381 Topics

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Sometimes I really love living in the English countryside. The fresh air, the sheep and horses at the bottom of the garden, the lack of crime, the sense of community that still exists in a small village, the lack of seriously fast broadband. Ah, yes, that's not so good is …

Member Avatar for Thinka
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

...with the idea that the world is coming crashing down around our shoulders, particularly with IT stocks falling and banks making tech staff redundant, let's have a think about one particular story. The EU is going to try to get [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7637215.stm"]broadband to every house[/URL] on the continent from which I …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for happygeek

The UK Government's broadband advisory group has published a report which suggests the cost of deploying fibre based broadband in the UK will be as high as £28.8 billion... The [URL="http://www.broadbanduk.org/"]Broadband Stakeholder Group[/URL] report, produced by Analysis Mason, looks at the various costs of various technological options for providing next-generation …

Member Avatar for Diguelo
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

On a Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend, Comcast released its latest volley against its customer base, announcing a 250 GB monthly download limit. According to reports, after the first violation, you will get a message from your friends at Comcast warning you about your dastardly behavior (aka using the …

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[URL="http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/05/21/vole-loses-alcatel-lucent"]According to The Inquirer[/URL] Microsoft has lost the long running Alcatel-Lucent patent case. The US International Trade Commission has ruled against Microsoft in the case which accused Alcatel-Lucent of violating four Microsoft patents concerning IP-based phone software. The ITC concluded that "there is no violation of section 337" which refers …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Computerworld is [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9071638&source=rss_news6"]reporting the possibility[/URL] of a worm or bot in the wild that is specifically targeting D-Link branded routers. It refers to a three year old vulnerability which Symantec security researchers believe is being exploited by a new exploit. Apparently, the Symantec security response team has seen an increase …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been estimated that something in the region of 70 percent of the ATMs in current use are based not on the proprietary hardware, software and communication protocol platforms of old but instead on PC/Intel hardware and commodity operating systems, the most popular being Windows XP embedded. In fact, …

Member Avatar for ShaneW
Member Avatar for newsguy

Although there has been no great fuss made, no pin badges sold and no banners waved, Monday 4th February is for all intents and purposes the day IPv6 grows up. Because from that day, IPv6 IP addresses will be able to be directly translated into domain names and vice versa, …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Yesterday we looked at the 2008 technology spending market from the small business side. To be charitable, things look "iffy" for IT spending -- at least during the first six months of the year. Now it appears that, from the technology side of the market, 2008 could be a mixed …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

If McDonalds can advertise, “Over 1 billion served” on each of its restaurants signs, then why can’t Comcast, Verizon, Sprint and the rest of the broadband world say the same thing? Well, technically, soon they can. That after a new report from Strategy Analytics that estimates over one billion broadband …

Member Avatar for blessy
Member Avatar for happygeek

That depends, to be honest, on which Internet you are talking about. For most of us mere mortals the answer will vary, depending upon how fat the pipe connecting us to the Internet is and how many people are downloading video streams over it at any given moment in time. …

Member Avatar for deathlemon
Member Avatar for SpectraLeper

Since I began reading science-fiction, my dream was that we would enter the era of [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaverse"]complete connectivity[/URL], where web access would be plentiful and robust. Being able to be online anywhere would lead us to a greater sense of community and understanding. When mobile broadband became widely available in the …

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Member Avatar for John A

You've likely heard of the whole commotion that was caused over Apple's usage of the iPhone name, which was a trademark of Cisco. Well, the funny thing is that the whole deal is over, and Cisco has really lost. Well, not officially, as a statement from the 2 companies was …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

If you believe the results of a study by those chaps over at the USC-Annenberg School Centre for the Digital Future, the answer to the question posed in this blog posting title is 43% of Americans. That is the number of people who took part in the survey, were already …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Well, maybe for a week or three anyway. That is the theory being bandied around wherever more than three geeks assembly for longer than 10 minutes, or so it seems. Perhaps it is just the company I keep. However, is there any merit in the idea that Vista, and specifically …

Member Avatar for MartyMcFly

Jon Jacobs has spent $100,000 on his own Virtual Nightclub, within Online Role-Playing game "Project Entropia". The winning bid for the space station he plans to use is currently being built within the game. Project Entropia, is a virtual world, with 236,000 players, who convert real cash to in-game dollars, …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

It is tempting to think that, as technology improves and access because less expensive, the use of fast internet access will become more widespread. Research, however, shows that this is not happening, and that broadband uptake has slowed dramatically. John Horrigan, Director of Research with Pew Internet & American Life …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

Imagine turning on your radio, and instead of hearing music or your sports program, you hear a buzzing noise that is more annoying than static. You try to tune in your favorite station, but you cannot hear it anymore until you drive out of town, or perhaps you need to …

Member Avatar for rwray
Member Avatar for Danny

It looks like internet access prices will remain steady, and could even rise, in the near future. The [url=http://www.fcc.gov]Federal Communications Commission[/url] ruled in favor of corporate America today, saying that phone companies no longer need to share high speed data lines with independent internet service providers at discounted rates. The …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for Danny

There has been a lot of hype about former Vice President Al Gore’s revolutionary television network – [url=http://www.current.tv]Current_[/url]. In late July, Current_ went live after being anticipated since early April. The network is said to be like no other TV network around; it’s not news, it’s not fiction, and it’s …

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Member Avatar for sid78669

Hey, In my college, the internet is accessible after you connect to the college's (open/public) wireless network and login using a web page that opens up when you try to open sites without logging in. I am trying to set that feature for my home network, but have not been …

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The End.