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so i am trying to output course information when the course number is selected and the button is clicked. here is the html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Course Info</title> </head> <body> <h1>Course Information Search</h1> <form action="" method="post"> <select name="course" id="course"> <option value="420-121">420-121</option> <option value="420-122">420-122</option> <option value="420-123">420-123</option> <option … | |
I have found several different methods for doing this online but for some reason i just cant get any of them to work for me, it may be they way im calling them or something but it also might involve my lack of expereince with JS but regardless I have … | |
angular .module('abc') .factory('dashboard', dashboard); function dashboard($http, notifier) { var service = { getAllMasterJobsNames: getAllMasterJobsNames }; return service; function getAllMasterJobsNames(request) { return $http.post('/JSONServices/JSONCampusManagementService.svc/GetAllMasterJobsNames', request).then( function (response) { if (angular.isUndefined(response.data) || (angular.isDefined(response.data.IsException) && response.data .IsException)) { notifier.error('Error fetching the Active Events : ' + JSON.stringify(response)); } return response; }, function (response) { … | |
I've went over this code a number of times but I can't see where the issue lies. I'm trying to make the age text field numeric only however it won't validate If someone can point what I'm doing wrong here it be greatly appreciated :) <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta … | |
I have two cf selects one includes three option and I need to activate the second cfselect based on the selection? any Ideas how to do this. The CFselects are being populated from a DB. | |
I am getting all instead of am or pm any body help to get am or pm function display_ct() { var strcount var x = new Date() var x1=x.getMonth() + "/" + x.getDate() + "/" + x.getFullYear(); x1 = x1 + " - " + x.getHours( )+ ":" + x.getMinutes() … | |
Hello. I need help with my javascript code.. In the screenshot I just uploaded here, When I input a non-numerical character on the 1st box, it should make the 2nd text box output 0 instead of NaN. <form method="POST"> <!-- my html form... for clarity sake --> <p><span id="errMsg" class="errMsg"></span></p> … | |
I'm trying to addrow onclick button, and I need that new row would have the diffrent ids for "keyword" and "chapter" so I can pass the values of these two field in CLO(key, chap) I can only call the CLO() function in orginal row I need to be able to … | |
<table class="filetable" id="filetable"> <thead> <tr> <th width="25%">名称</th> <th width="6%">大小</th> <th width="10%">类型</th> <th width="19%">修改日期</th> <th width="40%"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="FileList" runat="server"> <tr> <td><img src="images/f01.png" />Adobe Dreamweaver CS5简体中文绿色</td> <td>2013/10/14 17:38</td> <td>文件夹</td> <td class="tdlast">0 KB</td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> this is a table, I want to get the value of each FileName when … | |
Actually, I am having problem with the wordpress lightbox plugin: Fancybox where it don't work. Therefore, I tried to change to jquery pirobox instead. But I having problem of add the custom rel and class to the link image. I refered [URL="http://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-relxyz-to-gallery-link"]http://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-relxyz-to-gallery-link[/URL] and tried without success moreover I want to … | |
I have this code to add row to my table function addRow(tableID){ var table=document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount=table.rows.length; var row=table.insertRow(rowCount); var colCount=table.rows[0].cells.length; var cell1=row.insertCell(0); cell1.innerHTML= rowCount+1; for(var i=0;i<colCount;i++){ var newcell=row.insertCell(i+1); newcell.innerHTML=table.rows[0].cells[i+1].innerHTML; }} and this for AJAX function function CLO() { var a=document.getElementById("keyword").value; var b=document.getElementById("chapter").value; if (a == ""&& b == "") { … | |
I am loading images from folder but problem is first loading div after storing images. Because of this problem i have to increase loading time div. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#snap").click(function() { $("#myweb").load("webcamsnap.php") }) }) </script> | |
I am getting result 3 div's but i want to get result for checking. my ajax page <div> <!-- This is empty div and please don't remove this --> <div id="inner_1"> <?php echo $val; ?> </div> <div id="inner_2"> <?php echo $val; ?> </div> </div> my html page <div id="div_1"></div> <a … | |
Help. I can't get javascript to work on my computer at all. I've tried both Internet Explorer and Firefox but I either get messages saying that I need to enable it or install it, or the page just doesn't load. And I know that it isn't just the site I'm … | |
Hello. This is probably something very simple that I am missing (Or something that I have done wrong), but upon filling in and validating all fields of the form and pressing the "Register" button nothing happens; Usually the page would reload as if the form had been submitted. The code … | |
Is there anyway i can change this code to a ajax format? $(document).ready(function(){ $("td[contenteditable=true]").blur(function(){ var msg = $(".alert"); var newvalue = $(this).text(); var field = $(this).attr("id"); $.post("update.php",field+"="+newvalue,function(d){ var data = jQuery.parseJSON(d); msg.removeClass("hide"); if(data.status == 200){ msg.addClass("alert-success").removeClass("alert-danger"); }else{ msg.addClass("alert-danger").removeClass("alert-success"); } msg.text(data.response); setTimeout(function(){msg.addClass("hide");},1000);//It will add hide class after 3 seconds }); }); … | |
Hello. I am rebuilding a registration page and the accompanying form. I am at a point of implementing jQuery for password validation. It will not validate nor does it give error messages. I have researched this on other sites but nothing so far seems to work at all. Please see … | |
# Determine if a namespace/variable-name exists # ## Check for namespace existence in your environment variables and objects before writing to them. ## **Guess if "Book1.chapter22.paragraph37" exists without provoking errors and retrieve/send data if it exists with simplest JS expressions.** Call syntax: isNS( [string], [num] ); Example: var nsresult = … | |
I´m still new to javascript.For training purpose I have inserted part of a javascript(lines 23 to 31) code into my html file and it works the windows.alert and number 12 shows But when i uncomment parts of it (lines 26 to 28) that javascript code doesnt work well again,the windows.alert … | |
Is it possible to implement Google maps like website in PHP using Google maps Api v3?? Please help me | |
Viewing source im getting _gaq.push statement like this **_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Tutor_account', 'Worksheet_assigned', '2307', '1']);** I have included js and setaccount details. | |
Hi, I have been trying to save the state of a sortable list. I have been able to save the sort order to localStorage and get the sort order so that I can display it on the console but I cannot get it to be the order it was last … | |
i am creating a program that will help user when they are doing survey during the survey they enter for example from 1 to 25 value in text box1 the text box 2 should show 1st Grad if user enter value from 25 to 50 in same text box should … | |
I'm trying to create a webpage to help teacher determine CLO and PLO for exam questions First user will type the keyword in text box and select the chapter CLO() function will start the AJAX the result should be a CLO Number in CLO column and PLO options in PLO … | |
Following is the javascript that will change the images in a specific time function startTime() { var timerid = 0; var images = new Array("CSS/Images/shy-baby.jpeg", "CSS/Images/yao-ming.png", "CSS/Images/success.jpg"); var countimages = 0; if (timerid) { timerid = 0; } var tDate = new Date(); if (countimages == images.length) { countimages = … | |
Hello, I am experimenting with implementing jQuery to validate my form (I hired a programmer one year ago to do this but it seems she made a mess of it so I am attempting to rebuild it.) I have multiple fields in my form and I wish many of them … | |
Sir I using Gallery Slider from this link http://www.a2zwebhelp.com/jquery-auto-image-rotator It works fine but after sometime Google Chrome displays this error message Either Chrome ran out of memory of or the process for the webpage was terminated for some other reason. How to overcome this error message message. I have these … | |
Excuse me, I want to ask how to make javascript countdown doesn't reset when page refresh?? thank you in advance | |
I need your suggestion on something. I want to display a 'message notification' on my menu bar. I want it to be like the Facebook message notification. When I have a new message, '1' should show close to the message menu e.g. 'Message 1' (I can use CSS to style … | |
I have saved a javascript in notepad with an .htm extension. When I go to file then open and type in the file name, it just opens up a it as an address in the address bar. I want to run the program in internet explorer, how do I do … |
The End.