381 Topics
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May I ask if there already broadband connections that uses USB or HDMI the connection medium of a modem or router or gateway of a certain house to the node or exchange? I would like to also chat with you for open discussion forum at this email address aldrich.uy.g@gmail.com | |
I have an arris cable router that supports both 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, I used tools to find out which channel for each I should be using in my case it is cannel 1 for the 2.4 and channel 44 for the 5. On wifi i get a down … | |
I have an arris cable router that supports both 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, I used tools to find out which channel for each I should be using in my case it is cannel 1 for the 2.4 and channel 44 for the 5. On wifi i get a down … | |
Hi guys! I have the following problem: I cannot get my PC (Win10) to communicate with other devices in my network (most importantly with the NAS) Here's my setup: http://i.imgur.com/zkpvzT9.jpg?1 (Black lines are Ethernet cables, most running inside walls) My problem: I cannot get my PC (in Room A) to … | |
There are some tutorials below, will it working for parked domain, or only for addon & subdomain? http://www.ndimensionz.com/kb/dedicated-ip-to-parked-addon-domain-in-cpanel/ http://www.prajith.in/how-to-assign-a-dedicated-ip-to-a-sub-domain-or-add-onpark-domain/ http://thelinuxfaq.com/183-assign-dedicated-ip-to-subdomain-parked-domain-addon-domain-in-whm there is also a thread asking this in 2008 https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/parked-domain-on-different-ip-address.93537/#post-424165 : The main domain does have its own IP Address, but I need the domain that is parked on the … | |
Usually a few times a day, but sometimes a couple of times an hour, I loose connectivity, and my wireless icon displays a yellow exclamation point. I changed my wireless card from a Broadcom to a Atheros, which improved things because the old one never reconnected by itself but the … | |
Hello, Currently I am using my computer as a webserver, as I own an IP I have made the config to access it from outside. So now I can access my php sripts via http://MY_PUBLIC_IP:PORT/site.php The weird thing is that I cant get the visitors IP This script is working … | |
I am new to the edgerouter and I know zero CLI which is hurting me quite a bit right now because I do not understand most of this, so here goes. I am running an Edgerouter ERLite running 1.6.0 FW and I have 2 modems from the cable company each … | |
this just what happen a moment a go, i turned on my wireless router(dlink dir-600) then turned my laptop, but the problem is i cant connect to the internet, so what i did is restarted my router(BTW my wimax modem is connected and has good signal strength) but i got … | |
Hi Guys! I want to seek advice on how to deploy a Firewall Appliance side-by-side with a cisco router. The topology is like this. Cisco Router -> Firewall Appliance -> VLAN SW. I have already created a transit link between the units. The firewall appliance can see the router interface … | |
Lightning struck! Laptop, modem and printer died... Got new WiFi router with broadband. Got new Lenovo laptop with Windows 8. Connected router successful. All lights green for go! Open Google Chrome to connect to my favorites. Refuses to connect to my sites... what now, how do I play my poker … | |
How can I get the Machine IP of visitors of my website logged. I've used function getIp(){ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if($ip){ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } return $ip; } BUt what I get is my server IP. Thanks | |
. Saturday - 23-Aug-'14 . I have an extra LinkSys WRT54G WiFi ROUTER. . I wish to use it as an amplifier/EXTENDER/REPEATER in conjunction with another WRT54G equipped with range-expanding antennas. . Is this possible ? ? . | |
![]() | I could think of half a dozen places this could start this conversation. I don’t believe the problem is hardware related, but the information that I am getting from my customer doesn’t convince me that it is vendor (AT&T DSL) related either. I maintain a small office with 5 computers … |
We've been having a strange issue with my brother in-law's laptop. We have 2 separate wireless networks in our house, but his laptop will only "see" one of them. All other devices like phones and other laptops can connect to both networks without a problem. There's no mac filtering set … | |
Hi guys, i was told that with the right settings of Qos in my router, i can prioritize the internet speed between online gaming or watching videos or browsing etc.. but what i want is to give a high priority to my pc among other pc's connected to my router. … | |
Hi everyone. I got a situation here. Usually making a T-SQL(using sqlclient) on a server is very simple in vb.net if you have access to a sever. But I got this problem, where in a computer does not have access to that server but need to make a T-SQL on … | |
Hello, I really need help getting my ZyXEL router to forward the ports I need. I have tried going to Network > NAT > Port Forwarding and setting up the correct information, doesn't work. I've tried disabling the firewall on Security > Firewall > Active Firewall (unchecked), doesn't work. WAN … | |
I have a Verizon FiOS Internet line coming into my office here at DaniPad, and it has a block of 5 static IPs (x.x.x.18 - x.x.x.22) that I'm paying for. The line is connected to a switch. Also connected to the switch, among other things (such as our security system), … | |
Back in the eighties, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ([DARPA](http://www.darpa.mil/)) spent more than a billion dollars in an attempt to create what was, in effect, Skynet. You know, the self-aware artificial intelligence system that goes bad in The Terminator movie. DARPA called it the Strategic Computing Initiative, but it … | |
Hi! I am learning about subnet mask. How should I get 12th subnet from this IP address? To do it I guess first of all I have to know block address of 20. Ok block address of 20 is 16. So 256 - 16 = 240. So subnet mask … | |
router is able to display list of devices that are connected to the wifi,which could be a pc or mobile....but is it possible to hide our device from being displayed on the list | |
In our network we have two gateways one for accessing local intranet sites and other for accessing internet.we use static routing in individual pc to access both the routes.we are facing problem that one intranet site http://np41http1.xyx.abc.co.in:8103/SAP(bD1lbiZjPTQwMCZkPW1pbg==)/ryt/default.htm .we susscessfully ping the site from ip addess and tracert is also done … | |
Hello! I have a remote database that will be accessed through a client program. The thing is, I want the client to auto detect the IP Address of the machine where the database is located, so that when I initialize the value of my connection string it would be like … | |
Hello I'm trying to add coding to my site so that someone can visit it, see everything on the site, but get banned so that when they come back they can't see anything anymore. My guess is they have to be banned after visiting. I tried this code but it … ![]() | |
I need to connect two computer. 1 wireless router 1 Desktop connected to router ethernet port 1 laptop connected to router wirelessly I want to share files/drive. How do I do it. | |
i enterd static ip in modem and connect my 3 computers to that modem with automatically confic of system ip so now i want to access my one computer through any where via internet please let know how i do this | |
GNS3 is a Graphical Network Simulator that allows emulation of complex networks. You may be familiar with VMWare, VirtualBox or Virtual PC that are used to emulate various operating systems in a virtual environment. These programs allow you to run operating systems such as Windows XP Professional or Ubuntu Linux … | |
Posted this question once and cannot find the reply... Looking for the guidance that would allow one to program a router so that it acts as a receiver. The user could then use a wired port and connect a desktop. Have a Westell Modem/Router Model A90-750015-07 Rev "W" and write … | |
hi guys, i'm currently working on a project wherein i would enter a router's configuration using vb i've tried it on my netgear router by calling putty using vb and manually typing the commands on the console what i want to know is, if i'm using a software like packet … |
The End.