset button and what I want is to reset only some form elements when that button is clicked. [code] <form name="frmMyForm"> <input type="text" name="txtText" /> <input type="checkbox" name="chkCheckBox" /> <input type="reset" value="reset" /> </form> [/code] Now I want the checkbox to be reset when …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Valk1520

I have done a fair amount of research trying to find a simple way to make two columns the same height at run time. This solution works and can be expanded to as many columns as needed. It works with the current version of Explorer and Firefox. I put this …

Member Avatar for vanessia_1999

Hi, I have a little problem. It is almost working but it continue to say undefine in the text area instead of the name they type in the txt box. I might be confusing you so i am going to put down what I have then explain what I am …

Member Avatar for vanessia_1999
Member Avatar for supriya.iiita

im making a dynamic table in ruby on rails in which im displaying devices in a table and corresponding to each device i want to show its status which is ibtained dynamically by an ajax function (periodically_call_remote) which updates a div. its working fine but its updating only the first …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for redrum_ub

Hello, I have this problem with slider (jQuery) which contains scrool bar. In Firefox when slider is clicked, it slides to the left, but leaving trace of a picture over the video. The link for the page is [URL="http://gewiss2.digid.tv/"]HERE [/URL] Click on any of the videos at the botom of …

Member Avatar for thosecars82

Hello there I would like to ask you a question concerning pop up menus. It turns out that I have seen some techniques which use just CSS. Nevertheless, what I usually see is techniques that use javascript to achieve this pop up menus. It seems to me that javascript might …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for ajberrow

Some JavaScript code which used to work for IE6 no longer works for IE7. Any ideas what I could try to correct the problem? The scripts change a user's password by opening a child window, grabbing the old password, new password and user name from the opener, then execute a …

Member Avatar for vp.softverm

hi all., We r using AJAX for our ERP system. In our project am facing the cross browser compatibility problem, The problem is the [B]javascript grid is displaying out of the <TD> in a table actually am putting scroll bars to the Td of the table. The grid is displaying …

Member Avatar for vp.softverm
Member Avatar for mikki2

Hi! How do i add "extras" to comment boxes like is done in the comment box, which you will use to reply this post? You know, the "change font color" icon, "bold", "italics", etc... i checked daniweb's source code and i saw <script> tags and an array within a variable …

Member Avatar for mikki2
Member Avatar for adiga
Member Avatar for optiwizer

The following comes up on a bunch of my indexed pages: "Hello, you need to enable JavaScript to use this network. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. ... " Should I be worried?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Inny

I want to know if its possible to over-ride a setting that is part of an included js **that i dont have direct access to.** below is the js in question. the only part i want to change is the Tab-key feature. can I wite a new function to switch …

Member Avatar for Inny
Member Avatar for Inny

Im getting an Error (ie) 'undefined' relating to the path of a clicked image. How to define its path please? Full working code supplied error seems to be in this line Function('onclick=jkpopimage(this.src,600,500);'); where 'this.src' is undefined? <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript'> // for free JavaScript tutorials and scripts // This notice …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for o0DarkEvil0o

Hi all! I found that is difficult to search a simple javascript code about scrolling image slide. You can find them on Internet but they often are long and complex or hidden from us to prevent edit. I just found a simple way to resolve this. I hope it will …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for tye680

I currently am on IE , but dont know which version. I believe its 7 but im not positive. For the last 2 weeks ive not been able to click on certain links (mostly myspace links but others as well) For instance, Ill click on it, and on the bottom …

Member Avatar for vanessia_1999

Hi everyone, I am so new to javascript and it is really giving me a micrain. It looks easy but tend to be hard. Atleast for me since I am a beginner. I need help please. I need to make work with the element getElementById I have tried numerous way …

Member Avatar for vanessia_1999
Member Avatar for tefflox

hello, i'm trying to get [URL="http://superiorminitrucks.com/admin"]http://superiorminitrucks.com/admin[/URL] login functionality to work. It's my first logon script, which was tested to work, but I'm running out of brute force to get this one through... [CODE]<?php //////**************************************/ // // LOGIN PAGE // // Server-side: // 1. Start a session // 2. Clear the …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for scottholmes

It seems I have a choice, my menu item can follow suckerfish and change background color on hover or the document.submit() function can work. Not both. Any ideas about this would be appreciated. I have this bit of code for a menu option: [ICODE]<li><a href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('cf').submit()">Commit</a></li>[/ICODE] This allows the Commit …

Member Avatar for thedbz

Hi All I have been struggling with trying to post back a variable from an ajax page to another website using javascript, I keep getting the error "Access Denied". I have been researching on the web and have come across that javascript cant post data across domains. But both web …

Member Avatar for LogicWeb

Greetings everyone, On the [url]www.logicweb.com[/url] top banner (static), the live chat white circle image map area has an IE issue here. The live chat image map works fine in Firefox and Oprea but not in IE7. I believe its the # link. What can I do to the below code …

Member Avatar for arifathar
Member Avatar for Confused@JS

I need help positioning my sidebar on my browser. Every time I scroll down the sidebar follows down the screen causing me to lose half the info on the sidebar and only showing what fits in the screen. It has became a really pain in the @ss and I would …

Member Avatar for mikki2
Member Avatar for freshface001

hi to all my problem when i add form field dynamically to the page in java script (form method is get )it is well worked in IE but not working in mozilla fire fox problem is ,does not pass the form field element value to the url for the use …

Member Avatar for priyapratheep

Hello friends In my form I am using two AJAX functions.. Both are working fine... Problem is both are displying in one place..I want to display it in different locations... I used [code=html]<div id="txtHintGrade"></div> <div id="txtHint"></div>[/code] txtHindGrade for first [code=html]document.getElementById("txtHindGrade").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; <span id=\"txtHindGrade\"></span>[/code] and txtHint for the second [code=html]document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; <span id=\"txtHint\"></span>[/code] …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for thosecars82

Hello there I would like to ask you what general approaches you know to carry out the task of adapting the css which works well for firefox, to make it work the same in explorer or other particular browsers which might raise problems. For example, if you take a glance …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for alexhernandez

Hi all, I'm just wondering..... Is there any way to know what variables are associated to a given kind of data type or class (when using prototype for example)? Let me explain. if I have: // Javascript: var myVar = new Array(); var myObj = new CustomPrototypeClass(); So, in some …


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