15,127 Topics
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Javascript for changing image of image tag every 2 seconds | |
hi, i'm trying to figure out how to pass arrays back and forth from php to javascript and back in the zend framework. i need to do this for check boxes. can anyone help me out | |
Hello, I am [I]entirely[/I] new to Javascript (try yesterday!), and I need to create a price sheet form in Acrobat for a client. While the answer to this question may already be here on this site, I am sufficiently clueless about how to search for it and appreciate tremendously your … | |
Hi, I'm having this problem and can't get a solution anywhere. -- <Introduction:> I have a master page, then I have a content page which contains a little login form wrapped in <div id="LoginTable"></div> What I want, is to use a ScriptaculoUs JavaScript Effect.Highlight(...) on some mouseovers. The Effect.Highlight is … | |
Hi , I am looking for a javascript framework which is stable first of all and supports many things like I say, i could drag and drop, sliders, do some event based effects, AJax. I think facebook got some functionalities that i am looking but am not able to make … | |
I have the following Iframe. <iframe id="result" style="width:400px;overflow:-moz-scrollbars-none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="0" frameborder="0"></iframe> Want to disable the scroll-bars while the url finishes completely loading in the iframe. The above seems to work with Firefox, but not with Safari, Opera, and not sure IE. I am looking for javascript to disable all scrolling until … | |
Hi Everyone, I'm a new member to Daniweb and I was hoping that I could get a little help with a nightmare of a time i have been having with Spry :-( I am using a simple single tier (no children) horizontal Spry navigation menu for sit navigation that i … | |
Hi ALL, We have developed some HTML pages code using AJAX and we have used some style sheets. This works fine in IE but the style sheets used are getting distracted Firefox as well as the AJAX calls are not working in Firefox. Please help. Thanks in advance. | |
Hi, how to pass value frm javascript to jsp page. Thanks in advance... ~ ukbasak | |
Hi there, wondering if anyone is able to help me. I am making a piece of software (for a uni project not for profit) and I have pretty good knowledge of Java but not Javascript. For this project I wish to create an interface that looks like igoogle.com but not … | |
i have a div that is hidden.After calling a function i just give the code as follows for making the div visible. the code is document.getElementById("divid").style.display="block"; it works in IE but not in Mozilla(3.0.3) have any idea? thanx in advance... | |
I'm working on a problem that I thought would be common but so far I haven't been able to find a good solution. I need to create a scrolling map that works similar to google maps (only more simplistic). The page will display a 500X500 pixel image which is itself … | |
Hi All I have a google code project running at the moment to develop a simple-standards web-based slides show system (code.google.com/p/easyslides) At the moment there are several .css and .js files as well as images in one folder and a seperate HTML file. I want to be able to provide … | |
[quote] Once my dynamic table is populated with names entered by user, it should no longer include the initial text: Your name list is empty. Can anyone help me with this final code? [/quote] [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>My Dynamic Table</title> <script … | |
Hello all. I have a problem with my site. Well there are some times that when i click on a link from the recent activity I get my custom error 404 page. This happens when the url is [url]http://domain.com/[/url]............. The problem is solved and i can get inside the link … | |
Hey, I have created a searcher on my companies website that displays products that we sell. It displays the code, price, blah blah blah. basic stuff. but anyways i want to display some information for the product not on the page but on a tooltip like screen. I know a … | |
Hello all. I have this problem. I have a div with inactive buttons in a jsp page, buttons like select all | add to basket | compare | .... and some java logic determining whether any products (coming from a backend) are found on page load. I want to make … | |
Hey all, I have a very simple collapsible panel which is working fine right now, but I am trying to make the expanded item's text bold "Without doing a post back or use of links". Here is the code: [CODE] <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Collapsible Panel Test</title> </head> … | |
Here is my code what is my problem. I need a window to open up that says ok or cancel. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang = "en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859- 1" /> <title>Exit Row Requirements</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> /* … | |
At the moment I have a normal ajax example that refers to an xml file. This xml file is a conversion of a mysql database file I have. Now I wish to cut out the middle man (xml) and refer straight to the database. Any Ideas on how I would … | |
Hey, Right now I'm working on a login system for my site. The user enters their info, the info is sent to the php page through ajax, the php checks if the input fields are empty and checks if the info is correct. If fields are empty or the info … | |
I'm trying to create a tag like routine for music genres. I have an array with various music genres in it. Those genres appear in a select box so they can be added to a text area... The problem is, I want to be able to add multiple genres instead … | |
I have a flash website i'm looking for the script who makes google ads with flash. how can i get it? | |
Hello, I need to resize an I-fame according to the height of an external page. I have found some google code that does what I need but it is way bloated. Anyone how to do what this code does but with less bloat? Thanks in Advance! [CODE] ( function(){ var … | |
I have designed a Registration form with the help of HTML. Here in the tage <form> I have given the action to the JSP page. (e.g. <form name="form1" action="sample.jsp">) . I have to validate this form bu javascript. The form is validated on clicking the Submit button of the form. … | |
i have one statement .that statement has two combo field(Entered/Approved) . when combo field is marked as Approved then date isto be moved to date field.and date should not moved to date field when entered is selected from combo feild i mean i want to move todays date if and … | |
My program should allow to display prompt box to enter values for a b and c and should display message in prompt box like "invalid number please enter number again" for a if a ==0 and a is not a number. Same with b , but b can be equal … | |
I have been doing research and to be able to make a scrollable drop down box requires javascript I have been informed. Can anyone help me with this or a tutorial? Example code: [code] <select name="cars"> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> <option value="fiat" selected="selected">Fiat</option> <option value="audi">Audi</option> </select> [/code] Goals: - Only … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to add 3 rows on a click of a button and each row has 14 columns with text boxes and 4 of these textboxes has onblur events which dont work in the new rows added can someone help me with this problem the functions i tried … | |
Hi everyone, Many thanks for looking. Here's the problem. I have a form with three option buttons. Depending on what one the user clicks on I need a particular div to be shown, while the other two divs are to be removed. The only problem is that the removeChild doesn't … |
The End.